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Everything posted by Griffin

  1. Dear; @MouRiS Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application ~[Denied.]~(red) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  2. Dear; @sidahmed_dz Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application ~[Denied.]~(red) Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  3. Event Number: 37# Event Type: Cowboy Duel LWS Helper: @Blu Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Murtaza ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/bKaqC5N
  4. Event Number: 914# Event Type: Cowboy Duel LWS Helper: @Blu Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Murtaza ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/bKaqC5N
  5. Happy Birthday !
  6. Event Number: 36# Event Type: Cowboy Duel LWS Helper: @Epic Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Nexroth ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/YdM2PpH
  7. Event Number: #912 Event type: Cowboy Duel LWS: @Epic Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Nexroth Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YdM2PpH
  8. Dear: @DALIO You have a pretty good application and have shown maturity. The decision we made as members and HQ team is positive. Please meet me or any HQ in-game for further operations. Welcome aboard ! Application Accepted. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  9. Dear; @ReaperBF Unfortunately, the decision made by our members and the HQ team is a negative one for you. When you decide to become more active in the game, feel free to reapply. Application Denied. Best Regards Griffin SAM HQ
  10. Bank Roberry BC 8/8
  11. Event Number: 35# Event Type: Blind LMS LWS Helper: @Strong Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Petrow ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/DWfh0Jm
  12. #356 Event Type: Blind LMS LWS Helper: Strong Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Petrow ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/DWfh0Jm
  13. #353 Event Type: 10 vs 10 Dust2 LWS Helper: @zaza Prize(s): 2.000.000$ Winner(s): Team 49 ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/98ns2Uh
  14. Event Number: 34# Event Type: 10 vs 10 Dust2 LWS Helper: @zaza Prize(s): 2.000.000$ Winner(s): Team 49 ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/98ns2Uh
  15. ~[Massive JailBreak 100 min !!!]~(red) #1100 ** Outbreak Members: Griffin @Avengr @Kybali0n @Marso @Douglass @Pazoo @nicky @Beckham @Poxiran @Teller @Spartan @Poxiran @Bartman @Pontias Outbreak Helpers: @DALIO @SWT @LaZaR @Ovalles @Law @Silent @WitherDce @protonyt Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/x71b7Wy
  16. @Ganzory2 Please come with a better application next time. Application is ~[Denied]~(maroon,red)
  17. Good Job keep it up. Application Under Review
  18. Jailbreak #1098 ** Outbreak Members: Griffin Outbreak Helpers: @Morena @Erdogan @WitherDce Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/x71b7Wy
  19. Event Number: 33# Event Type: Cowboy Duel LWS Helper: @Dufabo Prize(s): 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Jokerulty ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/EB33AN3
  20. Jailbreak #1097 ** Outbreak Members: Griffin Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/chKo0j6
  21. #352 Event Type: Cowboy Duel Prize: $1.000.000 LWS/G6: Dufabo Winner(s): @Jokerulty Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/EB33AN3
  22. Jailbreak #1077 Outbreak Members: Me Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TmMzqG7
  23. Jailbreak #1076 Outbreak Members: Me Outbreak Helpers: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BAVnBej
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