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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Licano

  1. @Howlze so... what's the point of having a dm area if you cannot re-enter once you die after getting stars? Omegalul. However, adding a tp delay just like F1 I'm stuck for wanted people could help
  2. Happy birthday @Fyrr mens!!!! I hope you enjoy your day, spend it with your beloved ones, do and accomplish every single goal you decide to go for, and keep getting older for a looooooonnnnngggg while!
  3. [Event #222] Event type: Arrest @Yoko_Kurama @ Jail LWS/G6: @Licano Prize: 10.000.000 Bitcoins Winner(s): [ThC]Moley Screenshots: Here ::: :::
  4. Refilling the refinery Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  5. Refueling gas stations Before: ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  6. Jailbreak #313 OB Members: @ILLUSION , @Kybali0n , @Disaster , @Pump , @Siirtuga , @Hotfire , @Douglass , @PerroLombardo , @Groove & Me OB Helpers: @MaRoO , @cocko Screenshots: ::: ::: OB FTW
  7. Jailbreak #306 OB Members: @Disaster , @Fugitive , @ChasinTLSN & @Licano OB Helpers: @Sucre Screenshots: Here
  8. @Jay said in Happy Birthday SAES>JAY: @Licano said in Happy Birthday SAES>JAY: hope you enjoy your my.....? had a mental breakdown, thought I said "day" at the end :fearful:
  9. Happy birthday Jay, hope you enjoy your
  10. Since you couldn't claim the property within the first 48 hours after your request, the property has been put onto a public sale.
  11. Address: didiersachs rohdeo shop Account name: di26key Last seen: 21st July Screenshot:
  12. Jailbreak #290 OB Members: @Kowalski , @Spinkes & @Licano OB Helpers: @cocko Screenshots: Here
  13. Delivering crude to the refinery with @Hotfire After:Here Before:Here
  14. Feliz cumpleaos cabron hijo de tu madre. Que la pases sper bien, no te drogues tanto y ojal sigas cumpliendo muchsimos ms!
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