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ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it)

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@Sam said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it):

Hello Dear Saes Community people!

I have many things to say in this topic i will start below with some categories:


I saw and found out that the server rules are not good maintenance. I mean by that they are rules in server what does not exist in F1 Rules, also i saw that the rules in other languages have more rules than the english rules. English rules have 12 Rules and all other languages have 20 rules. I think something is wrong here. Maybe Developers forgot to change the other languages and changed only the english rules.

Example: 1 New Player Join the server and he does not speak good english so he will go to F1 Rules and read the non- english rules.
He will read rules what does not exist in the english rules. I'm pretty sure that the english rules should be the same like the other languages.

Let's got to the RULE part:


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We are going to the points that there are rules in other languages what does not exist in english rules for example:


  • DANISH RULE NUMBER 17: Hvis du er til et butiks rveri og venter udenfor markren og gr ind i markren i sidste jeblik for at f pengene, klassificeres som misbrug og vil resultere i et forbud/ban. Desuden, hvis du slger vben eller narkotika i nrheden af et butiks rveri markr (~ 0-10m), kan politiet skyde dig, selvom du ikke har nogen stjerner.

If you are at a store's robbery and are waiting outside the cursor and entering the cursor at the last minute to get the money, are classified as abusive and will result in a ban / ban. Also, if you sell weapons or drugs near a store's robbery marker (~ 0-10m), the police can shoot you even if you have no stars.

THIS RULE EXIST IN THE ENGLISH RULES?? ~[NO, The Rule number 17 does not exist since the rules in english have only 12 rules, also in the other numbers is that rule nowhere to find.]~(red)

~[INFORMATION]~(red): To this rule i have later more to say!


  • GERMAN RULE NUMBER 14: Im Falle eines Ladendiebstahls (Umgs.: SR, Shop Robbery) ist es untersagt sich auf den umliegenden Gebude-Dchern (abgesehen vom betroffenen Ladendach) aufzuhalten oder gar zu verschanzen.

In the case of a shoplifting (Umgs .: SR, Shop Robbery), it is prohibited to stay on the surrounding building roofs (apart from the affected shop roof) or even entrench them.

THIS RULE EXIST IN THE ENGLISH RULES?? ~[NO, The Rule number 14 does not exist since the rules in english have only 12 rules, also in the other numbers is that rule nowhere to find.]~(red)

~[INFORMATION]~(red): If This rule wear Actual the whole community in game should go to ADMINJAIL!


  • GERMAN RULE NUMBER 17: An der Kreuzung, die von Las Venturas raus und u.a. direkt nach Los Santos fhrt (Umgs.: LV-Cross) ist das Parken, lngeres Halten und herumlaufen/stehen ist strengestens untersagt (Umgs.: No-Camping-Zone).

TRANSLATED RULE NUMBER 17 TO ENGLISH: At the intersection, out of Las Venturas and u.a. directly to Los Santos leads (Umgs .: LV-Cross) is the parking, longer stay and walk around / is strictly prohibited (Umgs .: no-camping-zone)

THIS RULE EXIST IN THE ENGLISH RULES?? ~[NO, The Rule number 17 does not exist since the rules in english have only 12 rules, also in the other numbers is that rule nowhere to find.]~(red)

~[INFORMATION]~(red): Also this rules is very funny!! HAHA Congratulation SAES Community you have received already another adminjail!


  • NETHERLAND RULE NUMBER 18: de LV-cross is geen camping plaats. Als je daar wacht of iets verkoopt met (/sell) kan je verwijderd worden door administrators.

TRANSLATED RULE NUMBER 18 TO ENGLISH: the LV-cross is not a camping site. If you wait there or sell something with (/ sell) you can be removed by administrators.

THIS RULE EXIST IN THE ENGLISH RULES?? ~[NO, The Rule number 18 does not exist since the rules in english have only 12 rules, also in the other numbers is that rule nowhere to find.]~(red)

~[INFORMATION]~(red): Ape i don't have nothing against you but bad luck!! This rule also don't make sense and is not part of the official rules! Happy adminjail PEOPLE!


  • DANISH RULE NUMBER 16: Arresting i arrangementer / rollespil er tilladt. Hvis admin / G6 / LWS er til stede p dit arrangement / rollespil, er det op til dem at beskytte begivenheden / rollespil med vrktjer, de er givet. Spiller der kommer tilbage til begivenheden / rollespil i forsg p at arrestere deltagerne igen og igen, efter at vre blevet smidt ud af G6 / LWS medlem, to eller flere gange, kan straffes med admin.

