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Everything posted by fenter

  1. :circus_tent:
  2. happy birthday :clown_face: :monkey:
  3. :police_car: :police_officer:
  4. Happy birthday drama'er
  5. ^[] ^[stream 11] ^[10/06/2020] ^[Evening Stream] ^[] More Pictures
  6. Happy birthday @LAPD_Spanish_VEN have a great one :cake:
  7. ^[] ^[#stream #10] ^[10/02/2020]
  8. Happy birthday :cat2:
  9. @Cappo said in Happy Birthday Teddy !!!: 0 iq :circus_tent: :monkey:
  10. Happy birthday
  11. Happy birthday yasta
  12. Happy birthday nano i hope you fix cbug this year
  14. HS is the only fun thing in turfs why remove it
  15. when alice goes into your car after SR instead of hamppe so u think ur the man but 20 mins later u see them together at VIP drop
  16. heffy berthday indiano
  17. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: I don't fuckin understand why would a fuckin stupid idiot maniac crazy criminal vote on this suggestion, This suggestion is for cops lol, I vote yes, More fun, More players @FoxZilla said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: Same zones will stay but It will be speical for cops the command may be /defense or something like that. Which squad makes most arrest their color will stay at their zone.
  18. Happy birthday ESO, have a good one
  19. heppy birthday latino commander
  20. Nickname : NavyM>fenteR90^ Nationality : Iraq Age : 17 Your Korean name : Chan eun What's your current organization : Navy Malistrip
  21. Happy birthday jon-:cake:
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