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Everything posted by fenter

  1. ^[Morning activity] Activity number: #28 & #29 T.R.A Agents Present: Jasper, fenter90, Cappo, Alferdo and Sunrise Date and time: 4/18/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR 1] ^[SR 2] ^[SR 3] ^[SR 4] ^[ VIP 1] ^[ VIP 2] ^[ VIP 3] :::
  2. @silalius said in SUGGESTIONS: @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: @silalius said in SUGGESTIONS: @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: Also i asked for a way to clean the sr without having to snipe them and not your glory days in 2014-15 Maybe you should gather more than 2-3 people to raid the SR then? You can certainly easily clear an SR with a group of 5-6+ cops if you strategize better, just sayin, and these new squads are proving that and theyre level 0 LMAO. (Heligrab is easily forgettable these days huh?) Sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today I really doubt 5-6 people can clear SR with +20 crims Heligrab is broke incase you didnt notice Our strategy includes sniping people sadly and we cant change it unless +10 cops agrees to come to the sr and clean it without using lethal force (with its pretty impossible) And as i said i suggest you come and play and try to clean a sr without sniping with 5-6 cops You can doubt it all you want, anyone in TST, SWAT, MI-6 back then can vouch for it. Ive played cop between 2011-16, Im pretty sure I know what Im talking about. Not my problem you cant regroup with your own squad and/or other squads and cops to take down an SR. SRs used to be at one location for 1-2 hours cause of the massive wars from raiding each other Again, sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today I dont think you quite understood what i said and we are just going in an endless loop. You can't get 10 cops to come in the same SR and as my Squad we always regroup and either air raid it or snipe it and thats how we get the SR. If we bring 5 or 6 cops to raid a SR with 20 crims they all would be dead before they even arrive to the roof If you air raid -> you will get sniped before you open the parachute If you raid from ground -> 20 crims will spray you with their Combact shotguns This has nothing to do with IQ or whatever. It's really simple if you just snipe half of the SR and raid the rest Beside when was the last time you played as a cop? I really doubt you know anything about today's cops Beside wheres the fun in just camping above the roof? As Dinaz said there is no fun by just camping on the roof, If a cop snipes you it will be more fun as you have to cover yourself and try to find where the sniper is and shoot him
  3. ^[Securing the VIP] Activity number: #21 T.R.A Agents Present: Rick, fenter90, Cappo Date and time: 4/16/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. @silalius said in SUGGESTIONS: @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: Also i asked for a way to clean the sr without having to snipe them and not your glory days in 2014-15 Maybe you should gather more than 2-3 people to raid the SR then? You can certainly easily clear an SR with a group of 5-6+ cops if you strategize better, just sayin, and these new squads are proving that and theyre level 0 LMAO. (Heligrab is easily forgettable these days huh?) Sorry the glory days had smarter higher iq cops than today I really doubt 5-6 people can clear SR with +20 crims Heligrab is broke incase you didnt notice Our strategy includes sniping people sadly and we cant change it unless +10 cops agrees to come to the sr and clean it without using lethal force (with its pretty impossible) And as i said i suggest you come and play and try to clean a sr without sniping with 5-6 cops
  5. Activity number: #19 - #20 T.R.A Agents Present: Rick, fenter90, Cappo Date and time: 4/16/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[Securing the VIP] ^[Responding to the SR] :::
  6. Also i asked for a way to clean the sr without having to snipe them and not your glory days in 2014-15
  7. @silalius said in SUGGESTIONS: @fenter said in SUGGESTIONS: How are we supposed to clean a SR with 20 crims as 5 cops without sniping em? Back in 2014-15 in TST, wed air raid SRs no problem with 4-5 people vs 20 crime "Back in 2014-15" Guess what? we are in 2021 now the server is full of tryharders and people who their ping cant go under 200ms Every air raid attempt ends up failed. I hit 15 people and i only arrest 1 guy somehow? and as far as i remember 2014-15 didnt have tryharders and people with +200 ping I really suggest you try to air raid any sr nowdays because we arent in 2014-15 anymore
  8. How are we supposed to clean a SR with 20 crims as 5 cops without sniping em?
  9. ^[Responding to SR and Securing the VIP] Activity number: #13 & #14 T.R.A. Agents present: fenter90, Cappo and Jasper Date and time: 4/15/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SR] ^[Securing the VIP] :::
  10. Happy birthday :3
  11. ^[Tonight's activity.] Activity number: #10 & 11 & 12 T.R.A. Agents present: Cappo, fenter90, Rick, Jasper, Axestos and Alfred Date and time: 4/14/2021 Screenshots: ::: ^[SRs] ^[SR 1] ^[SR 2] ^[SR 3] ^[SR 4] ^[SR 5] ^[SR 6] ^[PATROLs] ^[Securing the V.I.P] ::: ^[T.R.A RULES] ^[]
  12. happy birthday :bonjour:
  13. ^[Securing and Responding to 2 SRs] Activity number: #9 T.R.A. Agents present: Cappo, fenter90, Rick Date and time: 4/13/2021 Screenshots: ::: SR 1 SR 2 :::
  14. Address: Appartment Block 180 Account name: catmemes Last seen: 14 of march Screenshots:
  15. Address: Catetaria & Cold Slush Icecream Account name: catmemes Last seen: 13th of march Screenshots:
  16. ^[] Activity Number: 3 Activity Type: Impounding cars around LV CC Members: @Vynee @ReZzY Time spent in activity: ~16mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2UXe3eX ::: @rezzybg said in ReZzY's CC Activities: Patrol Number #10 Activity Type patrol LV-SF and BC Cuban cars members @Vynee and mechanic @fenter Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/11amit7 _ https://prnt.sc/11amljy _ https://prnt.sc/11amo2o _ https://prnt.sc/11amslz _ https://prnt.sc/11amxmf :::
  17. Ramadan Mubarek w Mohni
  18. ^[] Title: Little bit of Assistance Story: While i was working in my Garage, Leonard came to my Garage asking for a little bit of assistance in his Garage as there were too much customers. So i came with him and give him a hand Roleplay Number: 2 Participants: @Leonard Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/L6nZljM :::
  19. Some people already got mad. ^[~~ TRA RULES ~~]
  20. ^[] Activity Number: 2 Activity Type: Fixing cars in LV CC Members: none Time spent in activity: 16 mins *Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/2vC7KYC :::
  21. ^[] Title: First junk deal Story: As i am opening a new Auto repair workshop, I have noticed that i need some tools and parts to start the job, So i called Mr. @Remp and went to make a deal with him, And bought some spare parts from him. Roleplay Number: 1 Participants: @Remp and me Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/IosjyAq :::
  22. Happy birthday from Sattar
  23. Happy 29th birthday
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