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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Human_

  1. @Markus said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Tut-Greco u gonna let em do u like that?Swing the hammer!
  2. Lets hope its none of them.
  3. If you wanna play poker, don't be wanted. Nice suggestion tho.
  4. @Adistar said in [Tip]How to report Gangs / Squads to managers: @Human_ said in [Tip]How to report Gangs / Squads to managers: Had to be a Thc making the topic At least we have members ;) no members > 1 Mohamed Mostafa
  5. Had to be a Thc making the topic
  6. Added cyberghost to the existing Cargobob on SWAT base. Current usernames: masterkillier,jmyx,adem,cyberghost
  7. Happy birthday today!!
  8. Alpha removed. Freeway added at Rebel base locked to ferthistheking17, cheaty, javexy, frankcastle. Interior 25 added to house in North LV.
  9. Police car removed from LSPD. Kart added to LVX locked to maxismuz4141 and firas19
  10. Human_


  11. Gratulerer med dagen. Kjper en plse til deg
  12. Police car changed with a Kart placed at SAFP base.
  13. This topic went from being good to fucking shit when the estonians showed up
  14. Just be aware I often find myself just driving around for 15 minutes ingame waiting for a store rob. I start driving torwards it the second it starts. Still, I'd say the SR is stopped like 40% of the time before I can even arrive, and I have to wait for another 15 minutes for a new store rob to start. Does this sound like fun?
  15. Shamal removed and Stuntplane added.
  16. @kipt said in Official Quote Wall: I won't share the original picture, but this is some next level up roasting I cant be roasted by Indians. Sorry.
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