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Everything posted by Reggi

  1. Granted, but once you get it in you cant get it out. I want to get rich and buy a mansion.
  2. Has anyone ever even tried to find all of these in the singleplayer game? I mean really..
  3. I'm gonna knock a few things off your list.. First of all, I really don't like how you can have only character because there are just so many gangs and squads and groups, etc. to be a part of. This would also decrease the amount of hoppers in SAES. First of all, In what world do people have more than 1 gang or squad. A blood cannot part-time as a Crip and an FBI agent cant double with the CIA. It's only supposed to be 1 g/s/c. And we have many different groups that you can join (in which you have personally raby). I don't like how SAES is an "RPG" but it lacks simple RPG elements like levelling, loot ( like clothing and jewelry ), and making your own character. I understand it will be hard to remake the entire server. There are some elements of levels and stats involved with trucking and sr stats and robberies. And since everything has its own skin and there's tons of different public spawns why do we need to change outfits. The classes/jobs have such a bad script. For example, drug dealers... What the fuck do you do as a drug dealer? /sell? that's it? where's the RP? But seriously this server lacks a good job system. Drug dealers and other jobs do more then /sell. Drug dealers make deliveries and get paid from making dropoffs all over SA. Same with arms dealers and robbers and other simple job scripts they all have a purpose. Now we get onto the G/S/C shite. I don't like how almost all of the official gangs and squads force you to post shit on the forums every once in a week. Bitch I am here to enjoy my time and not to be forced to do shitty RPs every day. Self-explanatory In order to become an official and stay official g/s/c you have to work for it.. Working would be doing RPs every day and they wouldn't be boring if you joined the g/s/c because you like there role and not just because you wanted a cool spawn. You don't have to do any RP just don't join anything, but you cant expect to join something that people been working hard for while you sit there and do nothing. I don't like how the groups and gangs, bla bla bla, have fucking long ass applications. For example, PC... The application is so big and complex that you can compare it to real job application. What is wrong with you? I am here to play and not do long applications for "immersion and realism". People do long applications to filter out the good and the bad if you cant spend 5 mins on an application why would you spend 5 mins doing any work for the gang. If you have a problem with every single aspect on the server then you are playing on the wrong server bro..
  4. @Skerdi There's already such useless things on this forum... I don't think I have to point them out
  5. You guys are complete fucking buzzkills. If someone wants to show off ''How cool they are" does that get under your skin? If you don't wanna see the images on each post that's one thing and there should be an option to disable it. But you are all going for a more personal touch. You guys are the reason people stopped using creative myspace and went to boring facebook. Wait nvm im sorry some of you are too young to know what myspace is. But its something when a tiny ass userbar upsets you so much because maybe you think the person is cooler then you lol
  6. @matheus I know this... I didn't plus one it to ''showoff'' anything.. And it might look weird but from a graphic designer standpoint I think it would be cool. Same as reacher but I can tell no ones down with it so I'll step out. Half of the suggestions never happen anyways even if everyone votes yes. But @Reacher I suggest you start a topic if you wanna show off your designs and get some customers. But this is a rip.
  7. As a designer myself I think this would be great and I have used a signature on every other forum Ive had. @Combine Just because your boring and/or dont care about creavity then dont use it. But I think it would be cool esp having your g/s/c in your signature.
  8. The SAES Community when @Joshbond or ICE posts a new topic.
  9. Fuck this is a good read.. Keep solving your problems publicly. ICE OPERATION indeed.
  10. Lmao @Combine salvage truth. But josh you tried man.
  11. Damn this kinda sucks. Things were different before you started. It really seemed like above some you took a real interest in improving saes. Your work wont go unappreciated man. See you around.
  12. @gengar said in Carjacker Script Idea: Maybe add as well that if car isn't payed for and picked up within 2 days, it is disassembled into parts for black market. In other words, it disappears from players storage without a way to get it back and player needs to buy a new car if he wants to drive it again. I like this whole idea but that part is cruel af lol
  13. What I first thought of when I read this topic haha.
  14. There's a ton of us wanting to join the ZIP Group but you like everyone else have to wait until ZIP HQ decides to open the recruitment. Until then you cant join but if you enjoy building you can spawn as worker LV>Civilian>Worker and build in the yellow zones on the map with /construction.
  15. Event Type: Sniper Duals Prize: 2m Helper: Strong Winner(s): [TR]Uomog Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dpatcZc
  16. Event Type: Dropping Balls Prize: 2m Helper: Licano Winner(s): Harb Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ld4J21s
  17. Event Type: Steal and Reach Prize: 3m (1st 2m, 2nd 1m) Helper: Licano Winner(s): Curvy & Flappy Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YmHBNiM
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