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Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus)
Other involved people: Speeding Citizens.
Date, time and duration of activity: 08.10.2019 & 40 minutes or so.
Activity type: Speedcamera checkpoint.

I got myself an unmarked police cruiser and went into a bush where I set up a speed-camera which I used to catch at least 60 people who went over the speed limit.
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Involved SAI members: Jerry Schmidt (Myself)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: October 8, 2019. From 8:56 PM to 9:33 PM.
Activity type: Patrol
Activity Details: I began my short shift early in the evening with a lone patrol mostly around the Bone County and Red County areas. Things were pretty quiet, so I had set a speed-trap westbound, coming out from Las Venturas towards San Fierro, but didn't really catch anyone speeding. Disbanding the speed-trap, I continued to patrol around the highways and county roads. Heading back to Las Venturas, I had set a speed-trap, this time eastbound, going to Las Venturas from San Fierro, and I caught two persons on a motorcycle going at around 100 MPH on the opposite lanes of traffic, so I took off after them. After a short period of time, the passenger of the motorcycle jumped off in front of my vehicle, and due to the high speed we were travelling at, I had no chance to stop. The driver didn't even stop, I lost eyes. Sadly, the person died on scene even before medical assistance could arrive. I headed back to write the report and ended shift.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RT8LL26


Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 09.10.2019 & 50 minutes.
Activity type: Patrol

The patrol began around Las Venturas. As the clock was around 16:22, there wasn't much traffic nor people due to the fact that they're still at work.

I moved to Los Santos and it was the same there. Gang activity was also relatively low. But all of a sudden I ran into an abandoned bike on the road next to Glen Park. I quickly put up some signs that would navigate the traffic to another lane and then I got to the bike. The keys were still in but the engine was off. I took the number plate and it belongs to Joseph Plankton. I did further investigation about the suspect and turns out he was out of the city to visit his family. He had no relatives here so I assume the bike was stolen.

I called Mr. Plankton and he said he is in fact out of the country and no one else has access to his house to take the bike keys so it was, in fact, a stolen vehicle. I quickly called up Cuban Cars Impounding Services to assist me and transport it to the nearest Police Department.

After that, I kept patrolling around but it was still quiet so I decided to go for a meal break.

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Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez (Markus)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 10.10.2019 & Like, 50 minutes or so
Activity type: Patrol

I just got off training the new cadets in the LSPD and decided to head home with my police car as the Chief of SAI was ok with it that I bring it home today. When I was going home towards Las Venturas. I saw a brownish Luxury vehicle do an illegal U-Turn on the highway.

I put my sirens and lights on and followed him until he pulled over. After he pulled over and got out of his car I patted him down to make sure that he has nothing on him that might turn out to be dangerous towards me. He was totally OK with it. I asked did he do the U-Turn, he thought it was legal so he was a bit confused.

I asked for his driver's license and car insurance, he handed them to me and everything was valid. His criminal history was also clean. I decided to let him go with a verbal warning due to the fact that he co-operated with me and was kind.

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Involved SAI members: Chase Turner (Mickey)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 12/10/2019, around 30 minutes
Activity type: Patrol
Details: This morning, like many others, was quiet. I began my shift by filling in paperwork. Martha was ill again and I needed to put a tick in 5 different places all by myself, how tedious. After almost falling asleep behind the wheel battling bureaucracy I did a quick swoop of the LS-SF highway to check whether the nightly temperatures had affected the condition of the highway. The highway had survived the night.
Before I could reach the Las Venturas intersection, I spotted two pals on a morning stroll in their neon coloured vehicles. For a moment I thought to myself of pulling them over for a quick inspection, but I let it slip due to the previously done paperwork which had given me a headache. Other than the neon-pals and the sneaky temperature there were no events that I should have responded to. My shift began and ended the same way, a whole lot of paperwork.