TRANSLATED RULE NUMBER 16 TO ENGLISH: Arrest in events / role-play is allowed. If admin / G6 / LWS is present on your event / role-playing game, it is up to them to protect the event / role-playing game with the tools they are given. Players coming back to the event / role-playing game in an attempt to arrest the participants over and over again after being thrown out of the G6 / LWS member, two or more times, may be penalized by admin.

THIS RULE EXIST IN THE ENGLISH RULES?? ~[NO, The Rule number 16 does not exist since the rules in english have only 12 rules, also in the other numbers is that rule nowhere to find.]~(red)

~[INFORMATION]~(red): ALSO very very funny, because i also don't see any rule that we are not allowed to arrest at event in the ENGLISH RULES!!


There are some more crazy rules what does not exist in the english rules! Developer should look into it themself.

Okay, now i have showed you the rules in FORUM now we are going to the english rules IN-GAME.

The Server Rules in English in forum contain 12 Rules and the rules in F1 ingame CONTAIN 10 RULES? HOW??


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In the in-game rules are 2 Rules missing. So that's even more worse only 10 rules when we have 12 ah sorry 20?
How new player or player what does not using the forum or not looking into the forum for the server rules should know that?

The Following rules are missing in F1 In-game:


Rule Number 7: You are only permitted to have one account. If you have relatives or friends using your PC, please refer to # Multiaccounting # tab on the left. Multi-accounting (by yourself) is bannable, and we may require you to prove your relationship with family members. We do also not tolerate using a second account to troll or mess around which you feel is risky under your own name.

Rule Number 11: Do not camp spawns or hospitals as a police officer to arrest. Arresting people at hospital is permitted if just passing by. Police should also not attack or arrest other police officers. Park-arresting is prohibited (arresting people who are under a vehicle and cannot get up)

~[NOTE: I took the English server rules from the forum!!]~(red)

So what i want to say, the server have any official rules? Or the server is joking with us? Developers should fix that as soon as possible, the rules are the most important thing for the server without any rules in server, the Server is a DM server. Many player get mixed up and espacial the people what are reading the non-english rules. Imagine a player get admin jailed for a rule what does not exist in the official english rules. The English Rules should be the same with the other languages rules. 12 Rules is 12 Rules!! Not 10 Rules in server, 12 Rules in Forum and 12 Rules in other languages. The Rules are really outdated and need to be updated as soon as possible. Okay i think i have nothing to say anymore about the Rules lets move to the next issue!


We are going now to the adminjails, @James got admin jailed before some days for not really a valid reason! Adminjailed by @Ikzelf
The thing is that the player @flusha Reported james for DMing his car by the jail!
(You will ask why i going to talk again about that?) (I will talk about all the things what happened in saes so maybe SAES will wake up)
Okay let's continue with that, as i said james got reported from Flusha for DM his car by the jail. The point is that the player Flusha run over me with a car and got 2 wanted stars. James started to shoot to stop him he did not saw that the player was a police officer from swat. When i saw james shooting his car i started to shoot as well. But as i saw the SS from the report the only one who was shooting at the SS was James.
BUT James should not go into adminjail, so why? I tell you why did you ever read the jailbreak rules?
So to make all clear i will show use all here the JB rule:

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  • First of all james did not kill him he shoot his car because he run over me with a car and did not saw that he was a Police!

  • Second Also its not counted to DM because he DM his car, the police officer had 2 wanted stars the same like criminal have 2 wanted stars police will shoot his car to arrest him

@James got adminjailed for nothing, wait a minute i'm not finish, why james did not get a warning from the admin? A leader get adminjailed without any reason? Especially james he know the rules very well. So something is wrong here. The whole system is wrong in SAES. I saw many times that players get reported (Famous players) and get a just a warning or the admin (Friend) Try to solve it for him by deleting it.
Like this we will work now? Who will have the most ADMIN friends in-game?

let's go now to ICE|DODGE @Doasis he got adminjailed 1-2 days ago for DM next to SR! So here is already the question how he can DM next to the SR? Adminjailed by @Joe
The criminal had 0 wanted stars and was next to the SR, he was pushing the truck away from the church in LV so police officers can not jump from the roof to the SR TOP!
I saw the video and i got really shocked, he was first running straight to the SR and passed him many time (the criminal pushing the truck).
After coming the third time back from his property he still saw that criminal pushing the truck so he decide to kill him. So here is the question now, is that now DM?
No its not DM, The criminal was next to the SR and was pushing the truck away so helping the criminals so the police can not climb the roof.

  • Example: If Dodge did not kill him, and the criminal has finished his work with pushing the truck away, he will go 100% to the SR to participate with the criminals at SR to get the money.

  • Example Number 2: If that guy was a Police instead of a criminal pushing the truck, he will get shooted 100% by a criminal. Is that not DM now? Same think.. Non sense!

