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Everything posted by Markus

  1. @JohnnyEnglish said in Show us yourself V3: ::: ::: After seeing Indian restaurant menus Alt text
  2. hbd kaseke! :flag-ee: eestibeesti :flag-ee: kebab lover
  3. @ChasinTLSN said in Donation Rewards: MY MEME
  4. Hello! The longly awaited clan wars have finally decided to open the registration for the teams. We'd like to apologize for the waiting time as we were and currently are trying to sort out our longly awaited spawn! But for now, bare with me as I explain everything about the clan wars. Most of the stuff remains the same, 5 players per team and 1 captain (5 in total). Winners of the wars will get a 100.000.000$ prize and also will be declared as the 2019 Winter ClanWars winners. The Registration fee is 15.000.000$! If your clan is interested in taking apart of it, fill out the given format and prepare your money. The fee must be paid either to Markus, Nirhjor or Xavier. TOURNAMENT FEE MUST BE PAID BY THE CAPTAIN! Clan name: Clan captain and username: Clan members: Do you agree with our rules and the payment of the registration fee?: Anything we need to improve?: ~[BETTING AND PARTICIPATION RULES!]~(red) FOR THOSE WHO BET You should put the money you bet to the Lounge Bank before the last hour match day. For this, be sure you contact one of the Lounge Managers or LoungeTV Members. You can bet minimum 500.000$ and maximum 25.000.000$ You are not allowed to talk with any of the teams having a match which you are betting for. Any type of scams will end up in a ban from all Lounge activities and a report to the SAES Staff. Do not give your money to Individual Shareholders. They are not responsible for Lounge bank. You can not cancel your bet after its confirmation. You can neither decrease nor increase your bet after confirming it. You can not change your team you bet for (after confirmation). You have 4 days period to take your bet price. Don't come to us after 4 days for your bid that you won. Whoever bets maximum money (25m) will now receive a free ticket to the match. The user can also share his ticket with someone else. Take screenshots when you send the money. Don't cry for your confirmation. And yeah just advice, take screens... Always! Do not cry for your money if you lose the bet. Thanks. FOR THOSE WHO TAKE PART IN MATCHES You are not allowed to bet on the enemy team at your own match. You are able to bet on yourself by the way. The rule decreases the scam risk. The lounge has the right to stop the match whenever they want to. Don't even try to sell the game. Any type of scams will end up in a ban from all Lounge activities and a report to the SAES Staff. Any kind of retardish action or rage will end up in disqualification and the game will be count as 3-0 lose. If the team doesn't show up in the time they will have to pay a 10.000.000$ penalty and the results will be counted as a direct win for the opponent team. Golden Round means last round, the attacker will still attack and the defender will still defend. Players with ping more than 200 will not be allowed to take part in. However, we are not responsible for ping changes in the middle of the match. Substitutions are allowed after each round end. You can not invite someone in your g/s/c before the match. If you are participating in a match before making an agreement with the lounge, you will not receive your winner prize after the match. This will continue until you finish the agreement. The betting topic will be made until most of the clans have registered. The deadline is in 2 weeks until then keep practicing and be ready for battle. Good luck. - CFO & Executive of Lounge INC, Markus
  5. Selling this huge parking lot located in central Los Santos. Starting bid is 80.000.000$ and may be increased each time by 1.000.000 If you'd like to snatch it right away, it's on sale for a whopping 100.000.000$ ::: picture credit to tutty frutty :::
  6. GS4L! Good luck, topic is unique and well done
  7. Involved SAI members: Lieutenant Hawk (Markus) & SPTU-008 (Kim) Other involved people: Antirug Date, time and duration of activity: 22.10.2019 & 1 hour. Activity type: Mafia base raid. Details: I recently got a call from the SAPD Officials that there was a word going around the city that an old-school Mafia has been working around and is exporting drugs from the USA to Europe which isn't good as it can ruin the relations between the two continents. The Mafia was notorious for human trafficking, money laundering and also drug producing. As everything, so has the Mafia has evolved, they now have a lot of systems to export drugs and make money in general. Here's a picture that we managed to get of the Commission of the Mafia: I quickly rang my partner that was on duty and also a wannabe that is trying to get into the team named Antirug. They responded quite fast and then we went inside so I could tell and discuss what is about to happen. The mission was simple, they were located in central Los Santos, it was their main base and also a place where they produced drugs. Only concerns we had that they might use firearms so we geared up and left the Headquarters. We