Pika Posted May 8, 2020 Author Posted May 8, 2020 OFFICIAL MEDIA ARCHIVEOFFICIAL TOPICHere is where you should post all the media for K-9 Security.For that you must post it with one of the following formats, depending on what the activity was:### *ROLEPLAY #***Description:****Participants:****Screenshots:** (SPOILER)### *TRAINING #***Description:****Participants:****Screenshots:** (SPOILER)### *ACTIVITY #***Description:****Participants:****Screenshots:** (SPOILER)### *EVENT #***Event type:****Host:****Winner and reward:****LWS:****Screenshots:** (SPOILER)
Pika Posted May 8, 2020 Author Posted May 8, 2020 ACTIVITY #1*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: Lightning, Anas, PikaScreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZsB8zN1
Benny Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 ACTIVITY #2*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Lightning @CoolyGuyScreenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 9, 2020 Posted May 9, 2020 ACTIVITY #3*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Ardron @Lightning @KarmaScreenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 9, 2020 Author Posted May 9, 2020 ACTIVITY #4*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Pika @Flippy10 @Benny @ArdronScreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4AdTm2c
Pika Posted May 9, 2020 Author Posted May 9, 2020 ROLEPLAY #1*Description:We recieved an anonymous call from a civillian, who claimed that saw some criminal activity in Las Venturas, on a warehouse near the Burger Shot.Then we prepared our mission in the LVPD and moved to the warehouse.When we got there, the place was empty, no sign of criminals, but we started to look for illegal weapons.We divided in 3 teams, Instructor Pika with Simba (Benny), Instructors Flippy and iTsMe with Pablo (Lightning) and Instructor Lamza with Blitz (Cheesebot), and we started to search for weapons.Simba was the first K-9 to find something, he found a box full of glocks, which Pika picked up and stored it in the Enforcer.After that Blitz and his instructor found a small crate with explosives, and carefully stored it in the Ranger trunk.Pablo sniffed a giant box, and Flippy opened it to find that it was full of AK-47 rifles and some colts. The box was too heavy so it took 3 instructors to store it in the Enforcer.In the end we delivered the illegal weapons in the LVPD and went to "refuel" at the Burger Shot, where we had a talk.Participants: @Pika, @Flippy10, @Benny, @Lightning, @Lamza, @CheeseBotMk2, @iTsMeScreenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 10, 2020 Posted May 10, 2020 ACTIVITY #5*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Ardron @bas260Screenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 10, 2020 Author Posted May 10, 2020 ACTIVITY #6Description: Patrol around Los SantosParticipants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @Benny, @CheerScreenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 10, 2020 Author Posted May 10, 2020 ACTIVITY #7Description: VIPParticipants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @Benny, @Cheer, and other officers.Screenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 10, 2020 Author Posted May 10, 2020 ACTIVITY #8Description: Building our training courseParticipants: @Pika, @flippy10, @CheeseBotMk2, @CheerScreenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 ACTIVITY #9*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Ardron @SAFP-Stoner @PiemScreenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 EVENT #1Event type: Hydra ShooterHost: BennyWinner and reward:@Altra 1,000,000$LWS: @LegendScreenshots:::::::
Lightning Posted May 11, 2020 Posted May 11, 2020 ROLEPLAY # 2Description:It was a late evening I started my night shift with my dog and we started patrolling around the streets and the hoods of Los Santos, after approximately 40 Minutes we got a radio call from out Undercover officer that notified me that there is an active drug dealer that is roaming around the streets and selling dozens of drugs to people. He described to us how he is looking and as well as the vehicle he is currently using the move the drugs from location A to location B.After receiving the info we begun on searching for him in the Streets, after a couple of minutes and researches in the speed cameras around, we noticed him riding by the El Corona in the Southern Part of Los Santos so after knowing where he was located we drove to that location as soon as possible and found him still there, we pulled him over inside the street and started integrating him and asking him questions and as well as asking him Identity card to know what's his name and surname.After knowing his identity and all the information about him I released my dog from the trunk and I gave him order to sniff around and check if there is any illegal substance including every possible existing drug, after a couple of minutes the dog noticed something and sit by the location he found it and started barking on it I immediately approached and found a large amount of white substance which was Cocaine or as in the streets called Coke.After finding the massive amount of drugs I Immediately went over to the suspect and cuffed both of his hands and after that gave my dog another order to sniff and check if they suspect is carrying any illegal substances and at that moment the dog noticed something, I started patting down the man and found a Glock 19 and as well as a small baggie of Methamphetamine.After searching the vehicle and putting down the drugs and the illegal weapon inside the trunk, I called the Police Impounding division and asked them to Impound the vehicle for further evidence and afterward, we took the suspect back to Los Santos Police Department where afterward the Detectives asked him questions and Interrogated him for a couple of hours and in the end, he was locked behind the bars and was moved later on the County Prison.Participants: @Lightning @BennyScreenshots:::::::