  • Example Number 3: How many times Police officers get killed by the highway from the SR even if they are not going to the SR? IS THAT NOT DM??

So there is the question, where do exist 1 Sever rule about the SR? NO WHERE!!

The Only Rule Exist is in other languages about the SR, i did say that rules in the rules problem.

  • If you are at a store's robbery and are waiting outside the cursor and entering the cursor at the last minute to get the money, are classified as abusive and will result in a ban / ban. Also, if you sell weapons or drugs near a store's robbery marker (~ 0-10m), the police can shoot you even if you have no stars

From the time This rules is not in the official English rules it does not count! Because this server is a ENGLISH server!
And also this still does not solve this problem about the SR, so a new rule is needed.

After how is that possible that when we apply for level 5 this month, ICE is getting in 2 days 5 adminjails? On purpose so we don't pass?
People as i said above getting warned and if they make it again they will go into adminjail. Any of these ICE players did not get any warning. So what is this not is that fair?


As we all know ICE have a bad reputation in SAES. WHY?

There are many facts why ICE getting bad reputation here are the following thinks:

  • ICE is Active and arrest criminals! ( Criminals getting mad and start talking bad about ICE)

  • ICE Controle the most time the jail! ( Criminals getting again mad and starting to talk bad about ICE)

  • ICE Also camp in jail! (We are just doing our work and protect the jail, so criminals can not easy operate a jailbreak!)

  • ICE Have many vehicles and aircrafts! ( Players getting jealous and talking bad about ICE)

  • ICE is something different from other squads! ( So squads or groups start talking bad about ICE)

Okay so, lets explain now more this points above!


  • ICE is Active and arrest criminals! ( Criminals getting mad and start talking bad about ICE)

Explanation: What ICE should do? We are part of a Official squad and just playing the game! We act our role and arrest Criminals! That's our JOB! Should we just come online and watch how other police arrest criminals and don't do nothing? Joking now?


  • ICE Controle the most time the jail! ( Criminals getting again mad and starting to talk bad about ICE)

Explanation: We try to secure the jail as much as possible to avoid a Jailbreak, we put people in jail and we make sure that people stay for the 420 sec in jail. We don't like to put people in jail and after 10 sec they Break out from the jail. Like that criminals learn to be more carefully on the street!


  • ICE Also camp in jail! (We are just doing our work and protect the jail, so criminals can not easy operate a jailbreak!)

Explanation: We are not camping because we don't know how to play the game, we are camping in jail to avoid getting Jailbroken by criminals. Also we ar camping so criminals are not that easy to operate a jailbreak. We make the server a new challenge for criminals in jail.


  • ICE Have many vehicles and aircrafts! ( Players getting jealous and talking bad about ICE)

Explanation: Okay all know we have many vehicles and aircrafts in our base and airport. The reason is we make the squad look a bit different then other squads. James is donating to make the base nice and full. Also don't forget that james is helping the server with they payments for the server.


  • ICE is something different from other squads! ( So squads or groups start talking bad about ICE)

Explanation: Okay we a bit different than other squads, we talk different with members, we deal a bit different with members. Don't have really much to say about that.


ICE is giving the server a huge activity everyday new challenges to the server and use are talking bad about ICE? There is not really a reason to be mad at ICE, we are just players like other one. OFC if you don't like one players or ICE general it's okay, but there is not really a reason to tell every single player about ICE bad reputation.
ICE never talked bad to any squad/gang/group in this server, if we don't like something we talk within ICE about that or private we do not share that. But i see that the most players do that to us so we must be able to start to talk bad as well.
ICE Joined normal like any other squad. the only difference was that ICE had donation cars at level 0 ( Police cars) That's all.
I don't have really nothing to say anymore about this point! But just please try to be calm and try to be friends with ICE! Thank YOU!


Okay we had some issue with @Raf0, he was in ICE for some month, i saw how he loves ICE he was talking everyday about ICE. Suddenly @Tut-Greco gave @Raf0 and @Marsello a free invite to SAPA. Marsello got invited because no squad/gang took him. Raf just got invited because his brother is MARSELLO.
After some days i saw that RAF left ICE. WHY? Because someone in SAPA or other people told him about ICE! They told raf that ICE are noobs and retarded players.
So raf decided to leave ICE. Very very funny.

And i'm pretty sure that this happen many times that people leave because people are talking bad about ICE. Raf got free invited by SAPA and after he leaves ICE is that nice? thats rude.. @Tut-Greco gave him a chance with his brother to join SAPA and to learn, that's very nice from him. BUT after he leave ICE, that's very rude. This people should not get any chance nowhere, rude people what are not thankful because we helped him gave him many chances in ICE and after leaving ICE..
ICE work hard to stay where we are now!

