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You started good so far but it was just one day. Later there were no efforts showed in-game. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested. Denied


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Personal information:
In-game name: Lawyer
Account name: winston22
Age: 18
Nationality: Belarusian
Languages you speak: Russia, English

Ingame information:
When did you join SAES? 2013
What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? BBMC
Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations? left because i didn't play
Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why: There was 1 wrong ban

Information about gang:
Why do you want to join MMC? I love bikers and breaking the law
What could you offer to MMC?I am an active player on this server, I can help the club to improve
Describe MMC's roleplay in your own words. Robbery, murders and drug trafficking
Did you hang with members of the club before? If yes, with who? (Add screenshots) Yes i do, but i don't have any screenshoot.
Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else?: There was an experience in BBMC

If you want your application to be checked ad a picture of a Harley Davidson.
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Personal information:
In-game name: [MMC-H]NeoNas
Account name: Gustas
Age: 16
Nationality: Lithuanian
Languages you speak: Lithuania, English, A little bit of Russian.

Ingame information:
When did you join SAES? Somewhere ~2016
What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? The Outfit, Black Syndicate, was pending on Sons of Anarchy, but the gang died, HSMC, Some 1lvl gangs.
Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations? Don't remember If I left or got kicked out, because I started playing now after a year break.
Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why: I was banned for multiaccounting, I was creating an account for my friend from my gmail.

Information about gang:
Why do you want to join MMC? I love bikes, I like roadtrips and I own Yamaha Aerox ( Yes It's only a scooter, but I'm planning to buy something like Harley Davidson in the future)
What could you offer to MMC? Activity on the server, respect, I'm old player and know how the server and gangs work, I wan't to help the gang grow up and level up.
Describe MMC's roleplay in your own words: Doing illegal activity like; selling guns and drugs, robbing shops.
Doing roadtrips on GTA streets.
Did you hang with members of the club before? If yes, with who? (Add screenshots) Yes, w/ Corn, Fanta, Balla$, Sira, Fanta and others that I can't remember nicknames


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Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else?: Yes, I've roadtripped many times with SoA and other gangs, I'm driving Yamaha Aerox IRL.


@WinstoN_41 and @NeoNas , keep hanging with the mongols so we could be sure to take the right decision. Pending


Personal information:
In-game name: Horm
Account name: kalvis123
Age: Soon 17
Nationality: Latvian
Languages you speak: Latvian, English

Ingame information:
When did you join SAES? 2 years + ago.
What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? MMC was first gang, then we made our own club called WMC - Warlocks MC. BS , ThC.
Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations? MMC i got kicked for avoid arrest. WMC, we got Level 1, but then all ends. I was in BS, allies with ThC, then i was in ThC, and got kicked for inactivity.
Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why: Yes , once for Deathmatching 2 years ago

Information about gang:
Why do you want to join MMC? My first club, first memories, want to help get old times back.
What could you offer to MMC? My experience in server , roleplay , shooting skills.
Describe MMC's roleplay in your own words. Mongols MC is one of best biker club. MMC fixes bikes and cars for fair price. They fight to dont let brothers alone.
Did you hang with members of the club before? If yes, with who? (Add screenshots) Not yet.
Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else?: SAES
Got some lag , cant post picture


@WinstoN_41 @NeoNas No efforts showed in game. Denied
@InteL Keep hanging with the Mongols. Pending
@NikitA321 Accepted and invited.


tOpIc hAs bEeN uPdAtEd gOd bLeSs pAiNt aNd cOrN

From now if you are willing to join us you must fill our application format at https://tiny.cc/MMC-Application.
Results of your applications will be posted here. gOoD lUcK

  • 2 weeks later...

Personal information:
In-game name: [MMC-H]Hameier
Account name: ganky
Age: 13/14
Nationality: Tunisia
Ingame information:
When did you join SAES? 2019
What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? The Pirus
Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations? Pirus: Kicked Because I quarred with one of them.
Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why: No

Information about gang:
Why do you want to join MMC? Because i love bikers. And i like these Gang.
What could you offer to MMC? I promise you when I come in I will do my best.
Did you hang with members of the club before? If yes, with who? (Add screenshots) Yes,https://imgur.com/a/15JJ5mU
Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else?: Yes I have seen a lot. They are one blood. i like that.

picture of Motorcycle:https://imgur.com/a/0TwTCV0


You are no match to our expectations, therefore your application status is DENIED so please do a favour to us and never apply again.

  • 2 weeks later...

@Pogo @HananBaig1
The fact we did not answer you in one week and you still did no give up is impressive.You showed enough efforts towards our club and your applications goes accepted. Meet any of our HQs ingame for more details on getting your patch.

ChiefWoodwinds70 @goldpuzzle
You did no show any interests in joining our club and that makes your applications denied. Feel free to re-apply once again you believe you are ready to wear one of our patches.


Congratulations Mongols :D Respect Few, Fear None

I hope, we meet on the road one day or atleast in our legendary bar in Dillimore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kestas , El.Patron49 ,
You did not put any efforts to hang out with us. Denied.

@Franklin , @HardBass
You informed us about your real life things, take your time and come to the server once you could. Under-review.

Accepted for the record.


Personal information
In-game name: Tore
Account name: tore21
Age: 18
Nationality: Turkish

Ingame information
When did you join SAES? It has been some weeks.
What gangs/squads/companies have you been in? None
Why did you leave or were you kicked out of your previous organisations?
Have you ever been kicked or banned from SAES:RPG ? If yes, Explain why: No, I haven't.

Information about gang
Why do you want to join MMC? A friend of mine is the main reason, besides, i might actually like biker roleplay.
What could you offer to MMC? My activity and loyalty i guess.
Did you hang with members of the club before? If yes, with who? (Add screenshots) No, I didn't.
Do you have experience with the biker life on SAES or anywhere else? Well, I have seen some on the road in real life.

  • 2 weeks later...

Small announcement:

Mongols MC's topic has been fully updated, thanks to Corn.
Officially we just applied for level 2.
If you have missed our promo video, make sure to check it out, thanks to Nori.

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