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@Malteser said in Fire Academy Application - Malteser - 29/08/2019 [UNDER REVIEW]:

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Maintaining equipment and afternoon shift
Participants: @Malteser, @ferthis
District: LS / LV
Shift period: 40m
Number of vehicles: 18
Story: After completing our afternoon shift Ferthis had to do some administration, he told me i could maintain the trucks. I refilled the oil on the ladder truck.
I cleaned out the operation panel of the fire truck, and i also refilled alot of fire extinguisher. Than we decided to call in for today and take a sleep for our next shift.





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@Malteser said in Fire Academy Application - Malteser - 29/08/2019 [UNDER REVIEW]:

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Small RP. Maintaining SFFD Building
Participants: @Malteser, @ferthis
District: SF
Shift period: 10 Min
Number of vehicles: N/A
Story: Ferth decided we should do some maintanance on the SFFD building. We unboxed some materials to paint the front part of SFFD.
Also the elctricians had to do maintanance inside and had to turn all power off, so we turned on the aggregrate to keep power inside for any emergency calls.





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@Malteser said in Fire Academy Application - Malteser - 29/08/2019 [UNDER REVIEW]:

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RP Building on Fire SF South
Participants: @Malteser, @ferthis
District: SF
Shift period: 30M
Number of vehicles: N/A
Story: Fertish and me were patrolling on a quiet morning shift, suddenly we got a radio call from Main that there is a 904B (Building on fire). Ferthis turned on the sirens and i called out in the radio to Main that were responding with Code 3! We arrived at the scene and reported this trough radio to main, Ferthis told me to check inside for any victims. I crouched trough the building and look for victims, there is so much smoke that i can barely see anything. I reached the end of the building and no victims inside, while i came out coughing Ferthis already conected the waterhose to the hydrant. I jumped into the engine and start extinguishing the fire! We called in to main that its Code 4, after we cleaned up we returned to SFFD and finished our administration.





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Roleplay type: Fire Academy Lesson #3

Description of roleplay: SAFD Firefighters and Cadets have been called in to the classroom, where Assistant Chief Wallace Boden had a lesson with them about Radio Usage.

Location: LSFD Headquarters

Participants: @Ramos - @buddler - @ZeKinG - @Glayd - @Malteser - @BigBoss

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ifiv8IQ


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Roleplay type: 904 call

Description of roleplay: SAFD has been dipatched about fire in the middle of the park, therefore 2 fire engines responded and took the fire out.

Location: Los Santos

Participants: @Ramos - @Glayd

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QeL6sUQ


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Roleplay type: An emergency call at Interglobal Television
Description of roleplay: A group of firefighters were playing cards at LSFD, when suddenly an emergency call came through via the radio. A gas explosion had occurred at a local television station in Los Santos. The firefighters quickly divided their tasks between each other and responded under code 3. Once arrived the fire was quickly under control and the scene was given a code 4. When the situation was under control, SAPD took over for an inspection of the scene.
Location: Los Santos
Participants: @ferthis @Ramos @Ramby @Shadro @Batuhan





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Roleplay type: Bridge Collapse
Description of roleplay: Los Santos Firehouse has been alerted about bridge collapse at Los Santos North. They have immediately equiped themself and drove to the scene with 2 fire engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 battalion car, with additional ambulance from San Andreas Medics. Once, they arrived to the scene, fire engine 1, equiped themself and prepare fire hoses to take out the fire, fire engine 2, equiped themself with gas masks and oxygen bottle's to roll inside the collapse to get the victims out of there. While, ladder truck personnel operated ladder to the highest point of the bridge, where they looked for any possible victims up there. SAM Ambulance was on standby, until it was called in action. The victims were, 2 agents from Federal Buareu of Investigation, 1 has been sent to the hospital, another one died at the scene. Firefighters also saved 2 bikers from the club Mongols MC. Once victims were taken care of, aswell as fire, firefighters started with cleaning the road and the stuff under the bridge. Once they were done, Battalion has dispatched San Andreas authorities, to deal with that incident.
Location: Los Santos North
Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Ramby - @Batuhan - @Shadro - @Bangas - @AntiRug - @TaJ - @Glayd - @Riani (SAM) - @Cornelius (victim) - @Sira (victim) - @zizoubhk (deceased victim) - @kajobecha2 (victim) - @Tritosh (random guy)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8hN4tku

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