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Everything posted by Reggi

  1. You wasted your own time lmao. Maybe the troll would have been leaving him there on the mountain but you arrested him haha you could have arrested him at the base. Lmfaoo
  2. Event Type: Sawed Off LMS LWS: Myself Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: Cuteanimegirl Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/w26fAeh
  3. @nicus said in Use of Trainers: @Reggi more like individuals, hard to call one person a gang right ;) Yea Ik but 1 person cause the whole gang punishment. Always been like that if its a serious issue.
  4. Some of you people have no fucking clue with what your talking about lmao. Keep using br as cover to the real problem or maybe mind your fucking business and take your L.
  5. Reggi


    @lil_borivoje said in SAPA: @Reggi lol he this man knows the future and u did him like that shame on u Hes still in the wrong place.
  6. WOW... much wow! Level 5 gangs at that.
  7. @Tapi Congratulations man, Youre application status is now ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Please meet with any HC member for your final in-game tests. Good Luck! -Reggi, The Company Advisor
  8. ^[] ^[Trucker going Hayzy.] ^[It was almost time to go so I was refueling all of our tow trucks and other vehicles around the base. All of a sudden I got a late night crazy and kind of funny call. Some trucker was on duty near Blueberry and hauling some logs. He tried to take a shortcut and when he passed through this farm, he somehow managed to crash straight into a pile of baled hay! Ha! I couldnt believe it. The crazy part was the hay stayed fully intact yet covered the whole engine.] ^[ ] ^[When I got there, I laughed a bit at the situation but then I figured out the hay bales were all banded with some string like metal. Sadly, I didnt have the proper tools on my truck to cut these bands because thats not really something I usually deal with day to day. The one thing semi sharp I had on hand was a shovel. So, I started to go at it with the shovel head to break the bands on it and give it a good whack to break it free.] ^[ ] ^[Once all the bands where broken I took my shovel and spread the hay out a little to the trucker can move out. After it was all clear I decided to check out under the hood and see if the impact fucked anything up. But it was all good... I laughed some more and just send the guy on his way.] ^[]
  9. ^[] ^[Late night repairs] ^[The day started out pretty normal actually, I was working on a couple vehicles things around ALT base and shop when I got an emergency call. Some guy was in route leaving some bar in Las Venturas, He didnt know what to do when his car killed was stranded and in need of some mechanic help. His car wouldnt crank at all and started smoking and making noises all of a sudden. So, I asked him for the address and I drove out there to help him out.] ^[ ] ^[When I arrived at the location, I had a conversation with the customer about what could have gone so wrong with the vehicle. So, he really didnt know much about it and I took it into my own hands to check it out. I looked under the hood. Under the engine and gave it a proper inspection. I saw he had some severe leaks so I decided it is safe if I towed it back to our shop and work on it there. So, I gave the guy a ride and we headed back to alt base.] ^[ ] ^[When we arrived back to the shop, I unloaded the vehicle and set it up on the ramp so I can inspect it properly. Under further inspection, I found two major problems with the vehicle. The main reason for the smoke was a leaking valve cover gasket that produces smoke caused by oil dripping on a hot manifold. Seconding it killed because of having a faulty fuel pump & alternator.] ^[ ] ^[I did all the repairs needed and gave the customer his invoice. He paid and I waved him goodbye as he drove off.] ^[]
  10. My god its a game stop trying to compare it to fucking real life.. Its not its freaking Grand Theft Auto. Theres better shit to be worked on then this.
  11. Gayja your just a shitty cop.
  12. Shots at a party... shits gonna be in my head for days I enjoyed most the RP part of it that was really cool.
  13. Add this to another bank location if we test it in game. lol that way we can have 4 br locations and more gang br activity.
  14. Activity type: Event Event type: Rhino Rampage 1v1 LWS: Reggicano. @reggi @Licano Prize: $2.000.000 Winner: Mr.Stark Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qltb93c
  15. @Ramos said in Staff Recruitment Results: it could be 6 staffs and 6 saha's I thought it would be even tbh didnt expect many more staffs then saha.
  16. @King01 great auction skills... Im out.
  17. Gz guys to all that deserved! @Licano @Sam_ Give me a head start before the abuse ok?
  18. Reggi


    HI, You sir are in the wrong place entirely. SAPA is not a group its a Squad and you should follow the instructions and apply for them here. https://saesrpg.uk/category/184/application-section
  19. @FastYounq My god your an embarrassment.. grow up. @SoulFly Not trying to bring you anymore heat but BBMC could have been something great. Glad you got your leadership back but if you knew you were gonna kill the gang maybe next time do that before giving it away. Good luck with your future indevers and hopefully take this as a lesson and learn from it if your planning to start a new g/s/c. Good luck
  20. With ThC reaching level 5 recently we dont plan on stopping our activities and productivity on forums at all. There will still be doing rps/events and everything else so this would be great. There are some gangs that reached max level and went basically inactive and died. Not only would this give active level 5 gangs something to strive for but it would get some inactive ones off there ass and make the server more lively again. However I dont think it should be acquired just like any other level. Some major things should be required and would need a lot of GM support. (Putting @Hesha to work ) But it would be fun. Also it shouldnt be called Level 6 it should have a cool name, but Im all for this idea. +1
  21. Last seen: 11/14/2018 Username: amit1221 GUI:
  22. @Odorian said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Hahahahah this is a good one.. not gonna lie Ive done it.
  23. @Brophy said in SANTA HAT: 10GBP Dont make James donate for all of ICE a hat.. Greedy just do tuts idea.
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