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Everything posted by Hoodie

  1. The Great Jailbreak - Part 3/6 Participants: Carlos ( @Yoko_Kurama ) , @Fugitive , @Troyano , Dante ( @Hoodie ) Story: We had got the drugs, now it was time to get the weapons. I knew the place to get the best quality weapons at the best price, we were going to need alot for this "project". Just in case shit goes down, always want to be prepared. I slipped Fugitive the address and told him the names, "Carlos and Dante from Arms Assassins" he nodded and read the card I had given him. "Your not coming he said?" I replied "I am sick go on without me" He hesitated and then drove off heading for AA's base in San Fierro. I called Dante and he told me that it wouldn't be a problem and he would be waiting for Fugitive and Troyano when they got there. Dante hung up the phone and headed for the deck of the boat, he stood there waiting for Fugitive and Troyano to arrive. A few minutes had passed and he noticed in the distance a vehicle approached, he headed down to open the gate after reading "Fugitive" on the numberplate. As he reached the gate so did Fugtive and Troyano, Dante pressed the button on the gate and allowed them in. They followed him along the bring to the garage of the boat, "Wait here" Dante said to Fugitive, before heading upstairs. A few moments later, he returned ontop of a lift that was lowering with Dante standing there, as it reached the bridge he ushered the two onto the lift and pressed the button. Troyano thought he saw an alien and began reaching and grabbing out the window, Fugitive slapped him and yelled "Calm the fuck down, its just the cocaine" Both Fugitive and Troyano once reaching the deck of the boat, started to follow Dante to some crates on the otherwise. Carlos was standing there, a silent man who just smoked all day and all night, never talked, only smoked. Dante began to explain to the two men about what AA could offer them weapons wise and what would work the best for this great jailbreak! He recommended some heavy shit, we're talking M4, Combat Shotguns and Even some Grenades! Fugitive loved the sound of it, he was always a big fan of the weapons and anything involving them, he asked to see some weapons. Dante happily obliged and ushered both Troy and Fugi to the crates sitting next to them, "Have a look he said". Fugitive got really close, crouched down and had a look in the gap of the crate, "Hmmm" he sighed. He got up and then jiggled the crate lid a little bit and looked in the top with excitement. "Looks great, just what were looking for" He said. Without even asking, fugitive ripped over the crates and grapped out the weapons he wanted. He walked over to the car and chucked them in the boot, Dante was a bit confused with this reaction but passed it off as a man on a mission. Fugitive walked back to him and threw a bag of money near a safe, Dante crouched down and looked at the cash while counting it. "Its all here" Dante said, Fugitive grinned and headed back to his car. Dante walked over and lowered the lift for the two men, when it reached the bridge they both headed off and into the sunrise. I wish them well on their journey, Dante thought as they left. "I wonder what is next for them" This thought wandered in Dantes mind, before he got a phone call... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0dcuSfa
  2. The Great Jailbreak - Part 2/6 Participants: @Yoko_Kurama , @Hoodie , @Fugitive , @Troyano , @OC|>Andrew Story: After our meeting in the casino and deciding on our first destination, we headed off. Our first stop was to get some nice cocaine and maybe something else to keep us awake. As we drove around we discussed amongst ourselves where we could find the best shit. I suggested OverDose Crime as I have dealt with them before and their product was of excellent quality. Everyone whispered amongst each other before turning to me and all nodding. I took this as a signal to text my contact in OC, his name was Andrew. "We need some good shit" I typed into my phone before hitting send, moments later Andrew replied with "Meet me at the Quarry in Whetstone. I told the others and we proceeded to head for the destination. We arrived a few moments later and drove down the little dirt road, as we drove into the quarry it was awfully quiet. As I nudged Fugitive I said "Are we early?" he replied "He said meet me here, so I assumed he would already be here? But you were the one reading the text not me" I glared around before bringing the car to a slow stop. We all got out of the vehicle, guns loaded and ready to go... This was starting to look suspicious. Troyano was beginning to have second thoughts about this whole deal, "Its Dodgy as fuck" he said with an uneasy tone. Yoko began to reassure him that it was fine as did I, "I've known this guy a long time, he is a good man. Trust me" Troyano nodded as he did, we heard