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Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby)
Other involved people: @AntiRug and citizens of San Andreas
Date, time and duration of activity: 13/10/2019, 60 minutes.
Activity type: stade-wide patrol, routine check/ pullover of a suspicious vehicle.
During our patrol, we pulled over suspicious vehicles. handled off some open tickets with citizens who had a delay in their payment. A few pursuits happened which we pulled over at the end and detained the suspects. All with all, it was a busy day with a lot of work. At the end of our shift, we proceeded to the nearest restaurant and reported a code 7 via the radio. For some activity shots please look in the spoiler.





Involved SAI members: Chase Turner (Mickey)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 14/10/2019, around 45 minutes
Activity type: Patrol

Martha has finally recovered and is back at work. Today was quite interesting, definitely more interesting than the last few shifts. Phil assigned me to the rural highways in Red County. They're usually quiet except for a few deers who have trouble crossing the road. Why do I like it though? Because of the scenery. It's a beautiful place with rivers, half-caves and a nice contrast between dots of forest and the fields.

About a quarter into my shift dispatch told me to check out Sheryl Langerton's hut in the hills. She'd apparently heard some noise outside and was afraid of checking it out by herself. I drove up the forested hill and took a look around the yard. There was nothing but the quiet echo of the winds blowing through the trees. I knocked on Sheryl's door and informed her.

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My shift ended in a delicious way. I had a quick meal at my favourite donut joint. Tony was serving as usual and the clienture for today was low. I went with my usual strawberry coated donuts. I should probably look into my eating habits. I already had trouble catching up to Shaundi and Mark last week after the Gluckomanes' concert in Dillimore.

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Involved SAI members: C.Perez (Markus), S.Hayward (Niceez), J.Drenth (Ramby)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 20.10.2019 & 40 minutes
Activity type: Patrol & Speed camera.

We all started out in the SAI HQ as a convoy and went towards the Las Venturas Cross. After that, we split up and went patrolling around the state. It was early morning so it was quite quiet.

We decided to set up a double speed camera to see if the suspect speeds up and stuff. Not many people passed by, some did and went with the right speed limit, 125 M/PH. But then came this one Mexican businessman who went 167 M/PH. We instantly turned our sirens and lights on and went after him. Luckily he pulled over.

After stopping the car and going towards the suspect to talk to him. He was quite aware of what he had done. He didn't try to lie and confessed everything. But as soon as Sergeant Drenth asked for the suspect's paperwork and license, he decided to speed off and that's where the pursuit started. It wasn't a long one but it took some time. Sergeant Hayward popped the suspect's tires with his personal gun and then the car flipped and the suspect was on foot trying to run away. We shot him with rubber pellets which helped us to slow him down. Eventually, we tazed him, handcuffed him and delivered him to the nearest PD for investigation.

After all of that came our lunch break.

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Involved SAI members: Chase Turner
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 20.10.2019 & 40 minutes
Activity type: Disappearance of Ramon Mendez. (RP)

I had just escaped the rain outside and placed my bottom on the chair. Thoughts from earlier would not escape my head. I kept asking myself questions about the red Admiral. It was weird, in fact the whole accident had weird written all over it. Either way after five minutes of trying to warm myself up, I got a call from Maria Mendez. I must say she is one interesting woman, but that did not matter. She called me to say her son had not come home. I told her to come over to the station. Maybe the thought of me inviting her to the station simply because I was cold has crossed your mind already, but I assure you it's just procedure.

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She arrived to the station shortly after. Meanwhile I had prepared two cups of hot coffee. She took off her wet raincoat and sat down. I asked her about Ramon, her son. You know, just the standard questions of where did she last see him, would he have any reason to run off et cetera. Most of these questions were just to make her focus on answering the questions, not pouring out more tears than there's rain outside. I know Ramon, maybe a bit of a nuisance but overall a good kid. The questions proved to be useful though as Maria told me that the last place Ramon was seen was in Dillimore, the Welcome Pump saloon. I sent Maria on her way after a cup of coffee and decided to take a look at the place.

