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Everything posted by Markus

  1. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus) Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 09.10.2019 & 50 minutes. Activity type: Patrol Details: The patrol began around Las Venturas. As the clock was around 16:22, there wasn't much traffic nor people due to the fact that they're still at work. I moved to Los Santos and it was the same there. Gang activity was also relatively low. But all of a sudden I ran into an abandoned bike on the road next to Glen Park. I quickly put up some signs that would navigate the traffic to another lane and then I got to the bike. The keys were still in but the engine was off. I took the number plate and it belongs to Joseph Plankton. I did further investigation about the suspect and turns out he was out of the city to visit his family. He had no relatives here so I assume the bike was stolen. I called Mr. Plankton and he said he is in fact out of the country and no one else has access to his house to take the bike keys so it was, in fact, a stolen vehicle. I quickly called up Cuban Cars Impounding Services to assist me and transport it to the nearest Police Department. After that, I kept patrolling around but it was still quiet so I decided to go for a meal break. ::: :::
  2. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus) Other involved people: Speeding Citizens. Date, time and duration of activity: 08.10.2019 & 40 minutes or so. Activity type: Speedcamera checkpoint. Details: I got myself an unmarked police cruiser and went into a bush where I set up a speed-camera which I used to catch at least 60 people who went over the speed limit. ::: :::
  3. Event Type: Knock me off my NRG-500 LWS/G6: Legend Winner: NoFear Prize: 1.000.000$ Date & Time: 08.10.2019 & 21:37 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus) Other involved people: Omar and speeding citizens. Date, time and duration of activity: 08.10.2019 & 30 minutes. Activity type: RP Patrol Details: My patrol started from the SAI HQ and I went to a bush near the LS Bridge that goes towards LV and set-up a little speed camera that came in quite useful. A lot of citizens were speeding as the limit was set strictly to 100 KM/H. After some time of camping out in the bush, I decided to roll out and patrol around the state. It was pretty quiet due to the fact that it was rush hour usually at this time around but to my surprise. I didn't see many cars. After starting to move towards the desert. I saw a car pop out from the other side of the road and then speed. He luckily slowed down as I turned my lights and sirens on and pulled over. The suspect was a 23-year-old Arabic male, named Omar Hanerdz. He was calm but when I asked for his documents, sweat started to slowly drip down. I know he had something to hide. When I opened up the SAPD Criminal Record Database. I saw that he had a murder under his name. I went back to the car and asked about the homicide. He kept saying that he didn't commit it nor was responsible for it. He even got a bit angry. But, I had no intention to get into it as it had ~[[SOLVED]]~(lime) behind the case. His background was ruined because of the murder but I let him go easy this time since it was his first traffic offense. ::: :::
  5. @Tut-Greco said in [SUGGESTION] Money rewards for speedcam hits: i think the speeding fee should go to government instead could be an idea too
  6. @Vennelle said in [SUGGESTION] Money rewards for speedcam hits: Perhaps only an ability for the trafic officer spawn? +1 SAI spawns too pls
  7. Hey. So perhaps officers could get like, 500 dollars per speedcam hit from the speeder? I feel like the reward should not be high due to the fact it could be abused with a friend who is just going in and out. Leave your suggestions below.
  8. Would they be placed in your trunk as legitimate objects? If so, make it that if the trunk got shot then the car blows up
  9. some didn't even see the gang before it closed f
  10. Hello! As we recently ended the Gang Wars with team Delta being the winners of it. We have decided to make a Clan Wars too! But before we get into that, we wanted to mix things up a bit before we release the topic and all of the information. We are looking for a Mapper that could map some new maps for the players to fight in. They'd have to be done in-game since we'd need to code that could be available to later be uploaded before a match. There are some requirements due to your building panel, you either need to be a SAES Clan Member, Community Staff or ZIP Member. Of course, the mapper will be paid also put into our team if we'd need him later on, this stuff will be discussed in the private chat. If you're interested, please leave a message down below with your discord tag so we could contact you easily.
  11. Congratulations on your achievement!
  12. Selling this massive parking-lot in Los Santos. It is located under the LS-LV Highway. picture credits to @Tut-Greco
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