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Everything posted by satan

  1. Activity Number:# 34 Patrol Number:# 12 Activity Type: Patroling around the map Date:20/12/2022 Time spent: 15m Participants: @FireFox Screenshots:
  2. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  3. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  4. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  5. SAi member Involved Erik stada [ @orten1 ] Type of activity role play Date and Duration 20/12/2022 around 30m Story After getting an urgent call for a possible kidnap, we made a checkpoint on LV highway
  6. SAi member Involved Erik stada [ @orten1 ] Type of activity Patroling around Date and Duration 20/12/2022 around 15m
  7. SAi member Involved Erik stada [ @orten1 ] Type of activity Role play Date and Duration 20/12/2022 around 20m Story A Chackpoint on LV highway to check The passing cars
  8. SAI member involved Erik Estada [ @orten1 ] Type of activity Patroling around Date and Duration 20/12/2022 around 15 m
  9. SAI member involved Erik Estada [ @orten1 ] Type of activity Role Play Date and Duration 20/12/2022 around 15m Story: Today while patroling me and erik, a speeding car was noticed by the rader, so we chased him and stopped him, cause of his apologizes i just made a ticket for him and let him go
  10. SAI member who you were with Erik stada [ @Orten1 ] Date, time and duration of Activity: 20/12/2022 around 40m Type of Activity Patrol around the map
  11. Author SAI member who you were with Erik stada [ @Orten1 ] Date, time and duration of Activity: 20/12/2022 around 30 Type of Activity Patrol around the map Patrol details:
  12. Store Robbery
  13. House Robbery
  14. House Robbery
  15. Store Robbery
  16. Address: Ls Lottery Shop Account name: unlckyme Last seen: 20th November 2022 Screenshots:
  17. ^[] RaceFlag:chequered_flag: ![s=][/s]
  18. ^[] RaceFlag:chequered_flag: ![s=][/s]
  19. ^[] RaceFlag:chequered_flag: ![s=][/s]
  20. ^[] RaceFlag:chequered_flag: ![s=][/s]
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