went with an armored enforcer. When we arrived, I tried to picklock the door but sadly it was a really good lock that was impossible to picklock so we had to go hard. I drove my enforcer through the wall and then we rushed straight it. We heard a glass breaking which most likely meant the escape of them which was kinda good for us since we just needed pictures and information, not to capture anyone. We moved around and it was, in fact, true, Antirug noticed that there was a huge hole in the window that they escaped thru. We still moved forwards until the Boss's room which literally had piles of cocaine, guns, and money. Took pictures once again. It seemed that the Boss's were out of town today since usually, they start a fire war between the cops and them. The place was massive, it was also well hidden. I got a notification that they might be moving in soon, we had to escape which we did and moved back to the SAI HQ. Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 Pounds. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: Over a month ago Why do you need this change? Because I want an Ambulance Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8278/donation-markus-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9982/reward-change-2 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9158/donation-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11899/markus-3-vehicle-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Ambulance Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) LS Parking-lot, named Polse parking lot or something like that. Owned by me. Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Damaged Glenade Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Will show in-game Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES CAN BE ADDED THROUGH THE DONATION PAGE, AS CAN MODS, COLOURS, ETC.) kalevipoeg Interior:
  9. @Vennelle @Arctic said in Well It's Done xD: I honestly highly doubt you've gotten permission from Rewind to copy the main LSC logo and make your own of it. I knew Rewind personally and I find it very suspicious that you come out of nowhere claiming to have gotten permission from him 5 years later to copy paste the whole topic (aside from your banners which are made from the main logo) and make it your own. The old topic is here https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/49357-the-lakeside-crew-~-apply-here/.
  10. Involved SAI members: C.Perez (Markus), S.Hayward (Niceez), J.Drenth (Ramby) Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 20.10.2019 & 40 minutes Activity type: Patrol & Speed camera. Details: We all started out in the SAI HQ as a convoy and went towards the Las Venturas Cross. After that, we split up and went patrolling around the state. It was early morning so it was quite quiet. We decided to set up a double speed camera to see if the suspect speeds up and stuff. Not many people passed by, some did and went with the right speed limit, 125 M/PH. But then came this one Mexican businessman who went 167 M/PH. We instantly turned our sirens and lights on and went after him. Luckily he pulled over. After stopping the car and going towards the suspect to talk to him. He was quite aware of what he had done. He didn't try to lie and confessed everything. But as soon as Sergeant Drenth asked for the suspect's paperwork and license, he decided to speed off and that's where the pursuit started. It wasn't a long one but it took some time. Sergeant Hayward popped the suspect's tires with his personal gun and then the car flipped and the suspect was on foot trying to run away. We shot him with rubber pellets which helped us to slow him down. Eventually, we tazed him, handcuffed him and delivered him to the nearest PD for investigation. After all of that came our lunch break. Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. @Thing said in Well It's Done xD: And I oop. skskskkskksks
  12. Backstory isn't made by you for sure, good luck anyways
  13. I can't tell if you're a troll or have a serious lack of brain cells
  14. @Yoko_Kurama Show off the big guns :P
  15. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus) Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 10.10.2019 & Like, 50 minutes or so Activity type: Patrol Details: I just got off training the new cadets in the LSPD and decided to head home with my police car as the Chief of SAI was ok with it that I bring it home today. When I was going home towards Las Venturas. I saw a brownish Luxury vehicle do an illegal U-Turn on the highway. I put my sirens and lights on and followed him until he pulled over. After he pulled over and got out of his car I patted him down to make sure that he has nothing on him that might turn out to be dangerous towards me. He was totally OK with it. I asked did he do the U-Turn, he thought it was legal so he was a bit confused. I asked for his driver's license and car insurance, he handed them to me and everything was valid. His criminal history was also clean. I decided to let him go with a verbal warning due to the fact that he co-operated with me and was kind. ::: :::
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