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Case No: 22

@JoeX said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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RP - 314 : Ventarus Hills Troubles
Participants :[ @The-Company ] @Sucre, [ @YakuzA ] @Disaster, [ @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation ] @kajobecha2

Story :
In the night While I was going to smoke My weed joint, I got a call from a friend ordered Hashish, Hashish is an african stuff like the weed, But I didn't has in my pocket except my joint of weed and don't know how to get for him Hashish at late night, I smoked my joint and start thinking about this order and remembered a friend cop got this things for his friends who like me, I called my friend who ordered the stuff and drove the cars to north Las Ventarus hills, My friend cop has a house there, We went there and talked to my friend
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We talked about ordering Hashish and some stuff for me, We talked a while about the business and some stuff about The Police Department, and who works in San Fierro now and something about the crime, As I was planning with him for a new mission In San Fierro, We got the Hashish and showed it to my friend who ordered it, and gave him the money, We got in my friend car and went away and the cop did that too, While he was driving he went to a closed area We waited beside it's Buildings and heard fire, I jumped from the walls to see what's happening I saw the cop on the ground and Crinimals shooting him, we didn't know what to do, we jumped in the car and Run
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We escaped and the guys who killed the cop was running after us and the car fuel ended, we ran on our foots, We couldn't take our breathe from this, We didn't have anything except blowing their car I jumped to the enemy car and started shooting fire on it till we opened the door and get this guys, we killed them and blowed the car, We went to the night club to relax, Then went home to sleep, It was a bad order but we finally safe
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Case No: 23

@RUZO said in 8th Street - Media Archive:

Roleplay number: 4
Story: Riding Mountain Bike while stopped by two guys running in panic on our way to Wheatstone.
Participants: @myself @Fedrick @Zorro @kajobecha2 @dubstep14

On the Sunday morning, @fedrick ask me to train him cycling, he really troublesome guy calling me while im trying to rest on weekend. However i agree to train him because he said he will treat me for breakfast.
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We mount our Mountain Bike and head to cluckin bell to grab some food and immediatly rush to Wheatstone because @fedrick said he want to train at hilly road so i recommend him there, yeah it nice spot for training.
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On our way there, two peoples running in panic stop us, they ask for our help to lose them from cop, I offer them to rent our bicycle. They agree with it, they pay and took our Mountain Bike, I told them to return it back before night or we'll fuck them good and they rushed to safe place while me and @fedrick were asked about them by police officer mentioned by them and we told him fake information.
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Shame on me because I can't help @fedrick training today. Well, he even treat me eat, but he said ''it fine, business come first'', then we head back to Los Santos park to hang out while waiting for the two guys that borrow our Mountain Bike to return it.
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