the sound of car tires coming down the dirt road. It was Andrew, he was finally here. I smiled at him as we approached him, "Great to see your finally here, Friend!" I spoke. Andrew replied "Great to be here, I got the shit" Keen to get down to business and cut the chit chat, I gestured towards his car for him to show us the drugs. He waved us over and we walked behind him towards his car, he reached the trunk and opened it slowly. He gazed inside and fumbled around in there for a few minutes, before pulling something out and calling me over. I came over and had a gaze at what he was showing me, a solid block of cocaine. "Looks good" I said, I signaled to Andrew that I would like to test it, he happily agreed to do so. I pulled some out and gave it a snort, "Really good shit" I said with ecstasy. I explained to Andrew we want 10Kg and he said he had enough to do the deal right now, so he began packing up the stuff into duffel bags. I walked back over to my car and waited for Andrew to bring the merchandise over here, I opened the trunk and stood there checking my watched. "Can you hurry up Grandma!" I yelled, he nodded and rushed over with the others behind him. He placed the duffel bags in my trunk, as he was he jokingly said "You still owe me money" I laughed and said "Oh yes I do" We agreed on a price $200,000 for 10kg of Pure Cocaine, I was happy with that price and slipped him some bills. He counted it and went in for a handshake, I reciprocated the handshake also. We said our goodbyes and he headed back to his vehicle He got in his vehicle and lift back down the same road, we all got into my car and headed off again. Now we needed some guns, we knew where to go... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D3SRTba
  3. The Great Jailbreak - Part 1/6 Participants: @Yoko_Kurama , @Hoodie , @Fugitive , @Troyano Story: It was a dreaded Monday morning, we were planning something big. This would change everything for all the people involved, this was going to be our biggest JailBreak! We gathered a few select members from our organization, Yoko, Fugitive, Troyano and Hoodie for legality reasons their real names will remain anonymous. We picked a place to make our plan, we needed somewhere secluded and where 4 men gathering wouldn't bring any attention. I love gambling, so I suggested the casino out in the woods everyone agreed and we made out way out there. We arrived at the casino in the same car, with the big logo of the woman greeting us. We knew this was our destination as this roof ornament as I call it could be seen for miles. We gathered our stuff and proceeded inside, Yoko made a sly comment about the Girl on the roof, I laughed before replying "That's a good one" For reasons of professionalism, I won't repeat what he said. As we got inside the casino I went straight for the tables, but I remembered were here for business! So Fugitive quickly pulled me away before slapping me around the back of my head and whispering "Focus". We took a table in the middle of the dining room, three of us stood. Troyano preferred to sit so he did so, we began to discuss our plan for the greatest Jailbreak of the century! We threw out various ideas of how were going to do it, but just couldn't find the perfect way. Yoko was wanting a Air entrance, Fugitive a underground entrance and Troyano wanted to blow through the wall of the Jail. All were great ideas, but we couldn't do all of them. We began discussing more and more, eventually we figured out the perfect plan... Yoko smiled and spoke "Sounds perfect" I nodded as did Fugitive and Troyano. We were finally ready to start, but before the JailBreak we needed equipement. We needed guns, vehicles and since this was some crazy shit some cocaine would help too! Keep our nerves and hands steady while the police bust in, well if they bust in. We decided on our first destination and walked outside, we got into my car and headed off... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EJqdLUZ
  4. TMH Takes on - Rtech & Others Type: Raceflag Participants: @jaimy , @Rubik , @Hoodie , @AlphaBet & Others Location: TR-LV Winner: Jaimy (RaceflagPrize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xqxq18k
  5. To slow to the show, TMH 2 steps ahead my nibba <3
  6. This is an automated post TXN ID: 54D739930N085445Y Donation: 50.00 GBP Requested rewards: Large Interior at the following property: https://imgur.com/a/lPfV9JN SuperGT (Placed at the property above) #96004d Locked to: Hoodie (cuntsme) Beagle (Placed at San Fierro Airport) #96004d Locked to: Hoodie (cuntsme) , therubik , officialjosuea & johnnyenglish Shamal (Placed at Los Santos Airport) #96004d Locked to: Hoodie (cuntsme), therubik , officialjosuea & johnnyenglish Nevada (Placed at Bone County Airport) Locked to: Hoodie (cuntsme), therubik , officialjosuea & johnnyenglish Dodo (Placed at Las Venturas Airport) #96004d Locked to: Hoodie (cuntsme), therubik , officialjosuea & johnnyenglish Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
