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Everything posted by Kree.

  1. Morde is leading the auction with his 5m bid. Soon the auction will be closed if anyone bids anymore.
  2. Address: Front For Nigerian Froud Operation Corp Account name: ab00 Last seen: 21st april 2021 Screenshots:
  3. The property is located in SF near SR, Turf Zone and also it's not far away from bank. Starting bid : 2m ::: :::
  4. The prop is located in SF near a Store Robbery, Turf Zone and also it's not far away from bank. Strating bid: 4m ::: :::
  5. Address: Grange Apartment Complex 4 Account name: edvards890 Last seen: 10th April 2021 Screenshots:
  6. Business near SR with 2.4k income Starting bid: 500k
  7. -The Big Business Corp is located in Los Santos near beach. -Has space for donation vehicles. -Has it's own space all around it. Starting bid: 5m ::: :::
  8. Address: 1 Day Service corp Account name: picos Last seen: 16th april 2021 Screenshots:
  9. Address: Lounge Venture Capital Account name: xicesmashx Last seen: 19th April 2021 Screenshots:
  10. Adrees: Apartment 5 Lv Complexsouts Acc name: supernatural12112 Last seen: 13th April 2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Username: dark41 In-game name: [ThC]Kree. Age: 18 Nationality: Moldavian Current gang/squad: The Company Amount of delivered money transports: 3 Why do you wish to join us: I want to try something new, as I wasn't in any group like this before. Why should we accept you: I have almost 4 years of playing SAES and I think I know how to protect a money transporter and also how to make a rp.
  12. Sold, close this pls.
  13. Ok, last BUMPPPP
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