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Everything posted by zaza

  1. Good job guys keep going
  2. Rest in peace guys . You will always be in my heart as crotian gang . Sad to see you guys gave up .
  3. Congratulations brothers
  4. Happy birthday kunefeboy
  5. yes this one so @Hesha will lose lots of money
  6. i don't think twat bank can race with me egpytian obama 200m
  7. ops i didnt see that hesha is actually a scum .Thats why i bet 160m
  8. @Duff wanted to bet 40m
  9. 20 m for duff
  10. Lol @Ardron Why you spent ur money on this crappy game .I got Rocket league on steam for free. check it
  11. Guys its not my birthday Blaming @Ardron
  12. https://youtu.be/SIKoVKCwQI4 Hello everyone , Thank you for watching this simple trailer of HHMC .If you want to be part of HHMC you can easily join to our discord from here https://discordapp.com/invite/VYqSawb If you are wondering who we are Just go there and check our official topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5358/hell-hounds-motorcycle-club?page=1
  13. **Roster updated *Properties updated *Rank structure under construction *Discord adress changed (You can click to image in order to join new discord) *Application process will be improved *Set up a rank for daily roadtrips Club house changed Serious contracts made with Other MC gangs around SAES. Note : From now weekly informations will be given trough our '' discord '' server to the community of the SAES Players. IF you are interested with the news of the Hell Hound MC Feel free to join us and support us ! Also Our events will be announced on discord server. https://discord.gg/VYqSawb
  14. @I-Gun finally you can join a gang
  15. I still remember the day at 2011 or 2012 I guess where TT base was at SF ( narrow street next to gym) . I was dming tbds and some more slugs .Damn we getting older. Happy birthday TT .
  16. Such a nice topic and amazing motto guys . I shocked when i see motto . Its awesome which smart and handsome guy did it . Anyway BEST OF LUCK BROS
  17. NoFreshMen is dead for me now ..
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