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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Wow. Such feels for being put in jail.
  2. Donation confirmed, can someone ingame sort this out please?
  3. Donation confirmed, can someone ingame sort this out please?
  4. Donation confirmed, can someone ingame sort this out please?
  5. @leo said in RIP XXXTENTACION: @teddy Yes,he did many bad things. But after jail he changed himself. I am not asking to start like him,just stop dissing him. Probably because he got bummed in jail
  6. Yeah, if you are going to make a discord link, please make sure you set it not to expire.
  7. That much of a nice guy that he was facing trial for aggravated battery, domestic battery by strangulation, false imprisonment and witness tampering (including beating a pregnant woman). Either way, I don't see why this has to be a topic on a gaming forum....
  8. I've disable the news feed until I can rework it. If you want to use the spoiler tag without trying to figure out the syntax, hit the reply button instead of a quick reply, and select the 'eye' icon to make a spoiler. ::: Like this... ::: I'll see if placing images within spoilers can be fixed. However, the plugin needed to be changed to stop it breaking topics.
  9. @sweet said in Theme Breaking / Spoilers: This forum is fucked. Feel free not to use it then. Also, I've updated the first post about images
  10. Hello, As you have noticed, some times the forum breaks when people post shit, its actually due to a old plugin which managed spoilers, which has now been replaced. If you have spoilers, you will need to change it to match the new syntax or click the eye icon in the editor. Help: https://github.com/NicolasSiver/nodebb-plugin-ns-spoiler#readme Please make sure you are posting the correct markdown syntax and check your post before posting to stop shit breaking. Cheers. PS. At the moment, images do not work within the spoiler tags, but feel free to post images in a post. The new forum software does not load the image until to scroll to it (lazyloading), which keeps the website rendering times down and stops slowing the website down.
  11. I've added the new bastage discord server which is now seperate from SAES. https://discord.gg/pc4dumT
  12. This is just a waste of space on the forum database....
  13. This was fixed with the profile picture fix, you need to clear your browsers cache, most browsers let you do it by pressing ctrl+f5
  14. @Marko @SoulFly You both have to recreate your topics without the bulletpoint which has been copy/pasted from the old forum, which has broke the forum post html, which is why you cant edit. Once you have done it, please contact an admin to delete your old topic. To create a bulletpoint with markdown / this forum, you use the asterix symbol (*)
  15. This is now setup here: https://saesrpg.uk/news I will add more functionality to the server info blocks and news, as I get time to work on it.
  16. Donation confirmed, can SAES staff please sort this out.
  17. Donation confirmed, can SAES staff please sort this out.
  18. Donation confirmed, can SAES staff please sort this out.
  19. I didnt even manage to kill anyone cuz i fell into the water near the aircraft carrier....
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