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Truly a weird place for a kid to spend his time at. The Welcome Pump is mostly a meeting place for greasy truckers and the night butterflies. Anyhow, I made my way inside to be greeted by Larry. I tried to make my visit there as brief as possible because it was Saturday and Saturdays are for Dillimore Fight Nights. To my surprise Martin was absent from the chaos.

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I asked Larry about Ramon and showed him a picture Maria had given me. Larry confirmed Ramon's presence in the saloon a few hours earlier and also told me he left for his wooden hut in the forest. The hut was a new clue since Maria had not told me anything about it. Unfortunately Larry could not provide me with any exact information of the hut's whereabouts. It was getting dark outside which also meant it was beginning to get colder. Before heading out I called Maria to ask her whether Ramon had come home already. To my dismay Ramon had not returned home.

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I had driven around for a good hour in the woods around the area. It either had to be a very small hut or either Larry was lied to about the hut's existence. I was already at the county limit but I decided to check the bordering area between Whetstone and Red County. It's a terrible terrain to navigate as nobody ever goes there. As that thought crossed my mind, I became more worried. Fortunately after a little more driving around I found a shack that may belong to Ramon. It sure as hell did not look like a hut though.

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I stopped my vehicle and stepped out. It looked like the shack had been long abandoned and most likely looted as it did not even have a door. Not to speak about the windows. I had a gut feeling that the chances of me finding Ramon in that shack were low. I took cautious steps forward till I reached the shack's doorway. I peeked in but I could not see anything. I took out my flashlight and stepped in.

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The shack was empty. I did find a piece of rope on the ground. I took pictures of it from every possible angle. I bagged it and took it with me. It was late and I was the only person in the department so I headed back to prepare documentation and manage the evidence. As the last thing for the day I sat down behind the table once again and created a missing person's poster for Ramon so we could act quickly when it's needed.

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Involved SAI members: Lieutenant Hawk (Markus) & SPTU-008 (Kim)
Other involved people: Antirug
Date, time and duration of activity: 22.10.2019 & 1 hour.
Activity type: Mafia base raid.

I recently got a call from the SAPD Officials that there was a word going around the city that an old-school Mafia has been working around and is exporting drugs from the USA to Europe which isn't good as it can ruin the relations between the two continents.

The Mafia was notorious for human trafficking, money laundering and also drug producing. As everything, so has the Mafia has evolved, they now have a lot of systems to export drugs and make money in general.

Here's a picture that we managed to get of the Commission of the Mafia:

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I quickly rang my partner that was on duty and also a wannabe that is trying to get into the team named Antirug. They responded quite fast and then we went inside so I could tell and discuss what is about to happen.

The mission was simple, they were located in central Los Santos, it was their main base and also a place where they produced drugs. Only concerns we had that they might use firearms so we geared up and left the Headquarters. We went with an armored enforcer. When we arrived, I tried to picklock the door but sadly it was a really good lock that was impossible to picklock so we had to go hard. I drove my enforcer through the wall and then we rushed straight it. We heard a glass breaking which most likely meant the escape of them which was kinda good for us since we just needed pictures and information, not to capture anyone.

We moved around and it was, in fact, true, Antirug noticed that there was a huge hole in the window that they escaped thru. We still moved forwards until the Boss's room which literally had piles of cocaine, guns, and money. Took pictures once again. It seemed that the Boss's were out of town today since usually, they start a fire war between the cops and them. The place was massive, it was also well hidden.

I got a notification that they might be moving in soon, we had to escape which we did and moved back to the SAI HQ.

