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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. I understand its not everyones cup of tea, but hopefully it can grow on them....like a wart or verruca. I think having a site that is up to date with security fixes and is also very quick at responding is better than the old site which was a nightmare to update (due to invision constantly breaking shit and giving us no documentation or specific file change logs) which resulted in downtime and was pretty slow at retrieving data.
  2. @filex said in Theme Breaking / Spoilers: @brophy said in Theme Breaking / Spoilers: I've added reputation count and post count to your posts. I've also changed the post text to match the old forum. I think it would be better and more original if a font options gets added it will help much in titles subtexts and everything Even with the size option Unfortunately, that option isnt available at the moment. You could use this cheat-sheet while we implement it. https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
  3. I've added reputation count and post count to your posts. I've also changed the post text to match the old forum.
  4. @iStar you finished bumming mary?
  5. @itaze said in Show us your setup: @groove Nice PC but your GPU is being a huge bottleneck for your CPU, try to get 1070 or wait for the next gen GPUs I would only say that its a bottleneck when he starts to try and game above 1080p
  6. Centring of text can be done using the following code: (its not added to the editor yet) ^[Text to align center] Centring of images: ^[![alt text](image url)]
  7. Testing centring of text: ^[OMG CENTER TEXT] ^[]
  8. Images in a spoiler should now be fixed. ::: Testing images in a spoiler :::
  9. @scorpyo said in robber mask: @tut-greco said in robber mask: @scorpyo said in robber mask: Well then there must be another way to do this for sure you could try use boneAttachment and add a map object to his head bone, that's exactly how CJ body parts works with the exception that the parts are rigged Yeh i thought about that, will be alot of work since not all the pedds got the same head position, will try my best anyways. Yeah that should work but remember that each ped model will have different offsets
  10. @scorpyo said in robber mask: @tut-greco said in robber mask: that would be for CJ only wouldn't it @Filex no it can be used on any ped but there is nothing simular to mask in those clothes, unless you mod one of those clothes in the catalog and make it a mask and idk if that is possible like mod this or this Note: This function only works with peds using CJ skin (ID 0).
  11. Unless you made a proper robber skin (that is used during certain missions etc) and replace a skin.
  12. I wonder if it could be done with a shader......
  13. Signatures end up being abused and also make the forum perform slower (when people decide to start taking the piss with 900 images of 900x900px) We have a large community here and performance of the site is paramount, if I did enable it and in a few months/years time it starts slowing the site down (which is currently rapid), who do you think the first people to moan about it are? Yes, you guessed it, the same people who asked for signatures in the first place. At this moment in time, the answer is no.
  14. @james said in Departure from ICE: @Ted @Brophy @Thing @BlaZZey @Filex @ ICE Did not start this Discussion in public. @JOSHBOND Joshbond Post this SAES GENERAL CHAT because he was kicked out from ice police swat. AND Joshbond could not accept it he got very frustrated and gone wild. MR Joshbond it was very wrong to kick player from ice this is not helping ice.the 12 player you kicked out from ice was all active players.all the player was only not active not more than one month.one of them was activated 9 days ago.6 other player told me and SAM they will not be activated because they are going for summer holiday with their parents. MR Joshbond you didn't realize that it's summer lots of Students stop school or college to go for holiday? lots of Students find work in summer so they have some extra cash.why don't give them the rights to go holiday and not be activated for some time.i will understand you very clear if the player was not activate over 3 months . MR Joshbond we had one very active play name max non stop playing for some reason he stop and was not activated 7 months .we had a discussion regarding if will kick max out or not.i proposed not to kick him from ice and now after all this time max is back activated in ice.the reason he was not activated max PC was damage some boy Don't have the cash to buy one new one PC straightaway. not only you kicked the 12 player you kicked the HQ because he did not agree with you.you kicked brain and Blacklist him because told you that he put in ice 400k and ask you if he can have it back and you look in the LOG and u did not see had put 400k and you punished him kicked and Blacklist. MR Joshbond do you know where is now brain in SAFP. so MR Joshbond you did not help ice . MR Joshbond saying non stop i have lots of friend in SAES and i was staff dose not help mate. me and Sam start ice police from scratch.we respect all the saes admin and staff.we want to go up levels with saes UK rules.we never ask to get help from the back side.and never i ask help because iam one good donate.i love to donate for too reason.one is to help support SAES .UK second to share my donated gifts with ice members and my base to look nice. MR Joshbond the only big reason ice want to go up to 3 lev is so we can have one more skin to have one woman skin because we have 2 girls playing in ice.and the other reason is to have one gate in ice base. SO MR Joshbond if we dont make it to lev 3 its no one big problem we are even happy with lev 2. MR Joshbond you like to be one big boss you give army or police general orders.you frighten the players.you are too strict.like one strict parents. ice can not do that sorry we are only strict if they don't go by the saes rules F1 abuse .not respecting the admins.not showing respect to others team police and criminal.and don't go by the ice rules. so MR Joshbond can you stop about ice and look forward what you want to do.regard ice police James|VL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragraph
  15. I guess he couldnt do it there since being kicked :laughing:
  16. I would be careful @Joshbond, especially with the care bears. I jokingly said that ICE sucked and got a massive essay reply back and questions fired asking me why I thought it sucked. I'll probably get another one for this.....
  17. This server is now offline due to developer retiring.
  18. Read page one and use one the alternative links...
  19. Brophy

    GTA 6?!

    Looks like a hacker is trolling you.
  20. It should still be noted that certain countries have had imgur blocked by their governments....for some reason.... So those people who need to post images should look for alternative hosts.
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