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Everything posted by Green

  1. ^[] ^[RECRUITMENT STATUS: ~[OPEN]~(green)] Radio Name Straight Outta Grove Street Radio Tag Name|SogsFM Founders @Green & @Dodoo & @balamirrr Discord https://discord.gg/qErTAB2 Motto "All the balances will be reversed!" - Straight Outta Grove Street Color Code #a0e590 Back Story In June 1992 Families living in grove street , young blood's was already in love with HipHop music. The famous artists SnoopDogg , Eazy-E , Dr.Dre , IceCube , PublicEnemy , 2Pac and more of these Rap'n HihHop stars did a lot of good tracks and albums to make it. People living in East LS was so fall into that already. And people started to changing their life to famous stars lifestyle. In April 2002 The kids has grown up but their taste of music never changed. They wanted to make their own music but they didn't have money to do that. So they did people do in streets. They stole , the Johnson brothers was protecting them , so no one could do anything to them , because they were part of Grove St. After hittin top tracks , they went Outta GroveSt. In October 2013 They've already got top 10 hit tracks at LS Billboard the group had 3 heads. They wanted to make it bigger so they created SogsFM. Straight Outta GroveSt. They were planning to rent an office and product a radio station. In April 2016 The 3 main head was already started to Playing the hit Tracks and musics at their radio station , income was great , also they've recruited people who addicted to it. Dj's , Managers. So now they have all the equipment they need and ready to roll. Streaming around Los Santos wasn't enough for them. They've decided to do this around Regions , LV and SF they hired people for doing this job as DJ or just Street Thugs. And now they stretched their hands to the limit. And rollin throught! How To Play Our Radio ? M > Radio > CustomURL > > Play Our Rosters; ~[Leaders / Founders / HQs]~(red) @Green (Founder) @Dodoo (Founder & Leader) @balamirrr (Founder & subLeader) DJ @Lucifer (DJ) @Rocker (DJ) @GanJa (DJ) @Sethesta (DJ) VIP DJ @Staifi ( VIP DJ ) @Karma ( VIP DJ ) @Legend ( VIP DJ ) @Castiel ( VIP DJ ) OUR PROPERTIES Groove street; (with a donatior vehicle) APPLICATION FORMAT; **Account Name:** **In-game Name:** **Nationality:** **Age:** **Rate your English skills (1-10):** **Do you have a good quality microphone:** **What type of music you like ?** **Tell us something about yourself:** **Can you suggest a music to us (Youtube Link) ?**
  2. Starting Bid -> 1.500.000$ Daily Income -> 12.000 Screens->
  3. Username: ahmedwaleed Last Seen: 11th October 2018 Screen: https://imgur.com/a/wFG1lrZ
  4. Sorry but Deleted
  5. Starting Bid -> $800.000 Screens ->
  6. Not finished yet. He isnt meeted at me in game.So auction time extended 2 hours.
  7. @Reggi Meet me in game pls.
  8. In-game name Green Username furkanzhlp Age 19 Nationality Turkey Previous bans/punishments N/A Why you think you would be suitable for the role I'm a very old player.I'm playing at the first opening of VengeangeAngels but im breaked playing when VA get level 2.I am really active in game. Also i love helping players.Generally always active on forum/discord.I check it every 5 or 10 minutes :) I'm looking for something to make my game more fun.I apply for thinking that this may be SAHA
  9. Auction will ends tomorrow!
  10. BTW; U can spawn car on icon.
  11. Sorry but Deleted
  12. Sorry but Deleted
  13. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 9 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Land on My Car ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Sam ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 3 rounds $500.000 each round ( $1.500.000 ) ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @SheraP , @SheraP , @SheraP ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) https://imgur.com/a/NyTkc9o
  14. Starting Bid -> $2.000.000 Daily Income -> $6.000 Screens ->
  15. Username: midot19 Last seen:5th October 2018 Screen : https://imgur.com/a/xyAYKH6
  16. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 8 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Hunter Shooter ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Dufabo ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @Petrow ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  17. Best of luck :)
  18. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 7 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) 1vs1 Air Fight ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @MatizZ ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.500.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @pazoo ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  19. Starting Bid: 950.000$ Daily income: 7,600$ SS https://imgur.com/a/9l1n2d8
  20. ~[Event Number #]~(lime,green,black) 6 ~[Event Type #]~(lime,green,black) Rhino Shooter ~[Helper #]~(lime,green,black) @Ramos ~[Prize(s) #]~(lime,green,black) 1.000.000 ~[Winner(s) #]~(lime,green,black) @RikKi ~[Screenshoot(s) #]~(lime,green,black) ::: :::
  21. GZ @SoulFly :)
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