  7. @Hoodie, @Gal , @Mr-Stark, @Rubik, @Troyano, @Will, @ClasicGhost @Yoko_Kurama ~[AA FTW ~ Once Again We Own 100% Of The Turf Zones]~(#94004d) ~[Never Back Down! Never Surrender! WE GOT THE BIG GUNS!]~(#94004d) ::: :::
  8. Participants: [AA] @Hoodie, Officer.Marko ( @POCCKYE ), [STF] @JohnnyEnglish Story: Today I was casually walking around the base, I had nothing to do for a few hours so I was finding ways to pass the time. I went upstairs and looked around the Radar Room for awhile, casually looking at any ships or aircraft in the area. As I was looking at the radar when I noticed a aircraft pop up on it, a few miles north. I didn't think of it much, we are based near a airport so it doesn't surprise me. The aircraft began approaching our base, getting closer and closer. I needed a cigarette and I wanted to see what this aircraft was upto, so I headed out to the deck. I swung the door open and walked out onto the top deck, there I stood and I lit my cigarette. I heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance, I glared up and saw a SFPD helicopter approaching, I quickly ducked before the barrier and fired a few shots at the helicopter. All of a sudden a man helidropped out of the chopper and ran towards me gun in hand. "Calm down!" He yelled as he approached me, with the itch to shoot and a confused look on my face I decided to comply for now. "Officer, what do you want?". He introduced himself as Johnny from the Special Task Force and stated his reason for being here was to inspect the boat for illegal firearms. I assured him we were above board around here, but he insisted on coming inside. Reluctantly I allowed him inside, as he walked through the door I followed behind. I stood in the corner as "Johnny" started to snoop around, he approached the cars had a glance "Nice cars" he said. I gave him no reply and kept smirking at him as he continued to search. Johnny eventually got to a group of crates in the garage, as he was inspecting them I explained that they were my spices and I liked cooking (Probably one of the best "Bullshits" I've managed to come up with for the police). He nodded and continued looking around, he found our favourite toys the miniguns we have in the garage. I quickly spoke "Oh those are antiques don't worry about them", looking confused and replying "Antiques, that are fully loaded and clean?" I smirked and nodded, I then offered a $20 "bribe" that he took as a light hearted joke and laughed. After looking through various other items around the garage, Johnny was satisfied. I asked him "You need to check the crates on the deck also?" He shucked his head and explained his partner already did that. I happily walked Johnny back to the main deck, as we exited we had a few laughs. He told me as he left towards his awaiting helicopter. "Nice seeing you, Hoping your "Legal" Guns will keep selling" he said to me as he winked, I realised then. This man was corrupt as shit, he knew what was going on and he spotted the illegal guns among the spices. Yet he hasn't done anything about it, as the helicopter flew away I kept thinking how would he want me to repay this favor... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Job3l4O
  9. Roleplay #340 @Hoodie said in Arms Assassins Media Archive: Participants: [AA] @Rubik , [AA] @Hoodie , TMH| @PewD Story: The cars around base were starting to show there age, we were beginning to think maybe they couldn't keep up with our high speed, high vibe and fast paced demands. As I awoke this morning, I noticed the cars in our garage looking more dull and old than usual, I finally decided that I will get some recommendations and advice regarding the vehicles. I knew a man by the name of PewD that worked with TMH (The Mother Heads) an organization that knows all about cars, so I decided to give him a call. On the phone he seemed keen and eager to help with the request, I gave him the address and proceeded to wait outside in the sunrise for him. As I waited by the front gate for a few minutes I heard the sound of a engine in the distance, as I glanced up I noticed it was my friend from TMH so I opened the gate and invited him in. He followed me to the front door of the base in his car and then got out of his vehicle to speak to me. "I hear you need some cars looked at" He said. "Yeah there inside" I replied while ushering him toward our boat lift. He followed me up onto the deck and through the door into the garage. He looked around for a moment, admiring how many vehicles we had. He once again asked me "Are you sure you want all of these checked? Theres like many of them" I explained once again, yes I wanted all of them checked. As I watched him work another AA member came through the door, Rubik was his name. He came because he wondered why a stranger was lurking