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Everything posted by Green

  1. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 10.08.2024 Screenshots
  2. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 10.08.2024 Screenshots
  3. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 10.08.2024 Screenshots
  4. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 10.08.2024 Screenshots
  5. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 10.08.2024 Screenshots
  6. Participants: @Green Duration: 12min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  7. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  8. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  9. Participants: @Green Duration: 11min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  10. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  11. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  12. Vehicle ID: 415 (Cheetah) Wrap access: furkanzhlp Type of wrap: Custom Thread for reward change: i have unused points from this topic Wrap image: https://i.imgur.com/ja9Vogl.png Translations: (if custom wrap) texts from cars movie.
  13. +40 points from here Total number of donation points updated: 220
  14. This is an automated post for: Green Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  15. Participants: @Green Duration: 13min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  16. Participants: @Green Duration: 12min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  17. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  18. Construction Title: Party @LVX RP/Activity Number: #6 Number of objects: 145 Link to pastebin: N/A Screenshots:
  19. Participants: @Green Duration: 20min Activity: Refilling Gas Stations Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  20. Participants: @Green Duration: 11min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  21. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Refilling Gas Stations Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  22. Participants: @Green Duration: 10min Activity: Refilling Gas Stations Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  23. Participants: @Green Duration: 13min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 09.08.2024 Screenshots
  24. Raceflag - 08/08/2024- #1319
  25. Raceflag - 08/08/2024- #1318
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