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Everything posted by Hoodie

  1. -TMH Racers Take On Several Oponents - Participants: @Duff @ChasinTLSN @NubBob @hoodie Location: Raceflag Winner & Prize: NubBob 1st, Chasin 2nd, Duff 3rd Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zEFnJcS
  2. Patrol #530 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/QSMCxR3
  3. No staifi mi lover :( <3 <3 I will always remember our Burger King date ;) <3 Get well soon ma nibba.
  4. People Getting Offended On The Meme Page Be Like: Memers Be Like:
  5. Patrol #528 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour , 25 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/7Gc0uR3
  6. Patrol #527 Personal Patrol #6 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 50 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/j3SQKXE
  7. @Kim said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: Participants: @Kim @Hoodie @TaJ Story: It was just a normal day, Enlistee.Kim and Scientist.Taj had a call by widely renowned racing organization called TMH's Strategist, Mr. Hoodie, He ordered some weapons like (M4,Snipers and Pistols). We accepted the deal and planned the meet point front of IAC Base. During the meet point, Taj designed the weapons in the IAC Laboratory with help of the hi-tech materials and technology. Around 2 days later when the consignment was just about ready, we saw a person with a rear visor hat and a bright white t-shirt. He was actually the person that ringed in earlier the week. We greeted and started to talk about the weapons and the price, the price of the weapons was $40,000. We shook hands and told him to wait for me in front of the base. Scientist.Taj prepared the case with the weapons, Hoodie went to their base, I took our truck loaded with the cases. The delivery was successful, I arrived to TMH base and unloaded the case. We got our money in cash. Enlistee.Kim arrived back to the IAC HQ and brought something as a treat for the success of their sensitive mission along with Scientist.TaJ. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/lFNPB6T
  8. How most gangs deal with a warning How Wild Angels deals with a warning
  9. Patrol #520 Personal Patrol #5 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 45 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/wmaqyZO
  10. Abuser Logic ^^
  11. Patrol #519 Personal Patrol #4 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour, 20 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Q8hlurN
  12. Patrol #518 Personal Patrol #3 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/5AlNOaK
  13. Patrol #517 Personal Patrol #2 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/XBxIoiF
  14. Patrol #516 Personal Patrol #1 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour, 20 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/TwPr1pD
  15. @Kawaii I luv u <3
  16. Activity Count: #6 Activity Type: Patrol Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 45 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/k5bsIPh
  17. Activity Count: #5 Activity Type: Patrol Participants: [SAM] @JohnnyEnglish Time of patrol: 20 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/qrq0ndP
  18. Activity Count: #4 Activity Type: Roleplay Participants: @BusterMcBadass , @Chicken & @Hoodie Description: It was a dark and cold night, I was just beginning my overnight patrol. I was hoping for a quiet night as I had been extremely busy the last few nights, but I had a slight feeling this would not be a quiet night. I was sitting in my ambulance messing about on my phone, near the Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas. I heard a static noise and then I knew, "Oh god, a call" I thought to myself. "Medic needed, protocol 29, response Amber" (Traffic Incident) Dispatch relayed over the radio. I quickly picked up the radio and confirmed I would response, it was not far only about 4 minutes up the road. I quickly flicked on my lights and headed off in the direction of the call out. A few moments later I arrived to find two cars that had appeared to collide with each other, I stopped my ambulance and got out. I approached the first man, he was still sitting in his car I assumed he was still in shock from the crash. "You aight buddy?" I said to the man in a concerned voice. "I can't feel my legs he replied" I had a look under his dashboard, his legs appeared to be free. He must be numb from the adrenaline after the crash, I got him out of the vehicle and placed him next to his car. I then gave him a quick look over, he was going to be fine apart from a slight concussion. As I looked over I spotted a 2nd man further down the road, he appeared to be in bad shape and was screaming for me to help him. I dismissed my 1st patient and told him to wait in the ambulance and I will be back. He got up and walked towards the ambulance, he then took a seat and waited for me to return. I ran over to the 2nd man, he was face down in the road at first. "Are you okay?" I said to him. "Uhhhh Help me" He said in agony. As I started to examine him he appeared to have minor injuries also, but his leg was broken. I picked him up and carried him to the ambulance, the stretcher wasn't available (budget cut - backs). As I carried him to the ambulance and propped him up inside, I realized. I had not asked these men their names, I asked them then and there. They both replied, the 1st man was named Walter Christ and the 2nd was named Mr.Hoodie. I treated the broken leg with some morphine and a temporary cast until we could make it to the hospital. As we were on a major highway the closest hospital was less than 5 minutes away, I got in and informed Crippen Memorial Hospital. "Two Patients inbound, stable condition" I relayed over the radio to dispatch. We took off and a few moments later arrived at the hospital, both men were tired from the accident. I opened the door and both men immediately fell out and to the ground. I once again checked them over to make sure I hadn't missed some kind of injury, I concluded it was due to exhaustion. I offered to carry them inside, I picked up Walter first and escorted him inside to the awaiting doctors and nurses. I then picked up Hoodie and did the same. Both made a full recovery and were released later that day. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/XsrzZi0
  19. Activity Count: #3 Activity Type: Patrol Participants: N/A Time of patrol: 20-25 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/D4Lhan5
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