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Everything posted by Griffin

  1. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 165 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Special weapons -=(black,red)Story:=-There were special weapons we brought from Mexico.A Mexican gunman has been planning these weapons for four years.We caught them when they were about to sell them to the cops and confiscated them.We decided to sell the guns because we needed the money.At our meeting with gangs,At our meeting with gangs, "The Company" was the one who gave the best money.After we made the meet, we prepared the weapons and set off.We put the guns down and we take them to their storeroom.After we put the guns down, we went back down.We took our money and we left. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/UVvDOS0
  2. -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=-54 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/WNEvyos
  3. Username:ranger Last Seen:29th May 2018 https://imgur.com/a/PAaj2FF
  4. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 157 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Our brother's betrayal -=(black,red)Story:=-I was talking to my gang buddy.My phone rang,I found out the other gang guy was betraying us.He's telling the police about our secret information.He took a thousand dollars for it.Me and my friend went there.Our gang friend met with the police in a secret place.We got them.I asked my gang buddy why.He didn't answer.I got angry.We've decided to kill them both.I thought on the road.Should I have forgiven them ? The answer was no.Their punishment was death.I didn't pity them.We took them to a desolate place in the desert.They both cried.My friend wanted me to kill them.I put them down.And I killed them both.We left the bodies there and ran away. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/6zwk4XZ
  5. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-42 -=(black,red)Event Type:=-LMS -=(black,red)Event Prize:=-1.000.000 $ -=(black,red)G6/LWS:=-Ramos -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/q8hTx8d
  6. -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=-47 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/l1Cd8dk
  7. Good Luck
  8. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-40 -=(black,red)Event Type:=-All vs All Boxing -=(black,red)Event Prize:=-2.000.000 $ -=(black,red)G6/LWS:=-Nyx -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/RiqqJSI
  9. 2.5M
  10. Patrol: 13 Participants: System Patrol Duration: 40 min ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/SqbiYua
  11. Patrol: 12 Participants: None Patrol Duration: 30 min ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/VLC4i1w
  12. Patrol: 11 Participants: Scorpyo Patrol Duration: 45 min ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/9ciUIDy
  13. Patrol: 10 Participants: None Patrol Duration: 1 hours + ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/wYKEKxG
  14. Patrol: 9 Participants: Carter Patrol Duration: 30 min ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/seF6rwo
  15. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 121 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Death to the secret dealer in Club House -=(black,red)Story:=-One of our guys got caught selling drugs unaware of us.Leonidas called and immediately informed us.We discussed this issue.And we decided to kill him.He could not sell drugs without telling us.I told him to keep him.and we went to leonidas with soulfly.He was there when we left and he was trying to escape.Soulfly pointed a gun at him and deposited it.his punishment was death.I thought I'd give him another chance.But I could not.Because what he did was against the rules.He begged us.She said that the money we gave her was not enough.He promised not to do it again.But Soulfly didn't trust him.We took it to the area in the back.He was crying.Soulfly took aim at him.And he killed her.We loaded his body in the car and we buried it in the forest. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/X0tshpQ
  16. Patrol :8 Participants:Soulfly Patrol Duration: 1 hours + Screanshot: :https://imgur.com/a/9oqfE9G
  17. Patrol: 7 Participants: None Patrol Durations: 1 hours Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/andBv7j
  18. Patrol :6 Participants :Tut Patrol Duration: 40min Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/4o4RJ4e
  19. Patrol: 5 Participants: Dopeen Patrol Duration: 1 hours + Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/bIDmsE9
  20. Patrol: 4 Participants: None Patrol Duration: 20 min Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/FBM0bqh
  21. Patrol: 3 Participants: Zombie Patrol Duration: 45 min Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/8UP1DZx
  22. Patrol :2 Participants: System Patrol Duration: 30 min Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/F07kWQG
  23. Patrol: 1 Participants :None Patrol Duration: 1 hours + Screanshot: https://imgur.com/a/QCyPgCL
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