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DROT last won the day on October 30 2023

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About DROT

  • Birthday 04/01/1997

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  1. There are dozens upon dozens of SR spots all across the map. Although most of them are very neutral in their placing, some of them favor criminals and some of them favor cops - while in this specific case there's a PD next to this one SR location, there are in contrast SR locations that are right besides the warehouse dropoff location for robbed money, or near public criminal spawns. This location randomness allows for a wide variety of experiences depending on which part of the map the SR happens at. You are however able to avoid this one location if you do not like the experience that it offers, the next SR will start within approximately 15 minutes at another location and you can always wait for that one instead. We won't be removing a police station that was present there for years just because a SR location was recently added nearby. As for the addition of a new hospital, personally I don't think that 20-30 seconds needed to return after dying is something worth complaining over or that returning from a hospital should be instant as that entirely defeats the point of killing. Additionally this would actually give another advantage to cops who would now not need any time to come back once dead., meanwhile criminals would be barely affected as they're sent to prison rather than to a hospital.
  2. Hello @Dr.VLaD, The requirement for applying for PC from a squad is being a member for a minimum of 30 days prior to posting the application. Given that you stated that your date of joining FBI is 14.12.2024., that means that you'll become eligible writing a PC application on 13th of January. Furthermore, the link to your squad application (if one exists) is incorrect and you linked to the PC group application. The rest of your application will not be reviewed as it doesn't meet the basic criteria, you can apply again in January. Regards, SAPD HQ
  3. August 2024 PC Tester Recruitment Results Congratulations to following candidates who successfully passed the application phase! @Weppo @ThunderWing @Infinity_ @Darius @PsyGhost @Takagi If your name is on the list of future PC testers, await further instructions in SAPD Discord. - SAPD HQ
  4. Recruitment is closed, names of selected applicants will be announced shortly. Good luck to those who applied!
  5. Recruitment will be closed within the next 24 hours and the topic locked. No applications can be submitted from that point onwards.
  6. Potential cheats aside, these levels of cringe should be illegal
  7. PC Tester Recruitment - August 2024 Experienced policemen may apply for position of Pro Cops Tester, they will be tasked with testing and eventually inviting officers whose applications were approved and who have passed the PC entry test. This is a role which comes with great responsibility as those appointed as new testers will essentially have the last say in who joins the PC group, monitored solely by SAPD HQ. If you're interested in becoming a PC tester and believe that you posses significant experience in both daily police tasks and PC procedures but are also active, communicative and speak understandable English; you may attempt to obtain this role. Name: Username: Age: Nationality: Squad: Policing Groups: Pro Cop Since (date): Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Previous Experience: Why would you make a good tester?: Post your application in a comment below.
  8. Hello @Arkantos Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Pro Cops. After a thorough analysis of your application we've concluded the following: - Your English proficiency displayed doesn't fit the standards of PC. Is it possible that you used Google Translate? - Explanation of /do is incorrect, so is the example that you made. - Rule 7 explanation is incorrect, we do not use hashtags. - You did not sign the final confirmation with your name. Attempt to resolve the issues listed here and we'll be reviewing your application once again in the days to come. Thank you. On behalf of PC Staff
  9. It's simple really, if the /loc has even a 5 seconds cooldown - even though one player could be located basically nonstop because the location message would remain in the top bar for longer than 5 seconds - that would prevent people from using /loc on multiple players at once. Everyone could still find whoever they need to with /loc and criminals could still locate that one cop who is chasing them. But /loc wouldn't be used to locate absolutely every player on cop team at once, at all times. I think that's a fair compromise.
  10. Looking at this from "but in real life" perspective is hopeless, besides drawing inspiration from some aspects of real life SAES is miles away from it in all ways, I don't see why this one example would be different. It should instead be viewed from the perspective of gameplay balance, cops are getting their asses handed over to them in all activities with the exception of SRs and random individual encounters on patrols, they manage to do well in those situations by being able to locate and surprise wanted players in order to get close to them and land an arrest with melee nightstick attacks. Criminal spawns having an ability to locate cops makes these encounters yet another activity that is a pain in the ass, meanwhile removing the K panel from cops would mean less interactions between players in general which can not be considered a good thing in any case. Cops need to locate and attempt to arrest criminals, that is their only purpose. Criminals do not need to be able to locate cops, macroing "/loc all cop names" was never an intended part of the gameplay and that's an undisputable fact. It almost entirely eliminated the stealth aspect of cop gameplay which was always important and present. Criminals do not need to have an advantage in absolutely every single situation, sometimes they can be at a disadvantage just like cops so often are.
  11. Agreed, it's a misuse of the /loc function. Criminal spawns were never meant to be able to see where the cops are, especially not by using macros to locate all the cops at the same time. Locating has become so widespread over the years that it has virtually eliminated any aspect of stealth and ambushing, the preservation of which is specifically why teams were not made visible to one another on the map by default.
  12. Removed: - 3 x Police LV Added: - 4 x Police LV - 1 x Police LS - 1 x F.B.I. Rancher - 1 x Enforcer - 1 x S.W.A.T. - 1 x Ambulance - 1 x Shamal Still needs doing: - Confirmation of 4 x 10gbp donation - 4 car wraps
  13. Date: 10.01.2024. Property Name: SAPA Headquarters Your Username: milicajac Rentee Username: [gang]Police_Academy Duration: Until cancelled by either side. Fee: 0$ Screenshot: https://imgur.com/EQd3J1N
  14. SR is one activity which cops frequently manage to win, but even with SWAT tanks it doesn't mean that they win in a great majority of cases. Criminals get 8/8 safes cracked in 90%+ of bank robberies and that's somehow not a problem that needs resolving, I don't see why we'd suddenly need to nerf something that does not shift the win ratio in cops' favour significantly when criminals still successfully complete SRs in spite of swat tanks. SWAT tank was around for 10+ years and still criminals rob stores left and right. This sounds like looking for a fix for something that isn't broken. To put it bluntly, criminals do not need to have an advantage in every single activity on this server. Sometimes cops can have an advantage too, one of the few activities that they have a fair standing in is the SR and that's partially thanks to the swat tank. Yes some SRs are closer to tank spawn locations than others and that means that the balance is shifted in cops' favour. But some SRs are in hard to reach places with many rooftops and hills from which criminals can snipe or stand in the circle far off the ground thus being extremely difficult to arrest, should we be banning use of high places too then because criminals gain a massive advantage from them? What can you do about it? Get off the SR roof and shoot the tank or snipe the driver. The vehicle's health is higher than average but it can still be destroyed within seconds by one person. The driver can be easily shot and killed too. Besides the ability to knock a player off of their feet, the tank can do nothing else - a second cop still needs to reach you to arrest you. You greatly outnumber the cops so use that fact to spread out and take them or their vehicles out. We are not. SAES is not an RP server.
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