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Everything posted by zaza

  1. whatever happens ingame stay ingame dude. I hope you doing fine and will be better !
  2. Odorian isnt just a random player from what i see .This sense of humour beyond the saes .its pure quality also your editing skills so good for a russian immigrant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPtIeXZXlE4
  3. @Bone where is BC bank as u promised when u were prez
  4. All of official gangs capable of doing bank robbery . What about adding a new robbery access to the level 6 gangs . Like someone already suggested casino robbery . That would make level 6 more interesting .
  5. As always bone is cheating . He added himself twice
  6. https://youtu.be/9mMZBUeBe1U al seversin bu tarz videolar
  7. https://youtu.be/AOkCdDef1SM
  8. Good to see bloodz once again good luck guys
  9. then let drink Coca cola 150m
  10. Hold my beer @TaaviLaudur 140.000.000$
  11. 125 + 500k
  12. 120 @TaaviLaudur come fuck with me homie
  13. 23 !
  14. Auction cancelled . We wont sell it
  15. @hitman said in Selling Biker BASE @LV (OLD RDMC BASE) Biggest base of LV: @Brondy That house is not worth 100 million, at most it can cost up to 20 maybe 30 million, but 100 million is a scam, it's a small mansion, it's not a castle! NO SCAM! then fuck off .noone force you to buy
  16. @system31 said in Rebels MC -Applications are OPEN: Great to see the MC competition is back. Only thing solid and progressive events happening in SAES. I'd say good luck but you don't need it. Just keep your nose clean so incidents of 2011-12 doesn't happen ! 2012 wasnt an accident . It was completely biggest roleplay ever of saes history unlike some 10 minutes of /wash kidnap . Saes should bring some serious rules about it . Its not easy to growin a spy inside another gang . They did great roleplay on roleplay purpose and it was real enemy roleplay . I support this psychopath felix %100 From 2012 with love
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjTl7A_CxR0
  18. Damn old days. I am not sure if its fake onur or not but Good to see old memories once again.
  19. 29.09.2018
  20. Glad to see you are using our flag on your youtube profile . istanbula yolun derse gel bi yemek smarlym sana
  21. Good luck guys i hope you will success but a suggestion move this topic to here so u can find new players > https://saesrpg.uk/category/134/server-gangs
  22. Sad to hear that.He was really nice guy. Rest in peace
  23. @teddy said in see ya in my birthday: gta sa is now 14, it's likely at least half of the server is younger than the game mta sa is now 12.5, it's likely at least ~20% of the server is younger than the game swat is now 8.5, i think we found the first person younger than swat because there's no way you're older than 9
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