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Everything posted by Hoodie

  1. Good luck :)
  2. SAIA has been ~[CLOSED]~(red)
  3. Rest in Peace faker, everyone will miss you <3 Even though I didn't know you personally the pain is real. I'm sure the whole of the SAES community will miss you man. Sleep well, rest in peace faker <3 <3
  4. @Meliodas Welcome Abroad, ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime) @Staifi ~[Accepted]~(lime) San Fierro Division - ATC Operator.
  5. @Meliodas Unfortunately due to some information arising about you and not seeing you in game. You are ~[Denied]~(red). Please reapply if you feel you still want to be apart of SAIA. @Harb your flying skill is excellent and we feel you will be a real asset to SAIA, for that reason you are ~[Accepted]~(lime)
  6. @meliodas Please head in game to be interviewed by a member of the management team. ~[Under-Review]~(yellow)
  7. Flight #: 001 SAIA Pilot Name: [SAIA] @hoodie [PR] - SF Aircraft Name & Type: Pyramid - Beagle Number of Passengers Flown: 3 Total Time Flying: 2 hours Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2eAKjWJ
  8. RP 2 @hoodie said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#112 - Special Delivery Participants: OC|> @Hoodie , [SAIA] @dodger Story: It was a quiet evening, I was planning to do some drug deals and the usual OC kinda stuff. But I had an important job, OC needed more ingredients to make our proteins and drugs. We had been running low for a few days, today we were on our last few amounts. The reason why we had been running low on ingredients was because our usual supplier, had a storm at there dispatch centre in Los Santos. I decided since we needed the ingredients really badly, I would do something I have never done before... I decided to call in a private pilot from SAIA to bring the packages to Bone County Airport. I managed to get into contact with a pilot from SAIA who was free, I sent him to get the packages from Los Santos and then told him to stand by in Las Venturas while I get ready. When I was ready, I called him again and got him to meet me at Bone County. As I approached him at the meeting point, he continued to get more suspicious of what was in the packages. He thought why would a gang member, be hiring a private plane to bring such a small amount of cargo to a quiet dessert airport. As we chit chatted, I made sure to mention "I didn't pay to hire a pilot from SAIA to get asked questions and if it is illegal as long as your getting your money its fine" He replied with "yeah your right, we will just say there expensive camera lenses" We walked over to the Beagle on the runway, he got the packages out. We picked up the packages and headed for my car. He helped me load them into the trunk of my car and we then parted ways. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bnl0aoP
  9. *The start of the San Fierro Division, 16/09/2018
  10. @nord Your Past Experience is good, Please Report to Management Team for Testing. ~[Under-Review]~(yellow)
  11. @Cappo After Meeting you ingame, I have decided you will be ~[Accepted]~(lime) San Fierro Divison - Pilot First Officer
  12. ^[] Welcome to SAIA's media archive, please post any thing in relation to SAIA including Roleplays, Events and Activities. ::: RP Format ^[] RP # SAIA Members Involved: Other Groups and Players Involved: Story: Screenshots: Event Format ^[] Event # Event Type: Prize Money: Winner: SAIA Members Involved: LWS/CEO/G6: Screenshots: ^[] Flight Log Format Flight #: SAIA Pilot Name: Aircraft Name & Type: Number of Passengers Flown: Total Time Flying: Screenshot: :::
  13. Thank you everyone for your kind words :) @Azazel @Mrwan @FoxZilla @Meliodas @PunchLine @Riley @Bozi
  14. @FoxZilla, Please meet me ingame to discuss the role you want and to have your interview, ~[Under Review]~(yellow) ~[Accepted]~(lime) - San Fierro Division - Junior Flight Officer
  15. @Dollface Welcome to SAIA, ~[Accepted]~(lime) San Fierro Division - Human Resources Manager
  16. ^[] Unfortunately, SAIA was closed as at September 27th 2018. In the future, SAIA may re-open.
  17. [TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : [I think there a pretty strong gang, most of them members I have encountered have been good, some pretty bad.] [AA] - Arms Assasins=- : [The one member I have meet from this gang was friendly and polite :) positive opinion on the gang as a whole.] [B~B] - Black Bullets=- : [I personally like them, and that big base on the hill omfg its amazing <3] [Z] - Organization Zero=-: [I think there good, the 2 members I have meet from Z are skilled.] [UE] - Underground Empire=- : [Members I have meet have been pretty friendly and skilled.] [BS] - Black Syndicate=- : [Great gang in my opinion, organised and well equipped] [CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : [Every member I have encountered from this gang has been a dick, have no opinion on the gang itself though] [O] - The Outfit=-: [No opinion on this gang] CripZ=-: [Same as CDC opinion wise] [WA]- Wild Angel=-: [No opinion] [THC] - The Company=-: [Great gang, well organised, very good planners. When you work with them you know where you stand and everything is planned out well for example THC bank robberies are well planned out as well as their turfs] Squads - level 1-5 [FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : [I think there good, very sneaky though. Always seem to arrest me out of nowhere, very sneaky :) ] [SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : [No general opinion] [SAPA] - San Andreas Police Academy=- : [No general opinion] [SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : [No general opinion] [FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : [Another pretty good squad, also very skilled in arresting] [NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : [Members I have encountered from this squad have been friendly and skilled.] [TST] - The Strike Team=-: [Another great squad, great members very skilled and happy to help. Also quite friendly.] [MI6] - Military Intelligence Section 6=-: [Didn't know they were still going] [ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: [This one, in terms of members I have had multiple bad experiences with various members in terms of rule breaks. Although I have never had a good experience with this squad, I would not say there bad. ] Companies - level 1-5. [ALT] - All Load Trucking=- : [Always helpful, filling up the tanks of saes good drive to you sirs :) ] If you can't pick the Gang, Squad or Company you are in now. What would be your : Favorite Gang : Black Bullets Favorite Squad : The Strike Team
  18. @nippy1 In game name - Hoodie Ninja Login name - Cuntsme Playing Saes for about a week English skill - 10 I want to enter this gang because Nippy is amazing and always JBs, plus id like to be apart of a group Never entered any gang or organization I like gaming and Rping and eating! You told me to apply nippy Roleplaying is using your imagination to play a role, following all the rules of that role and doing that role to your best ability 1996 Not sure what GR and BR is Deathmatch is when your fighting a player for revenge or just fighting them to be a dick Ignore them and report I am 22 Never been in a gang so dont know about turfwars, I would guess you cant use your car for one and you cant log off to avoid dying
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