It's not nice to tell ICE members bad things from ICE what is not true, so they leave ICE! We do not accept that..
Something must happen here as well..
I don't try to get players involved it to all the issues, i'm just saying what is happening...


So well in my opinion and james opinion admins should not talk to much about other squads or gangs.
Well @Teddy said in mainchat that ICE have a extrem warning this month and we should shut up! Is that nice?
Admins should not tell anything like that in mainchat!

How ICE ever will get new players if admins are talking and saying things in mainchat what they should not say!
Another issue @RAMPAGE the most of the times say in mainchat if someone get adminjailed RIP RIP RIP RIP!
Sorry but this is not a joke, you are a admin and should not talk like that.

And more i saw in mainchat happens from the admin side. Admins are here to help people and to enjoy the game not to create problems to players and say RIP in chat!

Other think admins should be fair to everybody and adminjail people if they deserve it or broke the server rule and not secure or try to protect them. Its not fair towards to other players..

Example: Player report a guy from BB and the BB admin try to protect him or Player report him and his friend admin try again to protect him..

ADMINS are here to balance the server and to make the players playing by the rule.... This should be fixed as well for my opinion..

~[NOTE: I don't say that all admins are like that just some admins acting like that..]~(red)

Please read it it's very important for everybody and for us! Thank you! @Brophy @Ronseal @NanoBob @Kain @Bone

Yes i agree with Sam that everybody in SAES saying bullshits about ICE and wants ICE to be removed, and i agree about that @RAMPAGE is not a nice admin (i say the truth) and annoying by saying RIP after anyone being adminjailed.


Yeah i wonder why ppl hate ICE
I has asked them
They said u should know ICE history but sadly at time ICE began i was in it but by inactive so somebody tell me WHY?
btw ICE often kicked members who got adminjail.


@SideSwipe said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it):

Yeah i wonder why ppl hate ICE
I has asked them
They said u should know ICE history but sadly at time ICE began i was in it but by inactive so somebody tell me WHY?
btw ICE often kicked members who got adminjail.

All organization have rules. ICE has 3 warning points. if you receive more than 3 warning points in one month. them you get kicked from the team.Admin Jail counts 2 points the rest warning count 1 point,This are the rules. we have no other choice.


Yeah yeah i got AJ once
And you finally find reason to kick me by did do not care about it, poor words.
Btw is Sam leader or James
Like i know Sam was wear tag L


Imma keep it real with you, if everybody dislikes you, then maybe, just maybe, you should consider the fact that you might be the problem?

Oh and I believe you dropped this by mistake... Here you go dude, you're welcome

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You do understand how hard it is to keep all rules up to date, especially when we aren't a triple A development team with 40mils to spend on a gam e and and check translations.

We can try to help people with different languanges set in rules, but we have no way to update every language consistantly. We don't have saes membere or all countries to translate either.

English rules are always up to date, as it's something we all understand...atleast most. The other languages are however great for giving people the main idea o how the rules are.

Also the point on James and Flusha is invalid, as he was not cleary coming for you. I don't think if a person hits you once in front of jail as his passing by is clearly going for you.

People are not jealous for your vehicles, people are mad as your vehicles fuck up their fps.

As for ICE looking bad, some points are valid. Why I think ICE looks unprofessional is this: show

Not to mention the topic looks pretty unorganized, but that changes from person to person. To throw the ball back, why do you think people find ICE unprofessional or noobie squad?


i will respect you but dont spam for @Tut-Greco he is my best brother in game and Raf left ICE because all times you tell him " if you dont do that you will be kicked" he dont likz it he will be free man and shet up dont spam for @Tut-Greco and @Raf0 and if you dont respect them i will tell you another bad chat so shet up please .


@Marsello said in ICE Problems & General problems!! (Read it):

i will respect you but dont spam for @Tut-Greco he is my best brother in game and Raf left ICE because all times you tell him " if you dont do that you will be kicked" he dont likz it he will be free man and shet up dont spam for @Tut-Greco and @Raf0 and if you dont respect them i will tell you another bad chat so shet up please .

I honestly don't think you should say anything since you basically begged for your position.


Sad that grammarly is not fully correcting your english mistakes :"you wil ask why i going to talk about all this again"


Ugh what an essay without relevant content. What a complete waste of time from both sides. You tricked me into reading this and a lot of facts are just wrong. I hope you are satisified in what you achieved by writing this. Best of luck.


I don't think ICE member deserve to be warning ...because i tried that before, ICE LEADER arresting in event after warning :/

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