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Everything posted by fenter

  1. @stay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @snome said in Replacing vehicle mods: remove everything
  2. @johnnyenglish said in [SUGGESTION] Adding goggles to the ammunation shop: When will you request a K panel too for locating all cops? /loc
  3. @howlze said in [SUGGESTION] Adding goggles to the ammunation shop: Do you want a taser and a nightstick as well? we got bunch of gang members that shower you with nades and CS at 200+ ping!
  4. gz @Teddy SAHA leader
  5. Happy birthday reiz ::: If What Jay said was supposed to be a joke, Then forgive me i forgot to laugh :::
  6. happy birthday gorilla king :gorilla:
  7. We are neighbors
  8. @ttg said in GTA San Andreas weapons, designed in HD: how do I install these for MTA? this video should help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXawaKrG8-0
  11. ^[] ^[] ^[#stream 18] ^[12/04/2020] ^[Nighty stream]
  12. Get better crackers perhaps?
  13. Happy birthday
  14. Merry Christmas
  15. gz henri
  16. @illusion said in hentai! Clan: @fenter said in hentai! Clan: ok since this Topic got some people mad (veri veri veri mad) I'm supporting this group. where can i donate You can donate to Government of Iraq. NOOO I GOT ROASTED!!!11!!!!!! (why care about me when u can freely simp for queen mamy pinky)
  17. ok since this Topic got some people mad (veri veri veri mad) I'm supporting this group. where can i donate
  18. @daryl said in raceTECH new logo: @franklin said in raceTECH new logo: Almost more embarassing than Terry's lol, next time you take artwork from someone else at least re-upload it through imgur or something I'm sad to inform you that you have missed the joke
  19. @Vynee
  20. Happy birthday
  21. Everytime when i think this guy has hit the bottom already he manages to go even lower
  22. ^[] ^[] ^[#stream 16] ^[12/04/2020] ^[Evening stream]
  23. JUST MEME NO OFFENSE :police_officer:
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