Eluf Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 ACTIVITY #10Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Eluf , @Pika , @CheeseBotMk2Screenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 ACTIVITY #11*Description: Patrol around San AndreasParticipants: @Cheer @FTH @SideSwipeScreenshots:::::::
Benny Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 EVENT #2Event type: Last Man StandingHost: BennyWinner and reward:@Kim 1,000,000$LWS: @MatthewsScreenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 12, 2020 Author Posted May 12, 2020 ACTIVITY #12Description: Patrol around San Andreas.Participants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @Estinoge, @CheerScreenshots:::::::
Flippy10 Posted May 12, 2020 Posted May 12, 2020 TRAINING #1Description: Today we had our first training, I and Instructor.Cheer went to our Las Venturas training center with three of our dogs to traine them.The training was divided in two different parts, agility and searching.Agility:There we have a small course with some obstacles to dogs traine them agility while jumping, runing or crawling. The course starts jumping section with 3 different levels, low, medium and higher barrier.After the barrier course we have the climb one, it consists in climb a crate up and down to our dogs lose fear of heights. It would be great while we are in our missions to dont lose time and finish our job sucessfull.Searching: - Search for drugs, we gave dogs some samples to they reconize the smell while we are in camp; - Search for eletric boards and few some TNT for explosive missions; - Search for gunpowder and weapons. Those are the three hangs we have in our training center.Next formation will be for instructors. We will have a class.Participants: @Flippy10 @Pika @CheeseBotMk2 @Element @CheerScreenshots:https://imgur.com/a/n07bJY3
Pika Posted May 13, 2020 Author Posted May 13, 2020 ROLEPLAY #3Description:As we were patroling we recieved a radio message from Officer Norman White, as he was pulling over a suspicious trucker called Noah. He was suspect of narcotics traffic as he was delivering some wood as a disguise.We arrived at the scene really quickly, and Instructor Maxson after a quick look at the truck ordered Max, the police dog, to sniff for suspicious matter, such as narcotics or illegal weapons. Only a minute passes until Max sniffed something strange in the emergency box of the trailer. Maxson found a pack inside of it, and handled it to Officer White.White placed the pack on the hood of the police car and opened it to check what was inside of it. It looked like a white powder, so Maxson took a sample and examined it in the trunk of the SWAT vehicle. The test was positive for cocain.After a chat with Mr. Noah, he was convicted of drug traffic, and was directed to the Police Department by Officer White. After that our job was done, and we kept patrolling as we were, and stopped at the Well Staked Pizza in Los Santos for a meal.Participants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @fenter, @Bodo420, @Cheer, @Estinoge, @whimpzzScreenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 13, 2020 Author Posted May 13, 2020 ACTIVITY #13Description: Roadblock and patrol with the San Andreas Interceptors.Participants:@Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @Estinoge, @Cheer, @FTH, @bas260, @San-Andreas-InterceptorsScreenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 15, 2020 Author Posted May 15, 2020 ACTIVITY #14Description: Patrol and VIPParticipants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2, @DJO, @BreakScreenshots:::::::
CheeseBotMk2 Posted May 15, 2020 Posted May 15, 2020 ROLEPLAY #4Description: We set up and made a drug trafficking roadblock with Homeland Security (HLS) and cleared the streets from narcotics with my trusty K9 Max.Participants: @Element @Pika @DJO @Legend (Sefen (not on forms yet))Screenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 15, 2020 Author Posted May 15, 2020 ACTIVITY #15Description: Patrol around San Andreas.Participants: @Pika, @CheeseBotMk2Screenshots:::::::
Pika Posted May 16, 2020 Author Posted May 16, 2020 ACTIVITY #16Description: Patrol with the @San-Andreas-InterceptorsParticipants: @CheeseBotMk2, @Flippy10, @bas260Screenshots:::::::
CheeseBotMk2 Posted May 16, 2020 Posted May 16, 2020 ROLEPLAY #5Description: On patrol with SAI (San Andreas Interceptors) and my trusty K9 Max on aroutined inspection and tested positive for drugs. The suspect was soon apprehended and detained.Participants: @Pika @Flippy10 @bas260 (Sefen (not on forms yet))**Screenshots:::::::
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