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Everything posted by satan

  1. Casino Robbery
  2. Store Robbery
  3. Store Robbery
  4. SAi member Involved Licano Sanz @Rieeria Type of activity Patroling around the map Date and Duration 24/12/2022 around 30m
  5. Activity Number:# 42 Patrol Number:#15 Activity Type:Patroling around the map Date: 24/12/2022 Time spent: around 15m Participants: @corpse Screenshots:
  6. Activity Number:# 41 Patrol Number:#14 Activity Type:Patroling around the map Date: 24/12/2022 Time spent: around 20m Participants: @corpse Screenshots:
  7. BlueBerry Bank Robbery
  8. Casino Robbery
  9. House Robbery
  10. House Robbery
  11. House Robbery
  12. House Robbery
  13. Casino Robbery
  14. Store Robbery
  15. Activity Number:#40 RolePLay number:#27 Date:20/12/2022 Story: day 42 in my carshop, Do you remember when i told you about some carshow or something, i guess this customer is going there! because he asked for a BATMAN mod, and he offered me some good money! so i can't say no to money to be honest!
  16. Activity Number:#40 RolePLay number:#27 Date:20/12/2022 Story: Day 40 in my carshop, My friend today parked his car next to the car shop asking for Fixing and color change, He said he is into dark colors, so i made this for him!
  17. Activity Number:#39 RolePLay number:#26 Date:20/12/2022 Story: Day 35 in my CarShop, Today's car was for a cop, whos got his car crashed because he was chasing criminals or something, anyways i made the car done for him so he can go on his duty! I hope safety for all cops
  18. Activity Number:#38 RolePLay number:#25 Date:20/12/2022 Story: day 35 in my carshop, Today's car with in awful sutiation, it was smoking and damaged so hard, it was a racer's car so i got his car done and made the call for him so he could take it
  19. Activity Number:#37 RolePLay number:#24 Date:20/12/2022 Story: Day 32 in my mod shop, back to the fixing dept, the garage with full of them and many calls came requesting the cars to be done, so i started taking them, This customer asked for a carfix also a colorchange because he hated the last one
  20. Activity Number:#37 RolePLay number:#23 Date:20/12/2022 Story: Day 31 in my mod shop, now i feel like i'm telling my life story, to be honest, it is good to tell and write down what's going with you daily on your duty time. Moving to today's customer, he was going for some carshow, and he asked for a Flaming paintjob, i hope he like it !
  21. Activity Number:# 36 RolePLay number:#22 Date: 20/12/2022 Story: After one month in my new mod shop, Customers still coming and asking for the normal job, some paintjob, fix etc so today's customer also asked for a Fix and color change to Black, so i made it done for him and waited for his answer.
  22. Activity Number:# 35 Patrol Number:#13 Activity Type:Patroling around the map Date: 20/12/2022 Time spent: around 15m Participants: @firefox Screenshots:
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