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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. Sorted.
  2. @Howlze so... what's the point of having a dm area if you cannot re-enter once you die after getting stars? Omegalul. However, adding a tp delay just like F1 I'm stuck for wanted people could help
  3. Happy birthday @Fyrr mens!!!! I hope you enjoy your day, spend it with your beloved ones, do and accomplish every single goal you decide to go for, and keep getting older for a looooooonnnnngggg while!
  4. [Event #222] Event type: Arrest @Yoko_Kurama @ Jail LWS/G6: @Licano Prize: 10.000.000 Bitcoins Winner(s): [ThC]Moley Screenshots: Here ::: :::
  5. Refilling the refinery Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  6. Refueling gas stations Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  7. Jailbreak #313 OB Members: @ILLUSION , @Kybali0n , @Disaster , @Pump , @Siirtuga , @Hotfire , @Douglass , @PerroLombardo , @Groove & Me OB Helpers: @MaRoO , @cocko Screenshots: ::: ::: OB FTW
  8. Sorted.
  9. Jailbreak #306 OB Members: @Disaster , @Fugitive , @ChasinTLSN & @Licano OB Helpers: @Sucre Screenshots: Here
  10. @Jay said in Happy Birthday SAES>JAY: @Licano said in Happy Birthday SAES>JAY: hope you enjoy your my.....? had a mental breakdown, thought I said "day" at the end :fearful:
  11. Happy birthday Jay, hope you enjoy your
  12. Sorted. First one this week.
  13. Sorted.
  14. Since you couldn't claim the property within the first 48 hours after your request, the property has been put onto a public sale.
  15. Address: didiersachs rohdeo shop Account name: di26key Last seen: 21st July Screenshot:
  16. Sorted. First one this week.
  17. Jailbreak #290 OB Members: @Kowalski , @Spinkes & @Licano OB Helpers: @cocko Screenshots: Here
  18. Sorted.
  19. Delivering crude to the refinery with @Hotfire After:Here Before:Here
  20. You sold it to Crash?! He's a scammer. Locked
  21. Sorted. Second this week.
  22. Feliz cumpleaos cabron hijo de tu madre. Que la pases sper bien, no te drogues tanto y ojal sigas cumpliendo muchsimos ms!
  23. Sorted. First one this week.
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