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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Hbd 420
  2. If you need a special guest :beers: @IG8820 Where's the birdshow thingy?
  3. I forgot about this. I blame @Ardron for not telling me.
  4. Gets unbanned, takes a look at the different suggestions that are plausible. Copy, paste and see my wisdom @AntiRug haha
  5. Goodbye my friend
  6. Hbd TheRealSheriff!
  7. @JohnnyEnglish I like the idea, but the problem might be that the car gets easily destroyed when a picador full of criminals drops by and you fail the mission easily. Maybe, implement it with the VIP as a transport mission from PD to PD? This would actually make it a vip and not a random dude on the streets? Upgrade the health to a certain amount from the truck to give it a chance? Just brainstorming at the moment...
  8. Hbd Anas #swat
  9. Make me an old man signature
  10. Ramby

    Is this fair?

    @Keo "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." You might learn something from this. If not, then your "space" is underdevelopt apparently. Nothing to be a shamed off, but something to see as a challenge.
  11. Donkey
  12. @SheraP Good initiative, only the easiest way to solve it is either join the problem or find another game to play.
  13. It's not only gangs/squads, include the groups as well (not all). Everything should be a choice. Sure you can ask someone to post 3 simple things a month as a truck delivery or a fire department shift for example, but don't take it too far. If you can't make that, there can be a reasonable answer if it's too much for someone. But let people make there own choice what they want to do ingame at which time. But that is just one of the issues that are a problem on SAES at the moment. Too keep it simple get rid of the 2nd job society in saes and get the game back.
  14. I readt the assay, but honestly the point of time consuming is the biggest issue for me. I really like to be part of groups, but if that means my entire time that I play, I got to join in for every activity or make one. I'm pretty much done. The moment I log in, mandatory this, spawn now! I just want to play for an hour or 2, have some fun and not record evey step I make on the forums to prove "we're active" . Take it all less serious and keep the fun going. Instead of the 2nd job as it's now. I also think that ages has nothing to do with it, but more the effort aka time you can and are willing to spend on it.
  15. The point is, this game/community feels like a second job at the moment. Especially when you have your own squad. At a certain point, you are thinking what the hell am I doing? You come back from work or school and crawl in front of your PC to get a higher level in a virtual game? I got other games that are less demanding and give me the same amount of fun or even more. Also, I don't agree about lazy squads, etc. This game is made to have fun and not to constantly hunt for statistics and constantly trying to improve or gain more posts to become the best at posting activities as a group/squad or gang. Sure, I get a member can contribute with a few posts a month to a group or anything else. but lately, it's just outrageous what is going on. I still remember NNB going downhill for a month and got instantly demoted to Lvl 1... Still have no words for that. The copside will be a constant problem for SAES and until a proper solution is found, expect the server to be full of criminals on the back of a fucking picador trying to provoke cops to get something to do. I think more people can relate to this. I hope you agree with me @Vennelle @AntiRug Regards,
  16. Pointless arguments, an admins word is final. #readtherules
  17. These days it ain't fun to be a cop due to the outballanced members in gangs/squads. I think this will be an ending story at some point, since people rather be criminals than be on the copside. In the end we just have crims playing as SAI arresting criminals... sad....
  18. Hbd!
  19. @Spentou said in SAES Garry's Mod night! (16.5.2020): @Howlze gift me g mod and'll stop dming you in saes! @Spentou stop being poor and buy the cheap arse game!
  20. Participants: Ramby District: Las Venturas & Los Santos Shift period: Afternoon (05-05-2020) Number of vehicles: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AwyILaw
  21. Hbd waffle
  22. I'm writing this down in my agenda, I'm going to fuck you all up as a terrorist!
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