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Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby)
Other involved people: citizens of San Andreas
Date, time and duration of activity: 26/10/2019, 30minutes.
Activity type: stade-wide patrol
During my patrol, I encountered a few people over the whole day. I attempted to pull a few over, but the people I attempted took off with very fast cars. I noted their license plates down and putt them into the board computer to get their location. Nothing showed up and I bet they were fake license plates. I went back to the office and filled in the appropriate documents about my event, so eventually, the cars could be tracked down at a later date. All with all, it was a busy day with a lot of paperwork. At the end of the shift, I proceeded to the nearest restaurant and reported a code 7 via the radio, later that day I went home and to bed. Waiting for a next busy day on the road.




Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby)
Other involved people: Zombies of San Andreas
Date, time and duration of activity: 02/11/2019, 40minutes.
Activity type: Patrol around Glen Park
As I left from SAI HQ in Las Venturas to Los Santos, I got a strange emergency call, "A lot of people transformed into Zombies!!" My first thoughts were, that the person who called that in must be on drugs. But, after all, I decided to check it out. I drove over to the location called Glen Park. Somehow and someone built a strange shack there, I checked it out, and suddenly I was surrounded by strange creatures. I thought that the person who called it in at the police station, assumed these creatures were "Zombies", I attempted to talk with them but without success. I quickly grabbed my m4 and opened fire. I made my way out of there and went to the nearest hospital to get checked out.



  • 2 weeks later...

Involved SAI members: Jeremy_Schmidt (Myself)
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: November 10, 2019. From 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM.
Activity type: Patrol
Activity Details: I had started a patrol by myself just as the day began. At the beginning I focused more on Bone County and Tierra Robada, then moving down to Las Venturas and ending it by Los Santos. During the whole patrol not much happened. I had spotted a female stopped on a motorcycle by Blackfield Intersection, so I stopped to check it out and offer help, see what was going on, but no assistance was needed and I soon continued my patrol. A couple pursuits occurred, one of which the suspect got away. After patrolling a little more, I headed back to the HQ and ended my shift.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kk7Rset


Involved SAI members: Trooper Jari Aarnio

Responsible SAI Teams involved: -

Other involved people: Criminals and Citizens in San Andreas

Date, time and duration of activity: 17.11.2019, Couple hours in the morning.

Activity type: RP Patrol

Activity Details: This morning was pretty peacefully in San Andreas, only few criminal actions in my sight. I was patrolling by my own and this time i tried to focus on truckers. Managed to pull one trucker over and had a small discuss with him about hes significantly high wanted level but he didnt want to talk about it so I had to arrest him. Also met one criminal in Los Santos near glenpark just standing in middle of driveway and i noticed that he also had high wanted level so i decided to have a small chat with him. At some point he started to run away from me and the situation ended up in gunfire.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tpzXSQM


Involved SAI members: Sergeant Richard Johnsen
Responsible SAI Teams involved: Alpha
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 16-11-2019 from 19.00 untill 20.00(1 hour)
Activity type: State-wide patrol
Activity Details: The shift started from the SAI HQ in Las Venturas. Immediately I saw a black vehicle that got my attention. I stopped the driver for a quick chat. After the documents were checked I spoke to the driver about a few violations that came up. The driver had a driving license which had been expired and the vehicle he drove had no insurance. The driver claimed he had a car insurance and promised he would deliver the right documents to the police station the following day. For the invalid driving license the driver has been giving out a warning. For having no insurance the driver was told to show up with the right documentation and his fine would be removed. In the end I performed a alcohol test which came out fine. The driver also claimed he had been sober for quite a long time now and our test proved that.
When I drove back to the crossing at Ls Venturas(know for the ridicules driving) I spotted a black truck driving like a manic. When I tried to speak the driver about his behavior, the driver decided not to follow orders and drove away. After a short chase(properly 1 mile) the truck was stranded on the concrete pillars on the Las Venturas highway. The driver was taken into custody and waits his trial. The vehicle has been impounded.
After those two incidents I drove further to San Fierro where I spotted a black sultan driving with speeds over 200 kp/h in suburban area. I followed the driver to Bayside where I gave the driver a stopping signal. The driver refused and the chase started. The chase went all the way up to Red County where the driver crashed and the chase ended. The driver was taken into custody and was brought to the nearest hospital for his injuries. They were minor and the same evening he was brought to the jail inside the Los Santos Police Department. The suspect will waits his trial.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5oIiWyS


Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 19-11-2019 & 30 minutes
Activity type: State-wide patrol
Activity Details:

It was a really quiet evening as I just got on duty at the LSPD due to a meeting there. I decided to began it there since it would've just been a waste of time going back to our HQs.

