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Everything posted by satan

  1. Casino Robbery
  2. Turfwar Before After
  3. Prison Break Participants: @kikas , @MeRo , @Ryns Story: Today While i was chilling me and ryns, I got a phone call tells that a Member of The Company (MeRo) is arrested, I freaked out and called a friend of mine who's an OutBreak member ( @kikas ). We arranged a Place to meet, when we got there we went to jail to get "MeRo" out. We broke into jail and we got him out after finishing the wardens were pushing Then we ran to get in the car, After losing the cops we went to the airport to take the plane i arranged We flew to Bone County Airport and took the car back to The Company base I'm really thankfull for Kikas's help, I asked if he want to get paid but he won't take money! And now The family are back and safe!
  4. House Robbery
  5. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  6. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  7. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  8. TMH Racers Take On: RaceFlag Type: RaceFlag Participants: Me , Other Racers Winner: Me , Other Racers
  9. House Robbery
  10. Store Robbery
  11. Helping The Outfit In Bank Robbery
  12. Helping AA in Bank Robbery
  13. Helping The Outfit In Bank Robbery
  14. Whetstone Bank Robbery
  15. Helping CDC in BR
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