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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. 2x Police LV placed w/ nitro locked to haveer890 @ LSPD and LVPD donation lots. Futher 21 to claim.
  2. Archiving as above :honk: for no responding
  3. 2 weeks passed, have not claimed all rewards, archiving. Still to claim in a donation change topic when you decide; 3 vehicles w/ free standard wraps 2 interiors of any quality.
  4. $1,000,000 rewarded - archiving.
  5. Archiving as no rewards requested in a week, feel free to request as a donation change going forward
  6. Archiving as no rewards requested in a week, feel free to request as a donation change going forward
  7. Appears wraps were added, archiving.
  8. @Tut-Greco said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: @Soul said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: perhaps have some changes done to the shaders and shit, as it really is resource heavy and causes major lag spikes in half of LV I don't think their shaders have much, if any notable influence on your performance.. must be the sheer amount of objects streaming in, together with a bad base loading system @sila said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: @Spetnazz said in [Suggestion] Solving an issue we all know about.: Something around the middle on the LV highway is making my game get seizures when I drive past it after logging in. It's annoying as fuck, and if it's their base causing it to happen, then yes, please fix it It's due to UE Base and RTech bases being loaded in at the same time as they're so close together. It makes my PC freeze up for like 5 seconds before it stops having a seizure. Both of these diagnosis are incorrect, I would encourage you to avoid speculation in future. The issue is solely to do with the rT base and the UE base does not play a part in this particularly bad loading experience. The current plan is to have bases load asynchronously to avoid massive spikes while actually playing the game - this however is in the early stages. The issue with the rT base right now is neither a "bad base loading system" (or else this would be the case for all bases) nor is it "sheer amount of objects" - their base comes in under the kb limit. The issue is the number of shaders being loaded, while they're well under the shader limit in terms of size, the number of shaders is over 20 - compared to other bases averaging around 5. This is something we're looking to fix and we're aware of the issue and should asynchronous loading not happen any time soon, we'll look to reduce the number of rT shaders in the interim.
  9. Change Challenger and the BMW E30 to 2 burritos at the LV pay'n'spray Still 30 to claim
  10. ^[] Hey everyone, As you may be aware, when myself and the non-RP government leadership team (now Group Management) took on the mantle of facilitating a functioning government on SAES and facilitating elections for that government we announced there would be a new election cycle every 4 months. April 1st marks 4 months from our elections, so here we are - a new election cycle is upon us. This means that anyone who intends on taking part in the upcoming elections/government cycle should have a quick read of this topic and register either yourself, or a candidate, prior to the time given on the topic. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16464/register-your-political-party-candidacy-april-elections Registration for the election will close on March 28th at 23:59 server time. The polls will open on April 1st at a time yet to be determined and run until April 5th at 6pm server time. I would encourage everyone who wishes to participate, to do so. If you need any further information on what the government is or what it does please check out some of the links below; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7329/the-saes-government - All the details about the government, including rules and regulations. https://saesrpg.uk/gov - Handy link to the government area of the site https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13535/december-2019-election-results?page=1 - Previous results! On a final note I'd like to say a big thanks to all of the people who helped run this period of the government. We had more bills and initiatives passed than ever before with some good changes and a clear sense of government direction. I look forward to working with the future government and hope that those who form it are even half as good as the people I've had the pleasure of working with for the last 4 months. Thank you to all the @Senator 's, the President and his Vice President and all the government staff and department leaders. Best of luck to all who are choosing to run in this election, should you have ANY questions please reach out via discord, Cheers! @SAES-Group-Manager
  11. In preparation for the new elections this topic has received an overhaul. Please note going forward the following changes There are now 11 districts to vote in, as opposed to the previous 13. Tierra Robada has taken over Bayside and SF is now North & South (central removed) Whetstone & Flint County have merged. Government department leaders can no longer appoint people to staff. The government will choose 5 staffers to help all departments. There is now a maximum of 5 government departments. This is to avoid the situation we've had where there are more department leaders and staffers than senators. Elections will now last 5 days as opposed to the previous 1 week. Votes required for majority and super majorities updated to reflect new senator count of 11.
  12. This is a topic which has been discussed at length multiple times and it was agreed on more than one occasion we would not be adding a rule to protect someones feelings with respect to claims of blasphemy. There is a rule protecting players from specific, continued targeted harassment. Someone playfully insulting a religion in general terms is not targeted harassment. On a personal note, you've really only made the situation worse by complaining about it - you're more likely to see these jokes now than you were before, and they were not that common previously. Closing this off now, our stance previously was we would not be adding a rule around Blasphemy, I imagine it's our stance going forward unless @SAES-HQ make a change.
  13. refueling DFT placed at BC refinery as requested, locked to jojofromjory with the wrap 'meme1' You still have 40 of donations left to claim
  14. It disables server side mods, mainly models. Should you disable it, you will then see base versions of modified vehicles, base police cars, sports cars etc. You would also lose the modified modshop items like the re-skinned rims etc. You would l;ikely see a performance increase on machines that are suffering, it would just make the game feel extremely vanilla.
  15. @PaBLo said in Web design contest (Drone interface) (50 / 10 mil): If only your spelling was as good as your designing.
  16. @django Need your username
  17. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15692/ls-inactive
  18. @Zei said in Money Borrowing / loans: @Daryl said in Money Borrowing / loans: The Outfits entire RP is around money sharking, they have set rates and give loans to players. I don't see the value in spending time implementing a feature which already exists in a player-run capacity. No one is roleplaying these days in saes , I think having an actual script in the bank is good. Also why making it limited to an RP role related to a gang why not making it a governmental thing ? It's not a limited roleplay, anyone can do it - i'm pointing out someone already does. It would be a fairly extensive waste of someones time to make a system like one you're suggesting if there's already the possibility of players doing it themselves. I'm also pretty sure the SAES playerbase is not suffering from a lack of money.
  19. The Outfits entire RP is around money sharking, they have set rates and give loans to players. I don't see the value in spending time implementing a feature which already exists in a player-run capacity.
  20. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15639/inactive-tr
  21. I like the premise of the idea, and for SAI the ability to RP with the impounder is good. But how often does /mech etc. get ignored? Would it be better to be able to 'tag' the vehicle on the map so it shows up for impounders? Not sure if it's possible but a system like that would seem preferable.
  22. You can only request up to 2 inactive properties per week, a user is only considered inactive after failing to log in for one month. 'craig' is also a SAES clan member so that house wouldn't be sold, sa_housing_agency is the SAHA account and those properties are not claimable. With this in mind, only the first property you attempted to claim would be valid.
  23. The new nametags are just better looking, imagine trying to find a FOX with the old name tags? Black name up against a black wall, good luck. At least now you can see their names. Your theory that your FPS reduction is due to the name tags is probably not even true, there's nothing to show this other than you removing your entire HUD. Look at your old screenshot with less people and the old name tags. Your FPS is 39 whilst in the interior. The new screenshot your FPS is 33 whilst outdoors on a custom piece of mapping with more people and vehicles. It's unlikely that your FPS issues are attributed correctly to the name tags, and honestly I think you're wrong when you say they look better. Your example is also bad, your complaint is that Ardrons name is blocked by Ape's, that isn't because of the name tag. I could make an equally bad argument with the below; FiNd NoVa!?? Old name tags bad, new name tags good. They also likely make little difference with FPS in identical environments.
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