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Everything posted by satan

  1. Type: RaceFlag Participants: refer to Screenshots Winner: refer to Screenshots
  2. Type: RaceFlag Participants: refer to Screenshots Winner: refer to Screenshots
  3. Type: RaceFlag Participants: refer to Screenshots Winner: refer to Screenshots
  4. Type: RaceFlag Participants: refer to Screenshots Winner: refer to Screenshots
  5. Type: RaceFlag Participants: refer to Screenshots Winner: refer to Screenshots
  6. Part 2 : Easy Mission? This can't be an accident, every details of the mission was known, each officer and each gun we had they got information about them. So It's time to investigate about this spy who leaked the information, This noone had any information about this transportation except the truck drivers and the Mint, both of them cleared their names easily, these guys are loyal and also care about their country and their job, so even if they haven't, i'd believe it's not them. So the crew started to investigate about it, we had no clues or anything can lead us to the team. But do you remember the driver who was scared? his files seems clear and almost a good little kid around 20 years old, and he's studying computer science. he's not a criminal or someone can hold a gun, he's just a hacker or sort of, and here i knew who leaked the information, while taking the notes and what are we going to do on the mission, he was spying on us and taking the information to his crew. Thank god we knew who leaked the information and it wasn't anyone of us. our officers are so loyal to their country and the won't betray ever.
  7. Part 1 : Easy mission? While taking a break today we got a phone call says that BRINKS got a delivering mission to the Mint. The trucks were going from LVPD to the SF mint, so me and other officers prepared our cars, and we were ready to move. It was an easy mission until some criminals showed up on the highway trying to pull the cars over and rob them, and here comes our job. They was very trained and they got information and details about everything. The cars and money trucks started to speed up, then we reached the SF bride, we are so close to deliver the money and be safe, but the criminals had another plan, they started to shoot the trucks in case to stop them, i told them that's not necessary to stop. I had a rifle with me also the whole crew got too, I got an idea because they hard fast cars but it's not stable because it's so fast. so i told the officers to focus on the tiers, the criminals crew was 4 cars and 2 criminals inside each car. the cars were so easy to put down because once you push then they will easily flip. I shot to car's tiers and they crashed on the side of the road, the other car got dumped by itself because the driver was so scared from the situation. The last car was their leader's car or something like this, It was like a truck and got two criminals in it were shooting us. I called for SFPD assistance once this criminals showed up, thank god they came and they stopped their last car, they got them in custody, and we delivered the money to the Mint.
  8. While doing my normal patrol today, A very speeding car passed me, So i turned on my sirens and tried to pull him over. He didn't pull over so i used my radio to get some help, It was a School area and alot of people and kids were running. he seemed like he was on a race or something, So in case he won't stop i called for help on the radio. After the backup came and they made a traps on the road, we finally pulled him over. I prepared my taser because he seemed angry, Then i asked for his ID and car's papers, And i gave it to the Officer to check them. Then we had this talk "Me" Hello sir, Do you have any idea why we stopped you? "Him" Yea i can see, i was speeding. "Me" Alright sir since you know, Why were you speeding? "Him" Sir i'm really sorry i'm just a bit mad. "Me" Calm down sir and explain to me. Then he explained the reason for his speeding, and turns out he was mad and angry because he just broke up with his wife. So to be honest i was sad for this but he also can't be speeding like this and putting everyone's life in danger. "Him" I'm really sorry officer this won't ever happen again. Sure he will be apologizing now, so i was gentle with him and i just wrote him a ticket. "Me" Alright mister jhon, i will just write you a ticket for speeding and I'm very sorry about your loss. "Him" Thank you officer.! "Me" No problem, Have a good day! "Him" You too officers.
  9. Today while patroling around Las Venturas, We got a urgent call on the radio says " 904B" which means that there's a house on fire, we immediately went to the location and gave a call to the nearest Fire Dept. The firefighters and water tanks came to the house so fast, they put out the fire and the firefighters went inside the house to rescue the little kids. Thank god that was fast and they rescued all of them, non of the family got hurt. After we calmed down the parents we tried to investigate about the Situation, The parents said that's nothing happened, Every thing was so normal until they heard their little kid screaming in the kitchen. Which means that accident was a mistake from their little boy and it wasn't a crime someone meant to do it.
  10. Helping AA in Bank Robbery
  11. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  12. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  13. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  14. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  15. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  16. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  17. Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  18. Type: RaceFlag
  19. Type: RaceFlag
  20. Type: RaceFlag
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  25. Type: RaceFlag
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