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Everything posted by Kree.

  1. Address: 3 Temptress Road Account name: staylok Last seen: 13th April 2023 Screenshots:
  2. Address: 9 Temptress Road Account name: monstercookie12 Last seen: 24th April 2023 Screenshots:
  3. Sold to @Brophy
  4. Bump !!!
  5. The single Opera Theatre in San Andreas! - Near LS Bank - 40k daily income Starting bid: 50m
  6. Los Santos Airport 200000$ daily income Starting bid: 50m Minimum bid increase: 20m
  7. Los Santos Airport 200000$ daily income Starting bid: 50m Minimum bid increase: 20m
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 19 July 2022 ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal (with marble wrap) Location: LV Airport Username: dark41 Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: LS Airport Username: dark41 Vehicle 3: Shamal (with marble wrap) Location: SF Airport Username: dark41 Vehicle 4: Comet (with roof and spoiler) (with the metalic roof that takes the color of the car)(with marble wrap) Location: 9 River Street Username: dark41 Vehicle 5: Stratum (marble wrap) Location: 9 River Street Username: dark41
  9. Address:Apartment 39 Lv Complexsouth Account name: bl4t4nt Last seen: 4th January 2023 Screenshots:
  10. Address: Apartment 58 Lv Complexsouth Account name: lollie519 Last seen: 18th January 2023 Screenshots:
  11. Close the auction please.
  12. Sold. Archive it please.
  13. Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28673/donation-point-balance-kree?_=1631260541165 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 19 Mar 2022 Part I: What I Want to be Removed: -The donation Infernus infront of my "9 River Street" house. Part II: What I Want to be Added: -A Bullet with the custom wrap "Marble" at my "9 River Street" house (its location will be right there were the Infernus is now).
  14. LV Bandits Stadium (Old MIT Base) One of the largest base spot ever maped The property is located right near the new LV Casino and it's good for gang/squads to acces it fast. Property comes with: -40.000$ daily income. -save disk on it's own space. -fast acces to Highway. -A lot of space for mapping. [s=more photos]OLD MIT BASE[/s]
  15. The property has: A good income of 136.000$ daily. It's a good place for a gang/squad base (it has a lot of space). It's right near the LS Bank and Hospital. Starting bid: 100m [s=Prop photos] [/s]
  16. Third BUMP @RedStar won the auction, pm me to revendicate it
  17. Flint Country Oil Refinary - The biggest Oil Refinary from whole SAES Property comes with: - A lot of space - Spawn disk right near the spawn blip - 160.000 $ daily income. Starting bid: 100m [s=info][/s]
  18. BUMP ! ! ! !
  19. Just a huge building right into the heart of Las Venturas The property comes with: - Public cars infront of it. - 96.000 $ daily income.
  20. Flint Country Oil Refinary - The biggest Oil Refinary from whole SAES Property comes with: - A lot of space - Spawn disk right near the spawn blip - 160.000 $ daily income. Starting bid: 100m [s=Prop info][/s]
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