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Everything posted by Licano

  1. This is an automated post TXN ID: 3SC92288SC948150E Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Hotring 3 Vehicle Colour: - Specify any upgrades: Will be placed in game Usernames to lock: licano Where you want it placed: AA's base. For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  2. @VayraN said in House Removals: Account name: Zelozed2 Icon name: Choco Lime House Yeet
  3. Everything was sorted in game. Thanks for donating!
  4. SAES Member, hence his properties cannot be requested.
  5. Doubt this is needed at all. Any one with half a brain cell would notice whenever it was an unintended friendly fire from a totally intended deathmatch in jail. Also, being able to kill your own teammates makes everyone to actually aim and not just shooting around like degenerates, since they can screw their team.
  6. Don't know if needed but adding a poll would be cool. Also, great suggestion mens.
  7. I've noticed recently there's a huge problem regarding "who got a bigger dick in the game" thing. I honestly don't know when people started going: "Oh I can't do that? Then you shouldn't and fuck your fun" instead of going with "Oh I see you got this ability, let me incorporate it to my gameplay and play around it so I can out play you". Or even just suggesting something restrictive to be removed and not actually be added to both sides. Examples of this: Howlze requesting a CD on sell such as cop has right now instead of just requesting to remove the cancerous bribe CD or lowering to only 1 second the cool down. Like if adding a 3 cancerous seconds CD to a feature he's not even using most of the time will improve somehow his gameplay. There's a looot of cases where I've seen this happening and it's honestly stupid as fuck. It's like people don't want to be out played and can't recognize someone played better than they because they'll start complaining about balance and such. However, going back to the main point in here, I think Pizza boys should be able to sell eventhough they're wanted inside bank interiors and jail breaks, the same way cops should be able to use drugs if they wish to counter play criminals (of course criminals must be able to kill these guys the same way a cop must arrest those who are helping in any way the criminals :)))) ) Edit: Prior anyone takes what I wrote to justify some things that are not under this scenario, I only meant this particular case. There's things I think must be balanced (considering the gameplay of both sides) but there's no reason to discuss them in here.
  8. Refilling a couple gas stations around SA Before: Here After: Here
  9. @iSsoUu said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: ::: @Daryl @JoKilaPT :::
  10. @SNome said in House Removals: Account name: snome icon name: 33_jade_street ready to go
  11. Refilling the refinery with crude oil. Before: Here After: Here
  12. Refilling a couple gas stations at LS and LV in the night shift. Before: Here After: Here
  13. This sounds like a good thing to improve the fun and the interactions between cops and crims while doing the VIP thingy. Back when it got added I thought it would be a lot of fun and a cool crims vs cops display of skills. However, the truth is that most of the times cops doesn't arrive at time to pick up the VIP and viceversa, I guess it is because the winner will always be the one picking it up first. However, adding this "control de zone" kind of thing would give both crims and cops time to arrive to the place and try to fight for it. Also it might be something fun to take part of. I'd like to suggest some things to Bartman's suggestion, in case this is considered to be added. the way some drop points for the VIP should change. Right now the PDs has no access for criminals to get in (and there's where the cops drop the VIP). Also, it'd be good to keep the drop point outside the PD (in front of it or anywhere nearby. Also gotta remember in LS PD none can recieve damage neither use guns), so there's no abuse with respawning and the 4 seconds or more invulnerability after respawning.
  14. Refueling the refinery with crude oil Before: Here After: Here
  15. @Lilskies said in House Removals: Account name: mahdi444 icon name: Unitel 4 Supa Square View yeeted again
  16. @Lilskies said in House Removals: Account name: mahdi444 icon name: Unitel Travel Shop yeet
  17. Sorted. Second one this week.
  18. Sorted.
  19. Thank u'all very much mens!! I appreciate your kind wishes
  20. Happy birthday matizz mens, wish u the best
  21. Hello there friends! From now on November 27th / 2019 until December 11th / 2019 , Outbreak organization will be hosting its seasonal recruitment. Hence, everyone interested in being part of this beloved family, you're free to click in here , and create your own topic following the application format. Make sure to read everything and show us how interested you are in order to be part of our lines! Make sure to read our announcements channel in our discord server and stay tuned for any news in there! OB HQ Team
  22. Thank you very much mens!
  23. Property belongs to a SAES member, hence cannot be requested as an inactive property.
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