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Everything posted by Griffin

  1. Happy Birthday !
  2. Dear: @King You have a pretty good application and have shown maturity. The decision we made as members and HQ team is positive. Please meet me or any HQ+ in-game for further operations. Welcome aboard ! Application ~[Accepted.]~(lime) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  3. Dear; @Judyes Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application ~[Denied.]~(red) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  4. Dear; @Richard Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application ~[Denied.]~(red) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  5. Jailbreak#920 OB Members: Me, @Yoko_Kurama @Marso @Groove OB Helpers: @Candy @Cappo @Spetnazz @Krasava and others ... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Gfk8HeT
  6. Event Number: 32# Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS Helper: @zaza Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Hero ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/HXlhyD8
  7. Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6 : Zaza Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Hero ScreenShot:https://imgur.com/a/HXlhyD8
  8. Jailbreak#895 OB Members: Griffin OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LhJFvod
  9. Jailbreak#894 OB Members: Griffin OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mYrfVJl
  10. Jailbreak#893 OB Members: Griffin OB Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/khsKdgT
  11. Happy birthday my indian. Finally 5 !
  12. Application Under Review. Keep up.
  13. Dear: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN You have a pretty good application form and the activity is great. The decision we made as members and HQ team is positive. Please meet me or any sHQ+ in-game for further operations. Welcome aboard ! Application Accepted. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  14. Dear: @Juby You have a pretty good application and have shown maturity. The decision we made as members and HQ team is positive. Please meet me or any sHQ+ in-game for further operations. Welcome aboard ! Application Accepted. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  15. Dear @raafet Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application Denied. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  16. Dear @The-Best1 Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application Denied. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  17. Happy birthday ma abii
  18. Dear @LandShark Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application Denied. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  19. Congratulations @Jesse421 you didn't get caught this time
  20. Hermano hbd !
  21. @Griffin said in removed: @Griffin said in The Pirus - CLOSED: Not surprising.Same scenario and same people ..... Like I said 3 months ago... See you again when a new organization is you created Ah shit here we go again...
  22. Result Time ! Dear @Col123 The in-game performance is great. the feedback from our members is positive. Find sHQ + ingame for your test. Application ~[Pending]~(yellow) Dear @Samv You're under review. Hang out with our members and remember to use our assistant tag (203) Good luck ! Application ~[Under Review]~(gray) Best Regards Griffin THC HQ
  23. Event Number: 31# Event Type: Blind LMS LWS Helper: @KARIM Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): AdemBYGT ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/c4AglTG
  24. #869 Event Name : Blind LMS LWS/G6/CEO : @KARIM Winner : @AdemBygt Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : https://imgur.com/a/c4AglTG
  25. Dear @FoxZilla Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the hq team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application ~[Denied.]~(red) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
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