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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Happy birthday bud, have a great one :champagne:
  2. @Freezoom said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Freezoom said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: :honk:
  3. @Bangas said in [SUGESTION]Properties deleting/ForSale: @Markus said in [SUGESTION]Properties deleting/ForSale: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7341/house-removals?page=1 i know about the existence of that topic, the point is to end with that and leave the SAHAs free to do other stuff Quite sure that there are enough SAHA Agents to cover all of the duties, if we'd think like this, there'd be no point of SAHA in general
  4. Kinda already have a topic dedicated to it and active SAHA Agents https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7341/house-removals?page=1
  5. Honestly, I think it's a waste of time to spend scripting on since there are some discords that also have a car market and you can sell yours on the SAES discord too (#buy-sell-trade) I'd rather see something else, like a different security system for the cars since it happens a lot when a car is left unlocked so people can test it but some of them decide to hijack it instead This idea could be convenient but like, eh :d
  6. Happy birthday Mr. Field Marshal! Have a great one :champagne:
  7. Wasn't around when the blips were for everyone but I really don't like the idea, cops can track you easier too Although I'd love to hear some people why they would like this to be back, so neutral for now
  8. As the recent update which inflated the prices of an Arms Dealer vs an Ammo Nation, it's smarter to buy from an Ammo Nation now. But as you can only buy like, 10x at a time via clicking, it tends to be quite annoying if you're stocking up your disc. @JohnnyEnglish also said that it's possible to script that we could buy bulk in Ammo Nation. So, I suggest adding a feature where we can buy in bulk (Just like from the Arms Dealer) in the Ammo Nation.
  9. New SAI Discord server (Had to make a new one due to leadership issues) https://discord.gg/u3gj2Ya
  10. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez Other involved people: Thomas Garcia [ @AntiRug ] Date, time and duration of activity: 21-11-2019 & 51 minutes Activity type: Morning patrol Activity Details: I was sleeping until I called by my Commissioner that there is a Sheriff looking for a partner to patrol with, and also he is a try-out for our unit, SAI! I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and sat into our brand new Police SUV. I picked him up from the BCPD and then we were off. It was really quiet since it was around 11:30 AM which means there is no rush hour. Some cars were cruising around but they were fine since they were following the law. But, after a while, our stomachs got hungry since neither of us ate breakfast. We were off to BURGER SHOT where we picked up a Breakfast Special Meal and a Large Black Coffee, from the drive-thru. Thomas decided to pay for the meal out of generosity but I will pay for the next one. As it was a slow morning, we decided to enjoy our breakfast to the fullest. So, I drove to the North Cliffs of Las Venturas where we enjoyed the ocean view. After finishing our food, we were back on the road. We went to Los Santos <--> Las Venturas Highway to set up a little speedbump but that only lasted for around 20 minutes as our duties were over. Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez Other involved people: Luke Hobbs (@ElRastaMan17) Date, time and duration of activity: 20-11-2019 & Around 35 minutes or so. Activity type: State-wide patrol & Robbery Activity Details: I picked Luke up from the SAI HQ and then we were just cruising around the state. It was a really quiet night, I don't know why. We were almost entering San Fierro until Luke received a call from his wife saying that their house was robbed and it was a total mess. Usually, we are not supposed to respond to calls like these but this was urgent and we did. Sirens, lights, everything on and full-throttle towards their apartment complex in Las Venturas. As I mentioned before, it was quiet so traffic wasn't an issue. As soon as we arrived, we saw that the door was left open so I took out my M4A1-S and Luke went in with an M4 too. I covered him as he slowly approached the doorway. It was quiet, really quiet. Until we heard a scream from his wife! Luckily it was her screaming that she's fine and the robbers have left. Luke went to check the perimeter of the complex as I took pictures of the robbery, analyzed it and also called the LV Detectives Department to come onto the scene. The perimeter was clear and the robbers were gone, nothing that valuable was stolen besides the TV and a Laptop. ~[Luckily we captured some CCTV footage but the burglars' faces have been blurred due to privacy reasons:]~(maroon) Luke asked if he can stay home and clean that mess up. I said that it was fine as long as he reported his absence into the database. I went on with my day and finished it around 21:00 when my shift ended. Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 19-11-2019 & 30 minutes Activity type: State-wide patrol Activity Details: It was a really quiet evening as I just got on duty at the LSPD due to a meeting there. I decided to began it there since it would've just been a waste of time going back to our HQs. I was slowly entering Las Venturas and did a really quick pit-stop at our fuel station and also grabbed a coffee from the interior. I also saw one of our SPTU Unit members that were also going onto duty. Fuel tank full, got a coffee, and I'm ready to roll out. I decided to go towards the North of Las Venturas but all of a sudden I saw a Purple-Blue car that was on a little hill near the Las Venturas hospital. I went there and I saw that it was on and had the keys inside. It was most likely a ~[stolen vehicle]~(red) + a ~[Hit 'n' Run.]~(red). I transported the vehicle to the nearest garage and tried to get more information. Looks like it belonged to an old man named F. Georgenstein. He did say that his vehicle was indeed missing so I told him that he can claim is keys at the nearest Police Department as long as he brings an ID. I also took some DNA tests to see who stole the vehicle, the tests will be sent into a laboratory to be analyzed. After that, I went into a bush in Los Santos and set up a speed camera to catch some speeding hooligans! Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. ~[Keep in mind that the current Betting Officers are: Markus, Cappo, Mrwan, NRG, Crash, and Fattie! Do not be fooled by impersonators.]~(red)
  14. @TaffyC said in Show us yourself V3: Bonjour Alt text
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