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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Human_

  1. Happy birthday Hugo
  2. Long time Omar. Welcome back
  3. Shamal parked at LV Airport. Hacker shader. Damaged Glendale parked at LV X. Hacker shader. Sorted.
  4. Cheetah parked at Bayside King Ring (TR). Sorted.
  5. Vehicle 1: Stunt plane parked at thc base. Vehicle 2: kart parked at thc base. Vehicle 3: Glendale [broken] ( hippie) parked in garage at lv x. Vehicle 4: Cheetah with roof ( hippie ) parked in garage at lv x. Vehicle 5: Shamal parked at SF airport. Sorted.
  6. Shamal placed at SF airport. Crown Vic and Stratum at property in LV.
  7. Sorted. Vehicle 1: LV Police cruiser ( id 598 ) Location: FBI base Username: Judyess , Lynch1
  8. All of this added and parked at SWAT base: FBI truck Police buffalo with SWAT wrap SWAT Tank(Black color) Ambulance with SWAT wrap username maxismuz4141
  9. Is this kid pursuing a rap career...? Cause these ryhmes aint slapping
  10. May I suggest that all of those who manages to type in the wrong chat over and over, changes up their binds? Move the mainchat away from all the other chats you have. Problem solved.
  11. Vehicle 1: Super GT ( with wraps I will send via discord ) parked at BB base. Vehicle 2: Damaged Glendale parked at X base. Vehicle 3: Shamal at SF airport. Everything locked to judyess.
  12. $1,000,000 rewarded.
  13. Shamal parked at LV Airport locked to kado123456. Damaged Glendale parked at Rockshore West 1 (LV) to kado123456.
  14. Human_


  15. Damaged Glendale with wrap "meme1" locked jojofromjory,mrsolrac
  16. Shamal with wrap (sticker 1) locked to mahdimokni123456 at LS Airport.
  17. Bullet, Jester, Super GT and Turismo placed at "Betty Sues Family Farm Corp". Locked to toteking233 Zebra wrap on the Bullet.
  18. why selfish @Tritosh ? accept him cuban immigrante idiit
  19. Im sorry @ugli . I cant touch Aa or clo :(
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