I was slowly entering Las Venturas and did a really quick pit-stop at our fuel station and also grabbed a coffee from the interior. I also saw one of our SPTU Unit members that were also going onto duty. Fuel tank full, got a coffee, and I'm ready to roll out. I decided to go towards the North of Las Venturas but all of a sudden I saw a Purple-Blue car that was on a little hill near the Las Venturas hospital. I went there and I saw that it was on and had the keys inside.

It was most likely a ~[stolen vehicle]~(red) + a ~[Hit 'n' Run.]~(red). I transported the vehicle to the nearest garage and tried to get more information. Looks like it belonged to an old man named F. Georgenstein. He did say that his vehicle was indeed missing so I told him that he can claim is keys at the nearest Police Department as long as he brings an ID. I also took some DNA tests to see who stole the vehicle, the tests will be sent into a laboratory to be analyzed.

After that, I went into a bush in Los Santos and set up a speed camera to catch some speeding hooligans!


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Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez
Other involved people: Luke Hobbs (@ElRastaMan17)
Date, time and duration of activity: 20-11-2019 & Around 35 minutes or so.
Activity type: State-wide patrol & Robbery
Activity Details:

I picked Luke up from the SAI HQ and then we were just cruising around the state. It was a really quiet night, I don't know why. We were almost entering San Fierro until Luke received a call from his wife saying that their house was robbed and it was a total mess. Usually, we are not supposed to respond to calls like these but this was urgent and we did.

Sirens, lights, everything on and full-throttle towards their apartment complex in Las Venturas. As I mentioned before, it was quiet so traffic wasn't an issue.

As soon as we arrived, we saw that the door was left open so I took out my M4A1-S and Luke went in with an M4 too. I covered him as he slowly approached the doorway. It was quiet, really quiet. Until we heard a scream from his wife! Luckily it was her screaming that she's fine and the robbers have left. Luke went to check the perimeter of the complex as I took pictures of the robbery, analyzed it and also called the LV Detectives Department to come onto the scene. The perimeter was clear and the robbers were gone, nothing that valuable was stolen besides the TV and a Laptop.

~[Luckily we captured some CCTV footage but the burglars' faces have been blurred due to privacy reasons:]~(maroon)
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Luke asked if he can stay home and clean that mess up. I said that it was fine as long as he reported his absence into the database. I went on with my day and finished it around 21:00 when my shift ended.


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Involved SAI members: Calvin Perez
Other involved people: Thomas Garcia [ @AntiRug ]
Date, time and duration of activity: 21-11-2019 & 51 minutes
Activity type: Morning patrol
Activity Details:

I was sleeping until I called by my Commissioner that there is a Sheriff looking for a partner to patrol with, and also he is a try-out for our unit, SAI! I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, got dressed and sat into our brand new Police SUV.

I picked him up from the BCPD and then we were off. It was really quiet since it was around 11:30 AM which means there is no rush hour. Some cars were cruising around but they were fine since they were following the law. But, after a while, our stomachs got hungry since neither of us ate breakfast. We were off to BURGER SHOT where we picked up a Breakfast Special Meal and a Large Black Coffee, from the drive-thru. Thomas decided to pay for the meal out of generosity but I will pay for the next one.

As it was a slow morning, we decided to enjoy our breakfast to the fullest. So, I drove to the North Cliffs of Las Venturas where we enjoyed the ocean view. After finishing our food, we were back on the road.