around the base, I explained to Rubik the reasons why PewD was here and he nodded along. As PewD went car to car, he spoke out the issues. The First car the sabre we said the engine was broken and needed fixing, the alpha had issues with the exhaust. The huntley showed signs of a weakening engine that would need to be replaced soon. The rest of the cars were in Bad to "ok" condition, this was my concern. I gladly took his advice on each and every car, as he finished up and appraoched me. I whispered to him "This is the awkward part" as I ushered Rubik to pull his firearm out. "We dont pay" I said as I rose my voice, it was followed by "We never pay". I told PewD not to do anything stupid and that we were going to escort him off the boat, he kept silent making us believe he was complying with our demands. As we approached the door, he pushed rubik into the wall and grabbed a baseball bat. He began attacking Rubik until I fired off my deagle, I gave him one last chance to comply or be killed. I walked over to Rubik and helped him up, we then continued to escort PewD off our base. He finally seemed to be following our orders, our plan was to dump him in the forest and to fly back to base. We approached some nice and dense area of forest, Rubik waited in the plane and I escorted PewD out. Once again he came out fighting, we scuffled for awhile before I got the upper hand and fired 2 shots into him. He fell into the grass and as he faded into death, I whispered "Should have listened" Rubik and I headed back to the base from the forest, we were happy our cars got checked and at the end of the day the kid learnt a lesson. We Dont Ever Pay.... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zvIhzuP
  10. Participants: [AA] @Rubik , [AA] @Hoodie , TMH| @PewD Story: The cars around base were starting to show there age, we were beginning to think maybe they couldn't keep up with our high speed, high vibe and fast paced demands. As I awoke this morning, I noticed the cars in our garage looking more dull and old than usual, I finally decided that I will get some recommendations and advice regarding the vehicles. I knew a man by the name of PewD that worked with TMH (The Mother Heads) an organization that knows all about cars, so I decided to give him a call. On the phone he seemed keen and eager to help with the request, I gave him the address and proceeded to wait outside in the sunrise for him. As I waited by the front gate for a few minutes I heard the sound of a engine in the distance, as I glanced up I noticed it was my friend from TMH so I opened the gate and invited him in. He followed me to the front door of the base in his car and then got out of his vehicle to speak to me. "I hear you need some cars looked at" He said. "Yeah there inside" I replied while ushering him toward our boat lift. He followed me up onto the deck and through the door into the garage. He looked around for a moment, admiring how many vehicles we had. He once again asked me "Are you sure you want all of these checked? Theres like many of them" I explained once again, yes I wanted all of them checked. As I watched him work another AA member came through the door, Rubik was his name. He came because he wondered why a stranger was lurking around the base, I explained to Rubik the reasons why PewD was here and he nodded along. As PewD went car to car, he spoke out the issues. The First car the sabre we said the engine was broken and needed fixing, the alpha had issues with the exhaust. The huntley showed signs of a weakening engine that would need to be replaced soon. The rest of the cars were in Bad to "ok" condition, this was my concern. I gladly took his advice on each and every car, as he finished up and appraoched me. I whispered to him "This is the awkward part" as I ushered Rubik to pull his firearm out. "We dont pay" I said as I rose my voice, it was followed by "We never pay". I told PewD not to do anything stupid and that we were going to escort him off the boat, he kept silent making us believe he was complying with our demands. As we approached the door, he pushed rubik into the wall and grabbed a baseball bat. He began attacking Rubik until I fired off my deagle, I gave him one last chance to comply or be killed. I walked over to Rubik and helped him up, we then continued to escort PewD off our base. He finally seemed to be following our orders, our plan was to dump him in the forest and to fly back to base. We approached some nice and dense area of forest, Rubik waited in the plane and I escorted PewD out. Once again he came out fighting, we scuffled for awhile before I got the upper hand and fired 2 shots into him. He fell into the grass and as he faded into death, I whispered "Should have listened" Rubik and I headed back to the base from the forest, we were happy our cars got checked and at the end of the day the kid learnt a lesson. We Dont Ever Pay.... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zvIhzuP
