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Everything posted by zaza

  1. Happy birthday CripZ>Illusion
  2. a friendly warning to my all friends think about ur bank account before you bid 400.000.000 $
  3. 65m @Hesha & @Bone are you up for another round
  4. @TaaviLaudur said in [LV] BIG CARPARK (BASE): @zaza enufff lan zwolle ben sattm buray jackassa geri verin 60m
  5. 24m .. my last money since saha took my money
  6. good job mate
  7. @Tritosh said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: @Mrwan said in SAES Elections 2019 - RESULTS!: Well, I'd like to thank the 51 person who voted for me, I really appreciate your support and Congrats to all the guys who won. They are all OC and ThC, you can thank them in discord And u are OC habibi
  8. https://youtu.be/RumNG6ie2CQ
  9. *Next to ATM *You can always play lottery since its yours ! *Perfect place to go LS bank faster *You can use inside of interior as a group base if you have any idea about lottery in future *Got a permanent interior so you will never lose
  10. @Crash can u lock the topic
  11. @Expert said in Ghost Town house ! GT house @BoneCounty: 90 Highest bid atm
  12. @Zwolle said in Donation: zaza (Amount 10.13 GBP): para var huzur var Senin gibi starbuksta vayt caklit mokka icmioz
  13. *Carspawn *Near to disk *Perfect house for GT fights so you can be best GT player *Near to BC & TR banks *You can always spawn as cop to arrest GT players Winner will get a donation vehicle in front of house for a month with the 2 other names he want! ! !
  14. Happy birrthday arctic sf br fast
  15. One more SIEG HEIL bein older . Happy birthday !
  16. Waiting for verification from @Brophy donation : 10.13 Transaction Details Transaction ID: ( Will be added once brophy edit) i want a BUS in front of my house at LVX again cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,di26key
  17. @M7mod said in SAES:RPG acquired by SARS:RPG: April fool Wtf u talking stop it . Its serious
  18. Finally .
  19. waiting for verify of @Brophy Donation: 50.23 GBP 1 landstalker at LV cross house cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,nicodie 1huntley to my garage behind lv bank cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,nicodie 1 nrg 500 behind lv bank cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,ucanfill 1 sabre at my SF house near SF bank cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,ucanfill 1 cheetah at my house near LS bank cunobaba,joseluisao123,fener1907,ucanfill An interior to my house at lv cross i got 5m also and interior reward Transaction Details Transaction ID: 55P80383E3314101X by brophy
  20. https://youtu.be/RumNG6ie2CQ
  21. @Joe said in LV SAHA Parking lot Auction: @zaza said in LV SAHA Parking lot Auction: Seems like u managed to sell pyramids to effort it . 400.000.000 Seems like you couldn't "effort" it afterall. Guess you're not as rich as you make out to be, eh? nah we are rich enough to send you foods to save ur miserable life in ireland
  22. @Hesha said in LV SAHA Parking lot Auction: @zaza said in LV SAHA Parking lot Auction: Oh shit @Hesha @Bone wtf gz zaza, enjoy your 400 mils garage :joy: I still have 36 hours to think about it
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