We went to Los Santos <--> Las Venturas Highway to set up a little speedbump but that only lasted for around 20 minutes as our duties were over.


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Involved SAI members: Riley Crimson, Calvin Perez (@Markus )
Other involved people: Rasta
Date, time and duration of activity: 24-11-2019 & 25 minutes
Activity type: Road block
Activity Details: We have deployed a road block to LV-LS high way due to a call from unknown resource. We have started to make routine checks both on the vehicles and citizens. By the time, we haven't detected anything wrong and dealt with the minor penalties.



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Involved SAI members: David Cunningham (Thing)
Other involved people: Officer Sanchez (Manny), Officer Spanish (ICE), RenQ (Centrino Logistics), Melou (Black Bullets)
Date, time and duration of activity: 24-11-19, 17:45, 45 minutes
Activity type: Roleplay
Activity Details: On a Sunday afternoon, Trooper Cunningham and Officer Sanchez went to patrol on the highways between Los Santos and Las Venturas. Here, a speeding van came by which was owned by the company Cunning Logistics. The two police officers started the pursuit and intercepted him. He parked his vehicle in the middle of the highway and came out with his hands up. The two officers pulled out their weapons and aimed at him. After noticing that he was unarmed, they cuffed him and took him to the Dillimore Police Station where he got detained. After a while, someone came into the Police Station with the notification that there was a bomb planted outside. Due to the immediate response of ICE, the officers were able to put down the threat within 30 minutes. However, once both were jailed, someone else came into the Police Station killing one of the troopers. Officer Sanchez was able to eliminate him. It was now necessary to bring the two suspects to the bigger jail in Las Venturas. Therefore, a special prison transport vehicle was arranged. Luckily, everything went to plan and the two men were detained. See you in court.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/X4gR89F


Involved SAI members: Riley Crimson ( SPTU-016 )
Other involved people: Other law enforcement forces
Date, time and duration of activity: 25-11-2019 & 20 minutes
Activity type: Prevenition of a state bank robbery
Activity Details: After the call from the COMMS, SPTU unit member Riley Crimson went to Tierra Robada bank to unite the other law enforcements. After the tough combat between the gang members, police has successfully stopped the bank robbery made by the Mongols Motorcycle Club. After that, SPTU unit member Crimson went back to SAi Headqueartes to future calls.



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Involved SAI members: Rhaskos ''Dom'' Abigail - Mark "Marko" Dawkins

Responsible SAI Teams involved: High Command

Other involved people: N/A

Date, time and duration of activity: Monday, November 25, 2019 -

Activity type: stade-wide patrol

Activity Details: Various responds by Commander Abigail and Commander Dawkins to multiple backup calls about suspects who just escaped a store robbery in Los Santos - Flint County road which was our patrol destination.



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Involved SAI members: Sergeant Richard Johnsen
Responsible SAI Teams involved: Alpha
Other involved people: N/A
Date, time and duration of activity: 25-11-2019 from 16.30 till 17.00 and from 17.45 till 19.00(1 hour and 45 minutes total
Activity type: State-wide patrol
Activity Details:
The shift started from the SAI HQ in Las Venturas. The shift had just started when I turned on the highway between Las Venturas and San Fiero where I saw 2 red sultans driving in the opposite direction on the highway. I immediately start chasing them and tried to give them a stopping signal. My feeling was that those 2 wouldnt stop and I was right. The chase started and the 2 persons where driving like maniacs. Driving in the wrong directions, speeds over 200 kp/h and driving off-road with ridiculous speeds. I followed both vehicles to Whetstone, I assumed both person where transporting Illegal goods, where the road from Las Venturas to Whetstone is known for. One person crashed his car before he could reach his end destination and was arrested immediately, no injuries were caused. The other suspect disbanded his vehicle to help his colleague out, but was arrested before he could take any action. The second car was impounded by SAPD for further investigation.
Shortly after that I drove to the store under Mount Chilliad for a quick bite, where the owner mentioned a suspicions person was walking behind the store. I confronted the person with his behavior but he could not answer my questions. The person tried to grab something out of his pocket what looked like some kind of weapon, I arrested the person and I found a Desert Eagle on him. I brought the person too the Police Department in Whetstone where the Sheriff took the case over from me. After those 2 incidents in whetstone I continued my patrol further to San Fiero, where I pulled over a motorcycle for a regular traffic check. After all documentation were checked I found out that the vehicle had no insurance anymore. I confronted the driver with it, but he was certain he had one. According to our system the insurance was expired a few days ago. I gave the driver a warning for this but with the promise he would get a new one as soon as possible. I also noticed the front tire was a bit flat, The driver was aware of that but he forgot to fill it with air again, he promised he would fix it. The driver received a warning for that aswell.

