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Everything posted by Kree.

  1. Just a huge building right into the heart of Las Venturas The property comes with: Many public cars infront of it. 96.000 $ daily income.
  2. Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28673/donation-point-balance-kree?_=1631260541165 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 13 January 2022 Part I: What I Want to be Removed: -The donation Jester infront of my "UFC Headquarters" prop. Part II: What I Want to be Added: -A Comet with roof and spoiler infront of my "Los Santos Markthall" prop (i'll show the exact location). -To add the custom wrap "Marble" on the comet.
  3. Big business corp near LS Bank with: -Secret underground parking (unique in SAES). -A lot of his own space all around it.(can be mapped easy on it). -80k daily income. -Fast acces to Bank and Store Robbery(located in the heart of Los Santos). Starting bid: 30m [s=Prop photos] [/s]
  4. The last bider is @JasonBourne with his 80m bid. BUMPPPP !!!!!
  5. Big business corp near LS Bank with: Secret underground parking (unique in SAES). A lot of his own space all around it.(can be mapped easy on it). 80k daily income. Fast acces to Bank and Store Robbery(located in the heart of Los Santos). Starting bid: 40m [s=Prop photos] [/s]
  6. Address: Los Santos Docks Business Account name: wanty Last seen: 12th December 2021 Screenshots:
  7. Part I: Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28673/donation-point-balance-kree?_=1631260541165 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 10 september 2021 Part II: What I Want to be Removed: -The donation hotring racer car from my special interior, because it bugs everytime and dissapears. -the custom wrap from my Alpha from LS. -the alpha from LS. -the Stratum from LS. Part II: What I Want to be Added: -A Comet with roof infront of my "9 river street" house (i'll show the exact location). -To add the custom wrap taked from that alpha on the comet. -A Infernus infront of my "9 river street" house. -A shamal at LV airport.
  8. Big business corp near LS Bank with: Secret underground parking spots (unique). A lot of his own space all around it. 80.000$ income daily. Fast acces to Bank and Store Robbery(located in the heart of Los Santos). Starting bid: 50m [s=Prop photos (click here)] [/s]
  9. Last bump !!!!!!!!
  10. Big and wide skyscraper. -The building is near LS bank. -80k income daily. -one of the bigest skyscraper from SAES. Starting bid : 30.000.000$ Min. increase : 1.000.000$ [s=Building photos (click here)] [/s]
  11. Last bumppppppppp
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