  11. Event: Chicken Shooter Prize; $1,000,000 Winner: Rebel | @gameStar Hoster: Arms Assassins Lws: @Mrwan Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZbFCTUJ
  12. TMH Takes on - RTECH & Others Type: Raceflag Participants: @Rubik , @jaimy , @Hoodie, @Staifi Location: TR Winner & Prize: Jaimy (Raceflag Prize) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Jg7DuN3
  13. Roleplay #325 Participants: TMH| @Hoodie , [SAM] @JohnnyEnglish , [!TT] @Rubik Story: It was late at night, I was driving around near our base. I suddenly had the urge to grab a bite to eat so I pulled into the car park of a Cluckin'Bell. As I went inside and ordered my phone, the night was quiet.. just the way I liked it. I went over to my car and decided to eat my meal outside of it, all of a sudden a woman pulled into the carpark. She glared at me and then parked next to me, I was confused at first and asked her "Can I help you?" She replied "Your car, its modded. I assume your a racer?" I could have said no and that would have been the end of it (I was not working today, so I was wearing pretty normal clothes). Stupidly I said "Yeah, I'm a racer" Not wanting to pass up a challenge like usual. She smirked when I replied, I asked her name. She glared at me once more and shucked her head, "Doesn't matter" she said. Not wanting to start a fight with a stranger at 2 in the morning, I accepted that. She finally came out and said it "So you are a racer, I'm a racer. Lets Race" I happily agreed and we got into our vehicles and headed for the road. We lined up on the road and were ready to go, exchanging banter between our cars we finally made a bet. She offered a bet of $500, I countered her offer and said "How bout $5000" claiming she was feeling lucky, she accepted. We agreed on the destination as San Fierro Bridge. As the clock hit 2:21, thats when we would begin. The engines were reeving and the pistons were pumping, we were ready to GO! The clock hit 2:21 and we took off. As we approached the bridge, I quickly overtook her and was now in the lead. We continued racing through the streets of Bone County and Tierra Robada. Everything was going great, as we approached the bayside tunnel my car drifted and hit the road barriers. She was going 250kph had no time to stop and t-boned my car before sliding off the road and down the mountain. As I crawled from my car, the engine began to flame and I crawled quickly away from the car. I glanced down to my racing friend, seeing her car ontop of her down the bottom of the hill. I reached into my pocket and dialed 911, I had enough breath before passing out to say "Ambulance" I then passed out. Moments later I awoke to the sound of a helicopter, a paramedic was running towards me. He looked at me and began to ask me what had happened and examining me. The name tag read Johnny with Air Unit underneath it, as he examined me he concluded I had a broken rib and a broken arm. He escorted me to his helicopter, as he was carrying me there I kept asking if she was ok. He looked confused, I then explained the other racer is down the hill. With a concerned look on his face Johnny said "Get in and I will go check on her" I got into the helicopter and we flew down the hill a little bit more, Johnny landed and got a good look at her. It was hard to see her because at this stage she was nearly dead and her car was covering 90% of her body. Johnny approached her, examining her in the same manner as me. He escorted her back to the helicopter and took off once again, bound for San Fierro Hospital. I explained there was a hospital about 2 minutes from here, Johnny replied "There closed, there is only one hospital open at the moment due to everyone being on holiday" We continued to San Fierro, we landed outside and Johnny escorted us in. As he took my accomplish to the examining table, he ushered me to take a seat in the ward. I obliged and sat there for awhile, attempting to figure out if the TV had cable... It didn't so I walked back over to the table where he was examining her. I stood there and watched as he announced her injuries to her "You have a collapsed lung and also a lot of internal bleeding" She was in agony as he did his best to help her injuries. After waiting for hours and having me ask him "Is she gonna live?" constantly, he had fixed the injuries and ushered her to the ward. He then called me in. I was able to walk over to the table and sit up, he examined me once more and came up with his treatment plan. I asked him "Your not going to talk to the police are you?" he replied "No, whatever you were doing I don't care, my job is to fix you up" He placed my arm in a cast and put another around my chest for my broken rip. Johnny explained "So both of you's will have to stay in the hospital for atleast 2 weeks" I was unhappy, I had shit to do I explained. Johnny wasn't having any of it and glared at me, responding "One punch and you will be dead, head to the ward" I finally obliged and headed to a bed and sat down. I'm hoping to be out of here sooner, I don't know though. I found out later the girl I was racing her name was Rubi, hopefully shes okay. As I sat on the bed, I finally feel asleep. Let's hope these 2 weeks go fast I thought to myself. 2 weeks later I had fully recovered and was back to racing. Rubi also made a full recovery and is looking to race again. I guess we have a death wish, even through injury and near death, racers will race... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UnJbo7s
