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SAES HQ Leader
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Posts posted by Brophy

  1. We've recently updated the website software, which includes a change for clubs/organisations.

    People not currently members of your club/organisation can now create or reply to topics within your public forums (where you allow it).

    This means if you don't want to rely on the application form for people to apply to your gang and wish to have your own topic/application guidelines, you can or if you wish for non-members/probationary members to post media activities before you make them members, they now can. (Basically how the old forum sections worked).

    I've been through and updated everyone's public and applications forums within their club/org pages to allow public posting.

    On another note, it seems there is an issue with accepting org/club rules before joining, in the meantime, I would recommend club/org owners/leaders disable "joining rules" until a fix has been issued.


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  2. We've noticed a few people asking how to donate for others since the forum has moved to it's new software.

    Please find the steps below.

    Before you start, please read the donation rules:


    1. Agree with each other how much is being donated.
    Most people exchange in-game cash for donations, this is the only time we allow in-game assets to be exchanged for real life assets.


    2. The person who wants the donation needs to use the navigation bar at the top of the site and select the following option:



    3. Enter the donation amount you've agreed and press continue and then "Pay Now".




    4. When you are taken the paypal page, copy the url from the browser and give this to to the person who is donating on your behalf.

    The URL will look like:



    5. The person donating on your behalf then uses this URL and completes the donation transaction.

    6. The person who wants the donation will find an automated topic generated on the forum HERE, which then can be used to request your rewards.

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  3. Hello,

    Due to horrific earthquakes which have rocked Turkey, we are suspending the requirement for the residents of Turkey to login within 30 days to keep their housing until further notice.

    Although this is a gesture of goodwill, we will no doubt encounter those who will try to use this to abuse the system, therefore we have taken a snapshot of the housing and current user's IP location, those who are seen or are involved with purposely creating new accounts using a VPN, transferring properties to residents of Turkey to avoid the 30-day login requirement or any other housing-related circumvention of the rules will have all their assets (incl. bank balance) wiped.

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  4. You may now apply to join your gangs/groups/squads via this form:


    If you do not see your organisation listed there, its probably because you don't have an "Applications" forum setup on your organisation.

    If you do not have this forum in your organisation, please raise an issue here: https://saesrpg.uk/issues/web/

    When raising an issue, please link your old forum category and your new forum organisation, once we have moved your content, your organisation will automatically be on the list.

    Until people are a member of your organisation, they will be unable to reply to topics within it, so if you require people to have "activities" posted as part of your application process, you will need to have them do one of the following:

    1. Use discord.
    2. Allow them into the organisation to post on their topic.
    3. Use the media forum (but you wont be able to moderate and will need to ask an admin to move the topic if you allow them to join).

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  5. 7 minutes ago, corpse said:

    Honestly, fuck this shit… What’s even the point of following the rules throughout the year if this kind of stuff is going to happen, specially some of the latest ban for people who have been a dick to this well beaten community. 

    This is probably going to be last ban amnesty we ever grant and the last one was years ago.

    End of the day, rules are still in place, if they want to join us and play normally then that's fine, but we can easily re-ban people who don't follow the rules.

    • Moist 6
  6. Now that we've decided that we want to use clubs with an application form, I will start moving active content from forums to clubs where people have added a request for moderators/etc here:


    Going forward, we need to decide on a universal form that everyone will use.

    I was thinking of the following:


    Club you wish to apply for: (dropdown list of clubs)

    Section 1:

    Nickname (text box):
    Username (text box):
    Other names used (text box):
    Age (text box):
    Gender (text box):
    Current organisations/memberships (text box):
    Date when started playing SAES (date field):
    List of previous organisations/memberships (text area):
    List of previous punishments (text area):
    List of previous bans (text area):

    Section 2:

    What are you strengths? (text area)
    What are you weaknesses? (text area)
    Why do you wish to join <club name>?  (text area)
    Additional info: (text area) (this can be used for anything else you describe in your recruitment topic)

    Section 3:

    I have read and agree to the terms as described in <club name> 's application recruitment topic (tick box)
    I have read all the community and server specific rules as stated in the in-game F1 panel and rules forum (tick box)
    I agree to be active daily and post activities within the media archive regularly (tick box)

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