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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Human_

  1. The lies just keeps coming, huh?
  2. My feelings hurts
  3. Not sure I've talked a lot with you ingame, which is weird considering we've both played since 2011. Still sad seeing an old member of the community leaving. Good luck with your life.
  4. Sorted.
  5. Someone requested this property before you. Request denied.
  6. Someone requested this property before you. Request Denied.
  7. Sousse in my heart
  8. Hello my leader.
  9. Focus on selling your properties before buying new ones, Steve. Pro tip^
  10. Thats insane! Good job, everyone who had a hand in this.
  11. You cant afford it. You poor.
  12. I expected more from you ICE... Its really balanced as it is now imo.
  13. Sorted.
  14. @bachwa said in Official Quote Wall: "Be the scammer, not the scammed." - Humafk, circa 2019 Come on man. You can't leak that.
  15. Biker gangs giving other biker gangs shit for driving cars is sad.
  16. Point is, that some of us play the game very casual. We log in to chat and maybe do a couple of activities, but we really dont like when were forced to do anything. Need a better explaination? Look at what Ikzel said.
  17. Will just be a dm fest. Killing cops is fun, thats reward enough.
  18. @Skerdi said in Official Quote Wall: I should kick you for quoting yourself. Retard.
  19. Hbd fellow afk men
  20. @ILLUSION said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Do one where you swap SAPA with ALT.
  21. @Aboody2 said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Human_ Z , TT , WA , Thc Sure...
  22. @Leo said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: When other gangs found out AA,UE,B~B and CDC are cheating. Name one gang that never use/used trainers at bank robs.
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