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Everything posted by fenter

  1. Where can i vote for Nanobob?
  2. ^[] Activity Number: 1 Activity Type: Fixing cars in LV-X (and area near it) CC Members: No one Time spent in activity: 10-15mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hDLWFvi
  3. Sorry voted for M by accident. WORST GANG IS CRIPZ
  4. wheres unique?????????
  5. ^[] Hello and Welcome to my activity topic. Here you will find all my CC Activities and Roleplays. Enjoy watching. ^[Here is formats i use] ^[Activity post format] ^[![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/453461686800613376/785092442382008320/Untitlsed.png)] **Activity Number:** **Activity Type:** **CC Members:** **Time spent in activity:** **Screenshots:** ^[Roleplay post format] ^[![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/453461686800613376/785092454298419210/Untitled.png)] **Title:** **Story:** **Roleplay Number:** **Participants:** **Screenshots:** ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/452787433587867649/830137230500692018/mta-screen_2021-04-09_20-31-01.png?width=1025&height=264)
  6. I miss fake brits and their braindead leader :disappointed_face:
  7. fenter1 Best caravan here
  8. Address: Nothing to see here Account name: 123 Last seen: 1st june 2012 Screenshots: https://prnt.sc/vwh4c6
  9. ^[] ^[] ^[#stream 15] ^[12/04/2020] ^[Nighty party at LV-X screens]
  10. @SAES-HQ-Leader
  11. @antirug said in BEST AND WORST OF 2020: I got a seizure attempting to understand what this topic want's me to do Then just dont read it???????????????????????????????????????????
  12. My blood glucose level dropped, I need to eat something sweet. Can I eat you @Adistar
  13. ~[Good luck]~
  14. SAES isn't a RP server isnt it? (besides what if i dont want to be handcuffed?)
  15. E L E V A T E
  16. @illusion said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Latest meme I made: Biggest mistake
  17. fenter


    Best of luck
  18. Best of lucks for the Algerian army
  19. fenter


    @Cappo said in Chaos Society | Official Topic: In-game name: NavyM>fenteR90^ Account name: fenter1 Current gang: Navy Malistrip Current groups: Q-Dance, Rooftop Koreans and SACT How long have you been playing in SAES?: idk since 2015 I guess How active are you in SAES?: 2 hours daily (mostly depends) Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: Because its group full of prfsnl and chads like me
  20. :rose: :shortcake:
  21. sana sa3ia akhi nori w kl 3am wnt bakhir
  22. sana 7lowa ya 9amil
  23. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
  24. ^[] ^[] ^[#stream 13] ^[10/8/2020] ^[Streaming at night screens]
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