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Everything posted by reket

  1. Turfing Z in LS Date: 27/06/2023 Screenshot(s):
  2. Another reason why we bribe before bank robberies is cops raiding our regrouping place and arresting us before we can even start the BR, resulting in us cancelling it. Disallowing this would even further cease crims from hosting bank robberies, -1 to this
  3. Date: 12/04/2023 Story: Gun dealing with @NubBob It was a sunny day. I met up with a buddy of mine from Organization Zero. They were in need of arms for an upcoming covert operation, so he contacted me. Screenshot(s):
  4. updated, it's 512x512 now
  5. Vehicle ID: 482 You can get the ID from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Vehicle_IDs Wrap access: mikupro Leave blank if anyone can use the wrap, otherwise state the usernames Thread for reward change: To be added Link your donation or reward change thread requesting this wrap. If left blank and a test is requested, the test may take a while to process, as you have no donation to request rewards for. Wrap image or give existing standard wrap name: If standard wrap: Give the wrap a name, e.g pinkies1 If custom wrap: Attach the file here, do not use 3rd party image hosts. File extension must be .PNG using 512x512 or 256x256 dimensions. Translations: Everything is in English If the wrap contains language not readable in English, please add translations here, with reference to which part of the vehicle it's painted on. You must show the FOREIGN and ENGLISH versions in plain text.
  6. Navy Malistrip has been an exceptional gang in SAES for many years. During its tenure, it has demonstrated a strong work ethic, exceptional technical skills and a commitment to delivering results. It has consistently exceeded expectations and has taken on additional responsibilities to support the server's goals and objectives. One of the key reasons why Navy Malistrip should be promoted back to level 3 is its ability to work well with others. It has excellent communication skills and a proven track record of building strong relationships with other gangs and squads. It is a team and has consistently demonstrated a positive attitude and a willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the success of projects. This makes it an asset to the server and a valuable member of any server it is a part of. In addition to its strong interpersonal skills, Navy Malistrip has also shown a deep understanding of the server's products and services. It has demonstrated expertise in its area of responsibility and has consistently delivered high-quality work. It has a track record of meeting tight deadlines and delivering projects on time, even under challenging circumstances. Its technical abilities and attention to detail make it an invaluable resource to the company and a key contributor to its success. In conclusion, Navy Malistrip has been an exceptional gang and has consistently demonstrated the skills and attributes necessary to be promoted back to level 3. It is a valued member of SAES, has a proven track record of delivering results, and has the interpersonal and technical skills required to be successful in this role. It is therefore recommended that Navy Malistrip be considered for promotion to level 3.
  7. Address: 14 blueberry apartments Account name: angel06 Last seen: 3 november 2022 Screenshots:
  8. @SILIKONDY said in Happy birthday Pasta!: cringe fuck you
  9. Activity type: Trucking Roleplay Date: 21/11/2022 Participants: @reket BackStory: There was an important delivery that had to be done quickly. No other truckers were available so I went ahead and got in my Benson. I flicked a few buttons on the dashboard, popped the back open and loaded the goods. I then drove to RC Haul and unloaded the goods, driving back afterwards. Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  10. Address: 11 Blueberry Apartments Username: aresgr Last seen: 18th October 2022 Screenshots:
  11. ^[] ^[SF Bank Robbery - (10/16/2022)] ^[] ^[]
  12. hbd 7bb
  13. Address: 9 Blueberry Apartments Account name: siddharta1985 Last seen: 26 february 2022 Screenshots
  14. Starting bid: 1.000.000$ https://streamable.com/yyimkg
  15. Address: Jefferson Brothers2 Account name: staylok Last seen: 1 September 2022 Screenshots:
  16. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[15/09/2022 - Taking Z, O, CDC Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[] ^[]
  17. @sherap2-0 said in Ejecting from shamals: No. You have the option to press space or not to let a player get in your shamal. There is this command (/eject) to cars because someone can get in your car against your wish but it doesnt happen with shamal since if he got in your shamal thats why you pressed space for him. are you mentally braindamaged?
  18. ^[] ^[SF BR 7/8 - (14/09/2022)] ^[] ^[]
  19. ^[] ^[TR BR 8/8 - (13/09/2022)] ^[] ^[]
  20. ^[] ^[SF BR 8/8 - (13/09/2022)] ^[] ^[]
  21. ^[] ^[LV BR 8/8 - (11/09/2022)] ^[] ^[]
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