After a short bite the shift continued in Los Santos where I spotted a pink motorcycle driving to fast and driving in the wrong direction. I gave the person a stopping signal but the driver refused and drove off. The chase was short, the driver crashed his vehicle inside a fence near the Los Santos Penitentiary, I arrested the driver and could bring him right to the place he deserved. For further investigation I closed the area around the vehicle and started to do some field work. I found a small back of white powder in the bushes properly from the driver. Collected the evidence, placed it inside a crate. I also took a look at the motorcycle itself. Where I saw the serial number was scratched away. The vehicle was impounded and the evidence was brought to the lab inside LSPD. After that set-up a speed check at the highway from Los Santos to Las Venturas. After a short while a motorcycle drove with 181 kp/h by and I drove behind the driver to speak with him about his behavior. The person refused to stop and the chase started to the industrial park in Las Venturas. Where the driver lost control of his vehicle and was arrested. I tried to obtain again some evidence by closing the area around it, the vehicle itself was fine and I found the correct documentation inside it. Sadly I did not find any evidence that suggest why the driver was driving off. After I drove back to LV Cross I saw a motorcycle again driving in the wrong direction and so the pursuit started. I followed the person to Bone County where the person felt of his bike. But instead of surrendering the person gave it a try and started running. Together with the help of the F.B.I. we arrested the suspect. The person was brought to the FBI for further investigation. At the end of the shift when I was returning to SAI HQ I spotted a blue vehicle standing still. I interviewed the driver what he doing there. The person had a driving license that was expired and did not have any documentation of the car he was driven. He claimed he found the car. After some digging, I found out the car was not registered as stolen, but the person did also not have any cars from this price class registered on his name. The vehicle was impounded and brought to LVPD for further investigation. The person could continue his was but will remain a person of interest in our investigation. Quit a busy shift, but a lot of bad guys are put behind bars again!
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/O4HpOAB


Involved SAI members: David Cunningham (Thing), Jesse Custer (Blue), Chase Turner (Mickey)
Responsible SAI Teams involved: Beta
Other involved people: Manny (Overdose Crime), Jasper, Trevor (Cuban Cars)
Date, time and duration of activity: 26-11-19, 17:15, 40 minutes
Activity type: Roleplay
Activity Details: While being on our daily patrol, we stopped a badly damaged vehicle. A young woman was driving the vehicle and seemed to be quite upset. Once we told her to get out of her vehicle, she started acting very inappropriate towards the police officers. We requested Cuban Cars to impound the vehicle in our headquarters and took the woman in custody. After a few hours in a jail cell, we released her with a giant fine of $15.000 and a court case for sexual harassment against us.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Qa8veti


Involved SAI members: David Cunningham (Thing), Chase Turner (Mickey)
Responsible SAI Teams involved: Beta
Date, time and duration of activity: 26-11-19, 16.30, 45 minutes
Activity type: Patrol
Activity Details: We did a daily patrol around San Andreas, mainly focusing on Las Venturas. Here we have stopped several people who were being dangerous in traffic or suspicious. A regular day without too much trouble.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LMZDgSD

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