  14. Rest in Peace Black Syndicate :) Maybe one-day we will see you back? <3
  15. Good job :)
  16. Thankies :D
  17. Application Format Nickname: Hoodie Age: 23 (as of today) Country: Australian-Born (Living in New Zealand) Languages spoken: English & minimal Spanish From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 10/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: Since 2018 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is a gang that focuses on selling the best weapons in San Andreas. Their known to have the biggest and best guns. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): OverdoseCrime (2018-2019) - Although I enjoyed my time in OC, I felt the spirit of the gang had changed. So therefore I left. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None. Name 3 BR rules: Don't attempt to ruin another gangs BR via spawning police, leaking info or causing general trouble. Don't begin a BR with only one member of the gang present. You can not suicide at the end of the BR to get away, this is via roof for San Fierro and Los Santos Banks. Any other type of suicide to get away is also not allowed. Name 3 GR rules: CLO/DE Assistance is not allowed. Grenades/Explosives are not allowed. No spawn killing. Name 3 Turf rules: Only gang/hospital spawns are permitted (using a house to get to the turf quicker is not allowed) You can not spawn as medic/pizza boy to assist your gang. You can not turf from an unclimbable roof. What is Roleplay?: Role play is assuming a role to its fullest extent, for example in Arms Assassins you would assume the role of an Arms Dealer. You act like the character/role you are trying to be as close as possible. What is Deathmatching?: Killing any player for no reason, without their permission or for revenge. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Theres 2 things you can do, you can ignore them and move on. The best option though is to just quietly use /report and let the admins deal with it. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Considering there not chasing or attempting to arrest me, I continue on my way without any action. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: This could be long. I know many members of AA and I believe I am friends with many. Its impossible for me to list them all, some include @Rubik , @Yoko_Kurama , @Will , @chemist (TMH pro) etc Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): I think I'm helpful and well liked among the server, patience and calmness are my strengths. I like to Role-Play its one of my best skills, flying is another skill of mine. I think I could bring a lot of fun and skill to Arms Assassins. Alot of my friends are here also, so it would be nice to play around with them some more.
  18. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @IceCold @Rubik @Troyano and Others Location: Tilong Track - SF (Laps, last survivor wins, with roadtrain) Winner: Hoodie Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D9CZ6km
  19. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @IceCold @Rubik @Troyano and Others Location: Tilong Track - SF (Laps) Winner: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sLRmIyI
  20. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @IceCold @Rubik @Troyano Location: RF Winner: 1st Rubik, 2nd Troyano, 3rd IceCold Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/x78NHT1
  21. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @IceCold Location: 1v1 Blueberry > LVX Winner: IceCold Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7kLftm1
  22. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @Rubik, @Jude-Obiasca, @IceCold Location: RF Winner: 1st Rubik, 2nd Jude, 3rd IceCold Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PZis3Zj
  23. Welcome to the old man club <3 HBD :D
  24. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @Blade , @batya, @Fugitive Location: RF Winner: Blade 1st, Batya 2nd, Fugitive 3rd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sIwYjcr
  25. TMH Takes On - Others Participants: @Hoodie, @Rubik , @Blade , @batya Location: RF Winner: Blade 1st, Rubik 2nd, Batya 3rd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WWFyl89
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