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Everything posted by Reggi

  1. Have you lost your fucking mind? Whats wrong with you... god, I fully blame @Adistar for creating this monster.
  2. Noo staifi!!! Now who will I bully in CC discord? :( Get well soon bro and take care.
  3. Welcome back.. Enjoy UE squad
  4. Let tape bring his ass back to the game to sell. Making afk money while everyone works.
  5. "Restricted like it in on the vanilla game." I used cheat codes and explored everything xD. But nah SAES to deep in the game to do shit like this. Gang bases all over to many different spawns. If we restricted everyone to LS it would be Los Deathmatch Santos.
  6. @MatizZ Someone requested this before and I was all for it. But 90% of the comments were people crying about. No one wants to see you show off your groups, no one cares to see your art, there's no point, it will lag, blah blah blah. Always some negative stuff but i say again this would be pretty cool!
  7. Ban him
  8. Pro hoodie wheres the signature?
  9. @Bidrift said in MILITARY INTELLIGENCE U.S ARMY || Official Topic: Hmm, organizations creating price should be raised TRUE AF!
  10. Good times. Sad to see you guys go but gl with moving forward.
  11. How is any of this MC beef crap quote wall worthy? Make your own thread to diss each other... That be quite entertaining.
  12. gl! Seems fun
  13. This would be great actually, I feel like I haven't been present for a lottery in ages.
  14. @Ramby said in Randomize Store robbery: I voted yes, because Crash is a mong. Second that. Also voted because SRing back to back after a certain period can become boring. I'd like to hustle and race for one every now and then. Change it up.
  15. In my very short time copping I've never witnessed anyone starting drama for a stolen arrest. It also changes dealing on the situation. If anything will be changed sure make it so the guy that taze's and the guy that gets the nightstick splits the money. No need to reward the whole squad of nearby cops.
  16. Hoodeh!!!! Happy birthday !
  17. No. SAES needs to focus on saes not VC, not PUBG, or any other saes stepchild. We have zombies on Halloween and it gets boring af after a day or so especially without Jason. And why can I have multiple votes thats not how it should work.
  18. @Lincoln Thanks for that brand new input. It was needed as it wasn't stated in the 100 posts from months ago. xD
  19. Happy BDAY! enjoy it.
  20. thanks again guys!
  21. Thanks! Im getting to old for this!!
  22. Event Type: Grenade LMS LWS: Myself Prize: $2.000.000 (Ty @MrSolrac for the extra 1m ) Winner: Troyano Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MtCQ7QJ
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