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Everything posted by Griffin

  1. ** Section A: Information:** Nickname: Griffin Account name: zafer305 Age: 21 Primary Language: Turksh Current S/G/C and rank: BBMC (Members) Other RP groups you're in: DZ Terrorist Group Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words): San Andreas Medic is a group of Doctors founded by Dr.Joe Valachi and its the first responders to virtually every incident. And made to keep everyone in good health and in case there are accidents or injuries the SAM will be in the scene and the appropriate time to save people. Why was SAM founded? There was a shortage of equipment and monitors in health centers and hospitals. Dr. Joe Falashi would have done what no doctor dared to do, and medical directors were not qualified to direct medical personnel to the right places at the right time. Dr. Joe took over administrative duties for his new project, hired a specialized team of mechanics and built a better infrastructure to provide his assistants And stop the bloodshed. What is the SAM motto? always there when you need us most. Who founded SAM? Dr. Joel Valachi. alt text ** Section B: Theory:** 1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. Answer: I will contact all medical teams directly and without hesitation. I will contact the competent teams in natural disasters and inform them of the matter. I will try to be in the place at the time to protect the injured and save them quickly. 2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. Answer: I will get the ambulance and respond to the scene quickly. I'll start with minor injuries to the wounded I will clean the affected area with water and sterile bandages and I will take them to the hospital by the ambulance to start a quick operation to remove the bullet. 3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on the scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? Answer: when I arrived Start with dangerous situations? I will cover the wounds to stop the bleeding and then restrict it using bandages, I will connect the breathing machine to the patient to support the breathing process too and I make sure he's okey then I will call the medical team to support me for the rest. alt text ** Section C : Aptitudes:** 1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? : I will accept what he said and I will try to fix my faults 2.Why exactly are you applying today? actually, I found myself interested in this RP group and id like to join it I have a free time to be active as SAM. 3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? I like to Rp and is good at driving, flying. about my weakness, I don't think I have but I get timed out sometimes cause of my internet.. 4.Why should we accept you on our team? Because I am so motivated and creative roleplayer and I'm active and I could be a great add to the group.
  2. Activitiy:@Grizzly @Reus @DarkSideR @nori999 @Griffin @Spark @Meliodas @Mafyouza Activity Type : Jailbreak Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/xMUmZ28
  3. Username:isatcm Last Login:11th June 2017 ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/VK3GqnC
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