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Nickname: Scorpin
Username: scorpin
Age: 19
Nationality: Tunisian
How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : year and half but mostly i was inactive asf
Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): never
Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :

  • Confero's : Dead, cuz sadly HQ team decided to delete it

Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: The biggest and most feared ambush gang all over San Andreas, Who preform Kidnapping, using technical tattoo design , Carjacking, Or get some secrets information from anybody you like, With some torture ofcourse. No one knows who you are, No one wants to know who you are, Why? Because if they know us, They will be gone forever from now.
Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: @Elotham
Why you wanna join us? : I'd like to join YakuzA because I think I have the skills required to be apart of this gang, and I feel like I could fit in great with the gang. I like to help as much as possible, and I will do whatever it takes to get things done. I could benefit you guys because I have plenty of activity which always helps the gang, and I'm a pretty good at Driving , and fairly good shooter imo, and I'd like to bring whatever I can to the gang. I always try to show as much effort as I can, and I will always try my best.
What can we expect from you? : You should accept me into YakuzA because I have been looking for a gang that is really professional, and likes to keep everything well organized, and keep everything straight inside the gang. And YakuzA is that gang.
Any additional information we may need to know?: i said what i have and i need to say :')


  • Nickname: IIGRANDIII

  • Username: GRANDI

  • Age:19

  • Nationality: Tunisian

  • How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 2 years like that [i forgot the date exactly when i joined the server]

  • Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): Yes i dmed

  • Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) : No

  • Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: The YakuZa is a group of bandits who perform ambushs operations in all San Andreas, Their main goal is to revenge their leader by preforming Kidnappingand and Carjacking but the most practiced ritual is their tatto known as irezumi in japan

  • Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: @Disaster

  • why you wanna join us? : I wanna make new friends have some fun

  • what can we expect from you? : Respponsibility ofc and activity

  • Any additional information we may need to know?: For now no


@Scorpin ~[Accepted]~(green) ,Welcome Aboard.

@Grandi ~[Pending]~(sienna,maroon) , Keep hanging with our members and prove us that you deserve a chance , Gl.


  • Nickname: Soryair

  • Username: Falcoli

  • Age: 14yo, Birth Date: 7/May/2005

  • Nationality: Syrian

  • How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: I start playing on May/2019 ( for about 3 months ) (Time Played 302 hours)

  • Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed? (If yes, Details please): Adminjail, DM, Camp the hospital.

  • Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason): NO

  • Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: Stealing The Cars and Dismantling and selling it. Tattoo Design ( irezumi ), by using handcrafted tools. Kidnapping someone to get a ransom, secret informations, etc. Assassination and make the others dirty operations after being offered a decent amount of money from them.

  • Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: Yes, The Vice Leader: (Disaster)

  • Why you wanna join us?: Because I wanna try something new in the server, I wanna expand my experience in the server and learn more things. And I choose this gang because the members are very good and nice, and I think I will have a future with it.

  • What can we expect from you?: I have a good Montage and editing videos skills, my English is very good, and I am always active in the server, I play every day, and I can help you with the activities and the roleplay, and I have a very good driving skills (Ingame).

  • Any additional information we may need to know ?: My real name is Yousef, I live in K.S.A.


@Falcoli Decent application ,~[Pending]~(maroon,maroon) is your answer for now,show your self ingame and try to hang as long as you can so we can check more on you,Good luck.


alt text
~The topic has been updated~

  • The promotion video has been added.

  • There is some doubts about changing our tags , so we would like to see your opinions by just voting to those options that are at the top of our topic (Page 1), Thanks.


Nickname: Eusebio
Username: jensen100
Age: 21
Nationality: Portuguese
How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 7 years
Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): never
Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :

Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: The biggest and most feared ambush gang all over San Andreas, Who preform Kidnapping, using technical tattoo design , Carjacking, Or get some secrets information from anybody you like, With some torture ofcourse. No one knows who you are, No one wants to know who you are, Why? Because if they know us, They will be gone forever from now.
Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: @Rizoro

Why you wanna join us? : I'd like to join YakuzA because I think I have the skills required to be apart of this gang, and I feel like I could fit in great with the gang. I like to help as much as possible, and I will do whatever it takes to get things done. I could benefit you guys because I have plenty of activity which always helps the gang, and I'm a pretty good at Driving , and fairly good shooter imo, and I'd like to bring whatever I can to the gang. I always try to show as much effort as I can, and I will always try my best.

What can we expect from you? : I got experience and a lot to things that is good for Yakuza also i was a Yakuza before
Any additional information we may need to know?: nop


  • Nickname: BLACKXSOUL

  • Username: atom99

  • Age: 20

  • Nationality: Tunisian

  • How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 1 month

  • Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please):No

  • Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :No

  • Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: It is to play a gangster role to achieve a great and clear roleplay which introduce a bunch of illegal action like kidnapping, selling drugs, carjacking and also using technical tatto design and getting the intel we need

  • Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: No

  • why you wanna join us? : Because I like to be gangster and join my friends who rule this gang. I like to join you cause simply I belong to this gang and I like to split blood

  • what can we expect from you? : Activity hardwork loyalty and maturity

  • Any additional information we may need to know?:Let it be a surprise, cause words means nothing. Actions speaks louder than words.


  • Nickname: suck

  • Username:aceit

  • Age:23

  • Nationality: british

  • How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 13

  • Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): yes, revenge dm

  • Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :
    SS- they died
    DE- was only in it for like 3/4 days, preferred crims
    Bcrew- also died

  • Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay:
    operate more like a triad than typical gangs, with tattoos kidnapping and all sorts of crims

  • Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: elo

  • why you wanna join us? : it looked active, until it isnt. and its a new gang, i like new gangs

  • what can we expect from you? : skill and experience

  • Any additional information we may need to know?: na

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