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Everything posted by Green

  1. @Blade congratulations!
  2. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 5 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) All vs All Box ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Laza ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) Ferii ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  3. Starting Bid -> 1.500.000$ Screens -> https://imgur.com/a/KPpt8zo Near SR Near Airport
  4. Username: maleta26 Last Seen: 30th September 2018 Screen: https://imgur.com/a/CVvvmMW
  5. Username: maleta26 Last Seen: 30th September 2018 Screen: https://imgur.com/a/zbwWEFn
  6. ignore this post
  7. Username: maleta26 Last Seen: 30th September 2018 Screen: https://imgur.com/a/zbwWEFn
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytqVrVeCFx0
  9. Can any admin add me to Donator Spawn ?
  10. Thanks @nicus
  11. Username: dian96 Last Seen: 8th September Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/hDpJxBo
  12. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 20.00 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Thats first. Why do you need to change the location: I'm hanging on LS more than LV Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2719/donation-greenboi-furkanzhlp-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3367/donation-green-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A Part II: What I Want to be Removed: LV Airport Maverick Part III: What I Want to be Added LS Airport Shamal ( Color:#00ff00 Added players : thedogukan15 emresx34 ) Username: furkanzhlp
  13. Donator In-Game Name: Green Donator Account Name: Furkanzhlp Donation: 10.00 GBP Transaction ID : 9UA7422064027903M Requested Rewards: 1M Ingame Cash 1 Alpha ( not yet decided. After decided i ll show in game)
  14. Username: omarikiller79212 Last Seen: 27th January 2018 Screen Shot: https://imgur.com/a/PTQcloF
  15. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 4 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) PizzaBoy Race ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Zombie ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) Shunin ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  16. ^[Application for Cluckin' Bell] In-game name: Green Account name: Furkanzhlp Age: 19 Gender: Male Country of residency: Republic of Turkey From how long are you playing SAES: More than 3 years Since when are you playing GTA:SA I used to play 5 years ago. But I stopped playing MTA after 1 year and I started playing again 2 months after. How well do you speak English?: Enough for playing SAES also if i rate 6/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?: Turkish Tell us about something about yourself: My name is Furkan. I am 19 years of age, I live in Turkey. My side interests are Coding, Playing PC games and I like sports. I am bad at reaching with people sometimes. I like playing games like FPS, BattleRoyale, and RolePlaying Games. I'm great at teamwork. Also, I quit school for a year and I'm not attending it this year. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: I can't be easily to angry.I try to be honest about everything.I'il do my best in team work. Weaknesses: That being silent sometimes can be my weakness. Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: N/A Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? No i haven't. Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: I think I can improove myself with this group What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: Free worker :) What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? Nothing Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Yes,I do. Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Tapi and Rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Eat till you say, "No please".
  17. @Brophy Can you accept my donator group request.
  18. Tapi Good luck mate.
  19. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 3 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Fallout ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Legend ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @SheraP ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  20. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 2 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Chicken Shooter ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Dufabo ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @Legend ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  21. Username: racetech Last Seen : 8th November 2017 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/lkLhphg
  22. Good luck :)
  23. maestroswidi 8th September 2018 https://imgur.com/eGUg1xq
  24. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 1 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Rhino Shooter ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Ramos ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) SAPA|Enemy ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
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