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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. @RAMPAGE Although I can confirm the donation, please make sure on the next topics that you wait for me to confirm them. I've already saw @Shraika trying to fake one.
  2. If not, I might be able to do it this end
  3. Donation confirmed. Please note @Dontcry that you have set it up to take the same amount every month, if you do not wish to do this, please cancel the 'recurring' payment schedule.
  4. This cannot be added as you have requested your money back. @Wobbles
  5. Forum is now updated to the latest version of its software. The plugins installed which handle the above should still work correctly. (We are looking into the issue with rainbow colours and spoilers)
  6. I understand its not everyones cup of tea, but hopefully it can grow on them....like a wart or verruca. I think having a site that is up to date with security fixes and is also very quick at responding is better than the old site which was a nightmare to update (due to invision constantly breaking shit and giving us no documentation or specific file change logs) which resulted in downtime and was pretty slow at retrieving data.
  7. @filex said in Theme Breaking / Spoilers: @brophy said in Theme Breaking / Spoilers: I've added reputation count and post count to your posts. I've also changed the post text to match the old forum. I think it would be better and more original if a font options gets added it will help much in titles subtexts and everything Even with the size option Unfortunately, that option isnt available at the moment. You could use this cheat-sheet while we implement it. https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
  8. I've added reputation count and post count to your posts. I've also changed the post text to match the old forum.
  9. @iStar you finished bumming mary?
  10. @itaze said in Show us your setup: @groove Nice PC but your GPU is being a huge bottleneck for your CPU, try to get 1070 or wait for the next gen GPUs I would only say that its a bottleneck when he starts to try and game above 1080p
  11. Centring of text can be done using the following code: (its not added to the editor yet) ^[Text to align center] Centring of images: ^[![alt text](image url)]
  12. Testing centring of text: ^[OMG CENTER TEXT] ^[]
  13. Images in a spoiler should now be fixed. ::: Testing images in a spoiler :::
  14. @scorpyo said in robber mask: @tut-greco said in robber mask: @scorpyo said in robber mask: Well then there must be another way to do this for sure you could try use boneAttachment and add a map object to his head bone, that's exactly how CJ body parts works with the exception that the parts are rigged Yeh i thought about that, will be alot of work since not all the pedds got the same head position, will try my best anyways. Yeah that should work but remember that each ped model will have different offsets
  15. @scorpyo said in robber mask: @tut-greco said in robber mask: that would be for CJ only wouldn't it @Filex no it can be used on any ped but there is nothing simular to mask in those clothes, unless you mod one of those clothes in the catalog and make it a mask and idk if that is possible like mod this or this Note: This function only works with peds using CJ skin (ID 0).
  16. Unless you made a proper robber skin (that is used during certain missions etc) and replace a skin.
  17. I wonder if it could be done with a shader......
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